The Magic Outfit

Chapter 919: search

"It's me." Lord Moonstone nodded, then whispered: "I don't know what the Lord has ordered?"

"Help me find someone, Xiushui Xingjun, and I will take her to Tianle Mountain." Su Tangdao added a sentence: "It's better to live."

The third prince Zhan Lian is still very familiar with the Abyss Cave.Only with a name, let Su Tang come to the Abyss Cave to arrest people, which is tantamount to pitting Su Tang.In fact, he hopes that Su Tang can complete the task, so also Su Tang was given some necessary conveniences, and this month's Maharajah is one of them.

"Look for someone? Xiushui Xingjun?" Yue Shi Majun smiled bitterly: "I am afraid that there are thousands of practitioners who enter the desire cave every day, just a monarch, how can I find it?"

"It's your business if you can find someone. It's my business if you can bring people back." Su Tang said slowly: "Not found? You never want me to return to the lord?"

"The messenger misunderstood, you don't know how big this crater is." Yueshi Majesty sighed: "If the show Mercury Jun is on this heavy day, I may be able to find him, but if in other places, I can't catch it. ""

"I know this is extremely difficult, but the lord has other eyeliners here. I haven't asked me to find others. I only mentioned you. I want to come to trust your ability very much." Su Tang said softly: "Moreover, the lord knows You have already received the appreciation of the upper part of the desire cave.After a little operation, you may enter the alliance cave and even become a steward, so the lord has explained that as long as you can find the Xiushuixing jun, it will replenish your 100-year salary, Enough for you to operate. "

"Hundred years?" Lord Moonstone froze for a moment, and then his expression became soaring, pacing back and forth in the house, and still rubbing his hands.

After walking for a while, Lord Moonstone suddenly stopped and looked at Su Tang: "Envoy, that Xiushuixingjun, how much do you know?"

"It has the appearance of a country that is full of enthusiasm, strong arrogance, and strength. No matter where she goes, she will become the center, or she hopes that she can become the center." Su Tang said slowly: "Although she is strong, but she knows the size, it is necessary It can be greeted at times, the weakness is that it is a little too greedy, and when life and death are at stake, it will be impatience and not calm enough. "

"Is it a woman? Say this ... she is a woman who is not willing to be lonely again?" Lord Yueshi breathed a sigh of relief: "This is easy to handle."


"Every day there are thousands of cities in Yuku. If she finds a place and hides in a corner, then even if I have eyes all over, I do n’t want to find her." Moonstone said: "Since you are not willing to be lonely So there are so many places she can go, how long has the lord given you? "

"Nothing." Su Tang said: "But I paid for one month."

"One month is not enough." Moonstone said, with an idea in his heart, his expression became much easier, and then he smiled and said: "The envoy is still here to turn around, the opportunity is rare, um ... that What are the characteristics of Xiushuixingjun? "

"Her Lingbao is a broken sword." Su Tang said.

"It doesn't count. Yuku is originally Anyi Township. Everyone is here to enjoy. Except for those poor ghosts who have nowhere to go, no one is willing to fight to death, not to do it. Naturally, no one knows her spiritual treasure." Tao: "Are there any other characteristics?"

Su Tang frowned and asked the information that Xing Xingjun gave him, and said softly: "Xiushui Xingjun is dressed in white, has a good fragrance, and behaves gracefully ..."

"Such a woman, I can find you ten thousand." Yueshi Majun again smiled bitterly, he still did not give up: "Is there anyway? At least let my people see her, and immediately recognize her as Xiu Mercury. Jun. "

"Xiushui Xingjun just got rid of the chase and was injured." Su Tang said: "Also, her eyebrows are a bit close, and her eyebrows are very heavy, giving people a narrow-minded feeling."

"Forget it, these ... barely reluctant." Moonstone Majesty said: "The envoy sits a little, I will go out and explain, if she is in this heavy day, I can give you news within three days."

"Good." Su Tang nodded.

Su Tang ’s task is to catch people, so he does n’t care what Shi Ma will do in that month. In his free time, he does n’t chat with Jiang Huquan or others, or wanders around in groups, seeing the sight of the craving cave.

The consumption of the desire cave is extremely amazing.The daily consumption of the Rong Shen Pill is only equal to the ticket.The place where you live does not need to spend anything.The yard of the Moon Stone Maharaja is large enough, but if you want to engage in some recreational activities, you have to spend money, Su Tang is only I was curious for a while and heard that there were two practitioners meeting for a duel and rushed to the scene to watch the excitement. As a result, seven of them took out a total of 70 Rong Shen Pills.

If you do n’t like the food provided by Moonstone, if you want to eat something else outside, it will also cost you. If you are a big hand, it is estimated that one person will spend hundreds of Rong Shendan a month.

On this day, Su Tang and others were chatting in the yard. Bai Tong Xingjun also knew the purpose of Su Tang and often gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"Master, it's not easy to take the Xiushuixingjun out." Tong Mengxingjun whispered: "We have to pass through several spiritual arrays, as long as the Xiushuixingjun shows something wrong, let the guards notice that we can It's hard to fly with wings inserted "

"I know." Su Tang nodded. "But it should not be difficult to get rid of a person, I don't believe that the practitioners of the Cave of Desire will monitor every corner from time to time. It's really impossible. We will torture here."

"Master, do you know what you want above?" Bai Tong Xingjun hurriedly said.

"Well," Su Tang responded. As for what it is, he doesn't need to explain with Bai Tong Xingjun and others now.

At this moment, Lord Moonstone hurriedly walked in from outside, glanced at Su Tang, and lingered.

"Found someone?" Su Tang was delighted.

"There is no reason to be close, and there is no way to inquire." Moonstone Majesty said: "But it's very similar to what you said. The small face is really good. I like to be in the limelight. Now I'm mixing with Kui Ba and them."

"Master, do you know what you want above?" Bai Tong Xingjun hurriedly said.

"Well," Su Tang responded. As for what it is, he doesn't need to explain with Bai Tong Xingjun and others now.

At this moment, Lord Moonstone hurriedly walked in from outside, glanced at Su Tang, and lingered.

"Found someone?" Su Tang was delighted.

"There is no reason to be close, and there is no way to inquire." Moonstone Majesty said: "But it's very similar to what you said. The small face is really good. I like to be in the limelight. Now I'm mixing with Kui Ba and them."

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