The Magic Outfit

Chapter 920: Fighting field

"Some people say that all beings are equal, but actually all beings can never be equal, especially during the course of cultivation." Bai Tongxing said: "It is almost impossible for the rodents to break through the bottleneck of Xingjun, but it is really broken. Their combat power will become much stronger than ordinary star kings, because they pay several times or even dozens of times that of other practitioners. "

"Yeah, among the demon clan, those big demon who inherited the ancient bloodline are much easier to practice than ordinary demon." Tong Mengxing said: "And those who are squirrel rabbits are more difficult. Now. "

"Perhaps, they were given a great fortune at the time of their birth, and Fuze shared the benefits, or else ... how could they all be promoted to Xingjun?" Di Cui Xingjun said.

"Monarch Moonstone, where can I find her?" Su Tang asked.

"In the battlefield," said Yueshi Majesty: "Today is the day when Lingxu and Wanpeng fought against each other. Most of the practitioners who learned the news hurried to watch the battle, and she would not be idle."

"As Da Luo Xingjun, will you fight here?" Bai Tong Xingjun froze.

"How can Maharaja?" Majesty Moonstone whispered, "Maharaja also has shyness or can't help himself, don't talk about others, I have been in the cave for more than 100 years, and I have beaten six people , Seven games. "

Su Tang was a little surprised, he couldn't see the strength of Moon Stone Lord, but he fought with people for six or seven games, and he could survive, just like a good person, proving that Moon Stone Lord must have extraordinary skills and can sue him. Tang is so polite, it should be seen in his own identity. If it is not the messenger of the third prince, it is estimated that even the Moon King is suffering.

"Come on, let's go to the battlefield." Su Tang said.

It took almost half an hour for Lord Moonstone to lead the way, and everyone finally felt that the destination, this is the main battlefield of the Pearl City, the architectural style is extremely grand and majestic, and the whole battlefield is round, somewhat like a gymnasium, round The shape of the wall is hundreds of meters high, and there are countless runes engraved in the wall. Looking up, the practitioners flying on the wall become as small as ants.

Near the wall, there were many guards who wanted to come back to patrol and saw Su Tang and others. Several guards came forward: "Several adults, are you going to the battlefield to watch the battle?"

"Good." Su Tang nodded.

One of the guards glanced around, there were seven people on Su Tang ’s side, and Moon Stone Majesty also brought two entourages, and the guard accompanied him and said with a smile: "There are ten in total, three hundred gods of fusion."

"From here," said Yueshi Maharaja, then raised his hand and threw a jade pendant.

The **** took the jade pendant, and the operation thought swept through the jade pendant a few times, and then returned the jade pendant to the moon stone lord with a smile.

"Thank you." Su Tang said.

"Some small things, what kind of politeness." Yue Shi Majun smiled: "I can live comfortably in the Desire Cave, all relying on the original cultivation of the prince, now the prince has something for me to do, naturally I will do my best."

"If I can succeed this time, I must make a few words for the Majesty after I go back." Su Tang said.

"So, I should thank you," said Moon Stone Majesty.

A group of people swept up the high wall one after another. Although Su Tang had seen the large wall outside, he flew to the heights and was surprised when he glanced at the entire arena.

Su Tang's location is about ten kilometers away from the battlefield in the center. It looks like the battlefield is as large as a chicken egg, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

"Come with me." Moonstone Majesty said, then turned and walked to the left.

Those who are interested in the duel of the Maharaja are all practitioners. They are scattered in groups, waiting for a while while chatting.

Some practitioners are standing near the outermost layer, which makes Su Tang a little puzzled, so far away, how can he see the details of the battle?

After walking for another half an hour, Lord Moonstone stopped and whispered, "Here it is."

It is still five or six kilometers away from the battlefield, but Su Tang knew that they did not come here to observe the battle, and he did not say anything about looking for the Xiushuixing Jun, but just looked in the direction indicated by the moonstone. go with.

Beyond a hundred meters below the slope, there are more than a dozen practitioners, including a woman in a white dress, who is tall and half a head taller than the man closest to her, with a graceful posture and elegant manners, although it is The back, but it also shows a charming style.

"Is that the one?" Su Tang whispered.

"Well." Lord Moonstone nodded, then looked away.

At that moment, the woman suddenly turned her head and glanced around, but she found nothing and turned her head again.

Xingjun-level practitioners are extremely sensitive in their senses, and their gaze will also produce some kind of weak pressure, so the woman immediately noticed.

"It's alert enough." Su Tang smiled.

"The more ghosts in your heart, the more alert you will be," said Yueshi Maharaja. He never asked why the third prince Zhan Lian was looking for Xiushui Xingjun. 'S partners, at least, won't get in trouble because of their talkativeness.

"She is beautiful." Di Cui Xingjun said.

It's just that nobody talks about this topic. As a woman, seeing another beautiful woman instinctively makes her can't help but compare, but for these men, the phenomenon of being addicted to beauty and unable to extricate themselves is long gone. Too.

They are the star kings, the star kings who can call the wind and the rain, and the female color is the most insignificant link on the path of spiritual practice. No stupid star king will make mistakes because of this.

But it can also be proved that the beautiful Mercury Jun can always be the center no matter where he goes, and has nothing to do with her beauty.

At this time, a few people with red runes on their heads came over and said with a smile: "Several adults, do you want to bet? Now bet Wan Peng won a lot but lost seven."

"We're not interested, let's go find someone else." Yueshi Majesty said.

No one bets on Su Tang here, but the business of those few people is very good. From time to time, practitioners take the initiative to greet them, and because of the different people who look at each other, quarrels often break out.

"Actually, I should bet once." Yueshi Majun said, "Do you believe in miracles or reason?"

"Miracle? Doctrine? What do you mean?" Su Tang froze.

"It is reasonable to say that Lord Ling Xu has a great chance to win. He has become a **** of mind, and he can always defeat the enemy first." Yue Shi said: "If you believe in miracles, you should choose Wan Peng. It is said that he took the initiative to Ling The Emperor XU initiated a provocation, and many people speculated that he should have recently developed some kind of magical power, which can restrain Ling Xu, otherwise, he should bet 70% on his bet. The famous madman in the Desire, fighting against him, hehehe ... "

"I don't believe in miracles," Su Tang said.

"Same as me." Moonstone Majesty paused: "If the trip is successful, the Lord will give you an ancient divine guide? Seeing your breath, you can step into Ronaldinho's territory and it's time to make some preparations. "

"Ancient God Guide ..." Su Tang was puzzled.

"The Lord hasn't mentioned it with you? It should be to surprise you ..." Moonstone Majesty froze: "The supernatural powers should be led by the gods. The supernatural powers in the star field are roughly divided into human machine, demon spirit and magic breath. There are six types of supernatural powers in various categories, and there are countless small supernatural powers. What supernatural powers you can cultivate depends on your own chances. "

"Ancient Divine Guide is hard to come by?" Su Tang whispered, his knowledge source is limited. Recently, he asked the Xing Xingjun to inadvertently assume the responsibility of teaching, but asked the Xing Xingjun never mentioned the Shen cited, He would never know.

"Rare ..." Lord Moonstone smiled, and then sighed long: "I have been tormenting for hundreds of years in the Cave of Desire, just to get a divine introduction, but unfortunately ... I found someone. This matter has nothing to do with me. I'm accompanying you here because I can't rest assured. If you lose your hand, the prince is annoyed and may have to deduct my salary. Salaries, I can operate, and only then have the opportunity to become the manager of the Desire, otherwise, it is estimated that I will not be able to develop magical powers in my life. "

Is God so important? Su Tang murmured secretly. The Golden Raven Star King had never mentioned it before. It should be that he hadn't arrived at the entrance, and it was useless to say, or the Golden Raven Star King didn't understand it.

"Among the Maharajas, how much can be cultivated into magical powers?" Bai Tong Xingjun said quietly.

"Twenty-three out of ten." Moonstone Majesty replied, and then he looked at Su Tang: "You don't have to worry, you can get such trust from the monarch. Presumably you have entered the wall of the monarch's door. As long as you pass through, the monarch will naturally Find a copy of the ancient **** for you. "

At this time, there was a loud noise in the field. They were too far away, and they could only vaguely see two figures stepping into the flat field, and then a white brilliance rose into the sky.

"It's starting," said Yueshi Maharaja.

Booming ... The white brilliance was tumbling, exuding thunder and thunder. For a moment, a light curtain condensed over the flat field, almost tens of meters high from the flat field.

The figure on the flat field disappeared, and then two figures appeared in the light curtain.One side was a middle-aged man, the eyebrows were sharp, the nose was straight, the shoulder was diagonally inserted with a spirit sword, and the other side was an old man. A little rickety figure, with a pair of eagle eyes, shimmering in light.

Their images are very clear and clear, and Su Tang understands why he is still full of practitioners at a farther distance, and he does not need to be close at all.

The place where the image is located has mountains and water, and an endless plain. The area is huge. The battlefield should not be in the battlefield. The so-called battlefield is a teleporting spirit array.

"Master, not just us, it seems that some people are staring at the Xiushuixingjun." Bai Tongxingjun said suddenly.

"Who?" Su Tang froze.

"I don't know." Bai Tong Xingjun whispered back: "More than seventy meters behind our left, the pair of men and women, they also noticed us."

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