The Magic Outfit

Chapter 922: Riot

"It seems that Maharaja doesn't want to go back to Tianle Mountain again." Su Tang said softly.

In that month, Lord Moonstone dared to shake out like this, and even seemed to have some insulting taste. If the third prince Zhan Lian knew, it would definitely not be able to spare Lord Moonstone.

However, Su Tang also understood that even if these words were rotten in his stomach, he would not mention it to anyone.

There are only two assumptions about this kind of thing. The three princes do not want to use Su Tang's eternal floating tactics, just look at the old Jiujiao map, and bring Su Tang by the way, and when they hear these words, the third prince 狴 犴He must be very angry, he will think: Well, I take care of you like this, are you actually suspicious of me? In addition, the third prince Zhan Lian didn't think of this layer, and was just reminded. That's right, the old life of the old nine can help the old seven to explore the main situation, of course, it can also help me

And another hypothesis, the third prince Zhanli really wants to use Su Tang. Hearing these words, his true face has been taken through, then there is nothing to disguise, and it is hard to su Tang directly, and the third prince Zhanli There are too many ways to firmly control Su Tang.

"Go back and do what." Yueshi Majun laughed: "Like me, I can only believe a word, if there is milk, I am a mother. Now I am missing, just to recognize the mother's capital, not to mention Tianle Mountain. It ’s not good for me, it ’s better to stay in this crater. "

Su Tang took a deep look at Moon Stone Lord. He already recognized a lot of Star Kings, but he really was not a personal thing. Really good Star King counted one. One.

It has nothing to do with strength, only because of the city palace, that month, the stone lord dared to say this. I thought he would be more careful when he thought that Su Tang would never dare to divulge it.

"When you first came in, I thought you were a disciple of the prince, so be careful and try not to deal with you." Yueshi Majun laughed again: "Since you are the ninth vein, then I am much easier. "

"I am the ninth person, will you help me?" Su Tang said.

"Naturally I want to help, one, keep some friendships, maybe I will ask you later, and the other, you have already inherited the ninth vein, the future is great, and helping you is only good for me, no harm." Lord Moonstone said that his eyes swept through the crowd in front of him, and he suddenly froze, murmured, "How come they came ..."

"Who?" Su Tang asked hurriedly.

"Sovereign Lord Wuwu and Lord Black Puppet" Lord Moonstone frowned: "Looking at their location, it seems that they were also directed at Xiushuixingjun ... What kind of spirit treasure did Xiushuixing steal?" Did they? "

Su Tang looked at Moon Stone Majesty's sight and found that two figures were slowly approaching from the left and right sides to the location of Xiushuixingjun, their movements were very slow, and the location of Xiushuixingjun was still more than 100 meters away, and The team of Xiushui Xingjun didn't even notice it.

"I'm afraid there will be a big thing ..." Moon Stone Majesty murmured, "You are careful, ambassador."

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly broke out in the sky dome, and a black silk thread came down from the sky, instantly covering the entire flat field in it.

Both Su Tang and Moonstone Majesty operated the body protection mindfulness at the first time, protecting themselves in the halo of the mindfulness.

The light curtain above the flat field has been worn through by black silk threads, and the scene has gradually become blurred.Although in the light curtain, the battle between Lord Ling Xu and Lord Wan Peng seems more and more intense, but At the moment, the practitioners in the flat field had no time to watch the battle, and they all turned their minds. In the large flat field, it seemed that countless light bulbs were lit.

The black silk thread's attack power is not strong, but it is not weak.Several practitioners can't resist the continuous shooting of the black silk thread.The body protector's mind is captured and wailing mourning. One of the practitioners is falling. In an instant, he tried his best to throw his spirit treasure into the sky, but finally the pitch was crooked, and he was bombarding the back of a practitioner not far away.

The cultivator staggered, spitting out blood in his mouth, and then his arms were shaking, instinctively hitting two energies towards the rear.

Two strong currents passed by the practitioners who had fallen down and were slamming into another group of people. The group of people was not injured, but they showed their spiritual treasures and looked for their targets.

At this moment, the black silk thread falling from the height is getting denser and thicker, and finally the whole world becomes dark.The distance between Su Tang and Moon Stone Lord is only three meters, but at most they can only vaguely see each other. Figure.

The practitioners in the flat field completely messed up their positions.Many practitioners released the aerial technique and tried to avoid high altitude.Some practitioners released their spiritual treasures indiscriminately.However, the world has been completely swallowed by darkness. Each practitioner can only rely on his own sense of breath to make movements, which will inevitably lead to misunderstandings.

Moreover, the speed of the star kings to show their body is very fast, which can reach 100 meters and kilometers in an instant.When a star king feels a breath approaching himself quickly, the metropolis will immediately fight back because they ca n’t see the appearance of the coming person. , I can't see the movement of the coming person, can't distinguish the good from the evil, and will surely treat all the breaths close to them as enemies.

In just a few seconds, the entire flat field became a boiling giant pot,

"Don't move," said Yueshi Maharaja, listening to his tone, feeling the same nervousness.

"I'm still here." Su Tang said slowly.

"I can't think of those people who are so bold and courageous," said Yue Shi Majun one by one: "It's really boring to dare to let them go in the cave of desire"

Su Tang narrowed his eyes and scanned the surrounding, intricate black lines oscillating in the air, not knowing what was condensing, not only blocked all the light, but even disturbed the magic eye he had activated, he The devil's eye can directly look at the core of everything and catch the operation of spiritual power, but under the disturbance of those black lines, it can only be seen more than ten meters away, which has never been the thing before.

"What is the magic formula? Is it so domineering?" Su Tang said softly.

"I don't know," said Yueshi Majesty: "I only know that they are not far away from death. Every heavy day in the Abyss Cave, there are at least a dozen or so majesty guarding, not to mention that other heavy overhauls will also send the Spirit Formation. Come and support "

"Master, you are a good person." Su Tang smiled.

"Why do you say that?" Moonstone Majesty froze.

"Because at this time, you can still keep your duty." Su Tang said.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth have already been in a mess, and the spiritual tactics released by many practitioners are large-scale bombardments with 360 degrees and no dead ends.No matter the level of entry, the star kings have great strength and are attacked. Of course, to fight back, there are crazy spiritual fluctuations everywhere, and there are explosions everywhere, and you can clearly feel the stone slabs blessed with magic symbols under your feet shaking violently.

"Duty?" Moon Stone Majesty still puzzled.

At this moment, not far from two people, someone roared: "Go away"

Along with the roar, a powerful force roared in, and Su Tang and Moon Stone Majesty were also involved.

Since the shouting was off, it proved that the man didn't want to cause trouble, but just wanted to keep the fight around away from him.

Lord Moonstone frowned, and the detective shot some cold light, and the cold light swept away in the direction of Juli, then, there was a smoldering over there, and then another great force rolled over and bombarded on Moonstone and Su Tang Body.

Su Tang has started the magic costume, and with the protection of the mind, this level can't threaten him, and the moon stone lord is also a big Luo Xingjun, he has already left his hand, and seeing the other party is so ignorant. He was also annoyed when he was regarded as an enemy. The detective shot more than a hundred cold lights and shot like a storm.

Booming ... The breath over there suddenly became weak, and apparently had been hit hard by Moonstone Matriarch. Su Tang's figure started at this time, and he crossed Moonstone Maharaja and swept to the other side.

King Moonstone was shocked and instinctively strengthened his defenses, but Su Tang just passed him and didn't make any extra moves.

After a few breaths, Su Tang slowly backed away, he had an extra ring in his hand, and then said with a smile: "I do n’t know what is inside. After I go back to refining, we are half of us. Please be big. You can rest assured that you will never be lacking. "

"Are you ... are you crazy?" Moonstone Majesty only felt horrified: "There is such a big thing, the upper level of the crater is definitely not willing to give up. They must definitely pursue it, if they know ..."

"So I said just now, you are a good man, although you have some calculations, but you just stare at what you deserve. There is no extravagance for extra things, ha ha ha ... You can get this step, I do n’t know. "How much did you pay?" Su Tang said lightly: "What do you know? You are too high on this craving. What's more, what they should do now is to quickly calm the riots. Where can we feel the emotions?"

Lord Moonstone stopped talking and frowned, thinking about something.

"Also, Maharaja thought what would be so chaotic here? I don't know how many people are taking advantage of the fire." Su Tang said: "But ... do you have to go through the teleportation spirit circle when you want to come to this heavy day?"

"Yes," said Moon Stone Majesty: "Every day is a closed heaven and earth, and you can only walk from the teleporting spirit array, unless you are disturbed by the true god."

"If this thing is planned by me, then the first one will destroy the teleportation array to maximize the riot." Su Tang said softly: "So, don't think about it, the support will not come, and the riot will continue. For quite some time, with just a dozen big Luo Xingjuns, there was no way to calm down. "

Lord Moonstone senses the fluctuations around him.At this moment, the fighting in all directions is getting more and more intense. The concussive spiritual power fluctuates, as if it can overturn the whole world, so much trouble, a dozen big Luo Xingjun, really did not Ways to solve the problem.

"Great enough." Su Tang said.

"Who are you talking about?" Yueshi Maharaja asked.

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