The Magic Outfit

Chapter 923: Kill

"Of course it's Prince Qi's eyebrows." Su Tang said: "With such a big momentum, first of all, you can confuse your eyes, so that people who want to cave can't find it. Alas ... I don't know what Xiushui Xingjun stole. The prince sent me to come, and Seventh Prince Jade Canal has no good intentions. If the people in the cave know the details, what do you think they will do? "

"Of course, we must follow the rules," said Moon Stone Majesty: "If Xiushuixingjun is going to leave, they will not stop, but as long as Xiushuixingjun stays here for an extra day, they will protect Xiushuixingjun's safety."

"You think of them too well." Su Tang sighed: "They will repeatedly emphasize the threat of Seventh Prince Jiji, forcing the Xiushuixingjun to have to stay, so for hundreds of years, when Xiushuixingjun's private When Zang squandered almost, they could only take out the Lingbao. They could get the Lingbao without much effort. Seventh Prince Jiji will make such a big hand. I thought I would have expected this too. If it was me, I will do the same, and I will never tolerate the desire of the fishermen

"Hehe ..." Yueshi Maharaja laughed.

"Master, are you ready?" Su Tang said.

"What are you ready for?" Lord Moonstone was shocked again.

"It's such a good time to rob, don't grab a happy one, you will regret it for life." Su Tang said lightly: "Perhaps this night alone, your gains can exceed that 100-year salary."

After talking, Su Tang swept up, the magic sword penetrated into the darkness, followed by a roar in front, Su Tang retreated back to the original place, and the other end issued a painful cry, apparently Su Tang occupied the overall advantage, The opponent was defeated with one blow.

Although the Devil's Eye can only see images within ten meters, it is enough for Su Tang. He can cut the opponent's weakness accurately.

The moonlight prince's double pupils scattered the fine light. In fact, Su Tang was right. He is a person who likes to act according to the rules and likes to abide by his duty, but everyone is greedy.There was no such idea before. After Su Tang's reminder, his desire burned and could no longer be packed.

"I found that you haven't worried about your followers," said Yueshi Majesty.

"Perhaps ... I am really a cool-hearted person." Su Tang froze for a moment, then showed a helpless smile: "Also, I believe that they can escape the hijacking, it is their luck, They ca n’t escape, it ’s their fate. "

"You're so crunchy," said Moon Stone Majesty.

"Are you all right?" Su Tang said: "If the Maharaja doesn't want to pollute his hands, then I will go by myself." In fact, Su Tang still has great confidence in his own strength, but just now Yueshi Majun showed his hand, Those pebbles-like spirit treasures are extremely powerful, and if they team up with Moonstone Matriarch, the harvest speed will increase significantly.

"How can such a grand event save me?" Said Yue Shi Majun gritted his teeth.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu Zhechi and those who are close to Mexico are black, and the ruled Moon Stone Majesty, but only a moment was enchanted by Su Tang.

The two men swept side by side and plunged into the darkness.In fact, they stayed in place, but few people came to fight their ideas.After all, the fluctuation of the spiritual power exuded by Lord Moonstone is quite scary. Spirit strength can still distinguish strength and weakness.

But as soon as they started to swipe quickly, countless attacks came from all sides, especially the practitioners in front of them, who sensed that the breath was approaching quickly and would desperately vent their spiritual power.

"If you know that your followers have been killed, will you feel at ease?" Moonstone Majesty said quietly while turning his spirit.

"White pupil Xingjun has the ability, if he recognizes us, he will naturally greet." Su Tang replied.

"But ..." Lord Moonstone thought of his entourage, but immediately he forced himself to think of nothing and meet the enemy with all his might.

After Su Tang's magical suit has been tempered by the fire of chaos, the power has increased greatly, and the blessing of the three burning arrows. Su Tang's combat power has far exceeded that of the original, and Moon Stone Lord is after all Luo Xingjun. Stop and shoot out in a hurry, no matter whether it is a group of three or five, or a lone traveler, they are not their opponents.

Occasionally encounter enemies of Qifeng's opponents, but after the first collision between the two sides, they will retreat with two unintentional moves, and there will no longer be conflicts. Su Tang and Yueshi Lord know that the opportunity is rare, and there are a large number of lambs waiting for them to harvest. The other party also knew that they didn't bother to die in the end.

Counting money and succeeding in cramps, Master Moonstone should have tasted this taste for the first time. After he has accumulated more than a dozen of abstinence, his breath has become rapid, and his pupils have also expressed fear from time to time, because they get He was too scared.

However, Su Tang did not have this consciousness.He still swayed the magic sword and beheaded, and when he met the strong, he would retreat, and when he was weak, he attacked with all his strength.Although the Moonstone Lord has fear, but Su Tang does not retreat, he can only continue to follow.

I do n’t know how far the rushing and killing, the spiritual fluctuations in front suddenly became weaker, Su Tang said sideways: "Go back to kill"

"Will we kill ..." Moon Stone Lord murmured.

"If you don't want to regret it, come with me," Su Tang said.

The two men came back again, but this time, the density of resistance was far less than it was just now. Sometimes, when they swept away more than a thousand meters, they would fight, but the chance of encountering a strong hand was rising sharply.

The practitioners who are qualified to be wolves are constantly killing, and the cowardly and weak practitioners have already escaped a lot.The darkness is not only covering the entire arena, the big city of pearls has changed. It was completely dark, but as long as you escaped from the battlefield and found a place to hide and shield yourself from the atmosphere, it would be much safer.

Su Tang is very capable of self-control. Seeing that something is awkward, he fights again, that is, the wolves are competing, and the Moon Stone Lord changes direction, killing the flat field.

This was a catastrophic disaster. Even with the help of the temple of thought, Su Tang could not remember how many practitioners he had beheaded, and they were all people who had no complaints with him in the past and no hatred in recent days.

After killing off the field, the surrounding spiritual fluctuations have become very few, Su Tang sighed with relief and stopped at the same place.

Some people are born wolves, and wolves eat meat all over the world, so when they see opportunities, they will instinctively make wolf choices, such as Su Tang; some people are born dogs and lambs, such as Moonstone Matriarch, but they are only subject to Su Tang Bewitched, and turned Moon Moon Lord into a wolf.

"Even if the task is not completed, this time it is worth it." Su Tang said softly.

"How many do you receive?" Yueshi Maharaja asked. Although the battle had subsided, his voice was still trembling slightly.

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