The Magic Outfit

Chapter 924: Real battle

"I only care about fighting with people, where is the mood to count the numbers? Anyway, he won't fly away." Su Tang said slowly, then he looked around for a moment, murmured, "This spirit charm is too domineering, It should have been half an hour now? There was no sign of collapse. "

"The entire city of pearls is enveloped." Yueshi Maharaja said: "It is estimated that the overwhelming overhauls who wish to protect the caves are not dared to come out. They have no way to calm down the current situation, but may be chaotic. . "

"Is there no regrets this time?" Su Tang smiled. Although he could not see the expression of Lord Moonstone, the slightly trembling voice showed the mood of Lord Moonstone at the moment.

Lord Moonstone was awe-inspiring, he had never imagined before that Su Tang was such a murderous murderer.At the beginning, he was indeed hesitant and could not immediately subvert his own nature, but after killing this scene, Looking back, Su Tang made the wisest choice at the time.

Under the darkness, the city of pearls has become a Shura killing ground. He doesn't want to kill indiscriminately, but how long can he hide there? Fighting is everywhere, and the practitioners in the field are almost crazy, some want to escape from ascension, some want to take advantage of the fire, everyone is desperate to release their fighting power.

If someone tries to attack him, he naturally wants to counterattack. After the counterattack, is it not easy to lead the sheep?

And once there is a counterattack, there will be a second and third time.

It's better to kill it at the beginning than to hide it, so it's the most rewarding.

"It's said that Jiujia Zijiao lost his fool, who knows that the disciples who received it were so cruel and cruel." Yue Shi Majun smiled bitterly.

"It may be because you have stayed in the Desire for too long, and many of your previous experiences have been forgotten by you." Su Tang shook his head and said: "It's too easy to live, it can really make people degenerate."

"Are you talking about me?" Said Moon Stone Lord.

At this moment, a few breaths swept towards this side. Su Tang and Moon Stone Lord had just withdrew from the killing field, and temporarily did not want to cause trouble. Su Tang raised his hand and released a sword force, in order to warn the other party not to approach.

Those breaths suddenly disappeared without a trace, and there was only darkness around them with fingers outstretched.

Su Tang gently exhaled, took two steps toward the direction of Moonstone Matriarch, lowered his voice and said, "It seems that someone wants to give us a big gift."

"Big gift?" Moonstone Majesty froze for a moment, and a cold froze in his heart, he understood the meaning of Su Tang.

Most of the less powerful practitioners have already escaped, hiding in the corners that they think are safe, and waiting for the major repairers of the Desire to come to rectify the order and continue to wander outside, most likely those with vested interests.

In other words, the comers, like them, are all people who make a fortune in the dark.

The lamb has not been found, the rest are wolves, perhaps, it is time to decide the wolf king, because now every wolf is a shiny gold

The real battle has just begun.

"It may also be ... that we are giving great gifts to others ..." Yue Shi Maharaja's voice is full of helplessness, his appetite is not big, he is very very satisfied with the current harvest, but the situation is involuntary, he wants to stop, but the other party is Not dependent.

"Are you not confident in yourself, or not in me." Su Tang said.

The two did not speak, and waited slowly in the dark. Time passed bit by bit. There was no sound here, and there was silence.

From a certain perspective, spiritual practice is also a competitive sport, and for competitive sports, slackness is the deadliest. As long as you put it down for a few months, your skills will quickly decay. Lord Moonstone was sent to the Desire by the third prince Zhanlu. After a long operation, he has become accustomed to another very stable way of life.He does not need to work hard with people to get a lot of spiritual resources. Adventurousness and slackness have become inevitable.

But Moonstone ’s previous experience was quite rich. Knowing that this battle is inevitable, he simply succumbed to his heart and was ready to fight again.

I don't know how long it passed. A strong wind came from the left towards Su Tang. Su Tang's figure immediately started. Relying on the speed of the Demon Wing, he easily avoided the attack and swept forward quickly.

A mass of silk thread suddenly jumped into the field of vision of the magic eye, Su Tang stretched out the magic sword with all his strength, and fell to the weakness of the mass of silk thread.

The person on the opposite side realized that Su Tang had released his breath and immediately waved Lingbao to welcome him.

Boom ... In a violent collision, the person on the opposite side made a humming sound, the figure flew backwards, and the brightness of the thread suddenly weakened a little.

Although Su Tang's magic eyes can only see the spiritual fluctuations within ten meters, it is enough, he can accurately hit the opponent's weakness, and can also judge the opponent's attacking action and angle from the scrolling of the silk thread. However, the opponent sees nothing but can only fight blindly and naturally fall into a disadvantage.

Su Tang was incapable, and his figure swept up again, but at this moment, two more strands of silk thread came from the left and right wings, and the rush current released by them rushed like a tsunami.

Su Tang had to temporarily abandon his opponent in front. The Demon Wing suddenly spread, his figure jumped into the air, bypassing the other party's attack, and then plunged down to the person on the left, and the Demon Sword followed immediately from the sky.

Boom ... Su Tang's magic sword and the opponent's Lingbao collided with each other, and the shock wave swayed in all directions. There were sounds of collapses around them, but they couldn't see the sky, they couldn't tell. What ruined.

Su Tang's figure continued to move, when suddenly he found something was wrong, the other party's Lingbao didn't know what it was, and even locked his magic sword.

Immediately afterwards, a roar of laughter came across, and then a strong current rolled towards Su Tang's body.

Su Tang suddenly slackened, and the magic sword disappeared without a trace, and then his body flew past the opponent's flanks.The magic sword that appeared again in his hands slashed out with a destructive trend, and the opposite grin suddenly changed. It became a stern cry.

At the next moment, the silk thread was expanding at a very fast speed, but Su Tang's magic eyes saw clearly, the silk thread first gathered into a small scorpion, and then suddenly became a giant scorpion with a length of tens of meters, and Still continue to expand.

Su Tang's magic eye has limited vision, he can only see the giant scorpion's two giant pliers, and the horrible scorpion head.

Dharma body? Su Tang sneered.If changed to normal, the dharma body will greatly strengthen the combat power and cause him trouble, but in the endless darkness, the initiative is in his hands.The huge dharma body will only magnify the weakness and give him a blow. The chance to kill.

Su Tang's figure swept up again, the magic sword was held high, and then a bright golden light curtain was drawn and fell with all his strength.

For a moment, the light curtain released by the magic sword even opened the darkness, allowing Su Tang to see each other, and the other party also saw Su Tang, but only for a moment, the endless darkness permeated again and swallowed everything.

Boom ... The light curtain released by the magic sword cut off the giant pliers waving indiscriminately, split the head of the scorpion, cut into the body of the practitioner's body, and cut the practitioner into two halves.

At this time, another practitioner approached Su Tang quickly. Su Tang was about to fight, and his face suddenly showed shock, and then he went all out to spread the wings of the devil, and his figure was straight up.

Immediately afterwards, a looming cold light swept through like a storm, and the practitioner was too late to chase Su Tang, so he was turned into a sieve by Han Guang. In Su Tang's magic eyes, the entire dense silk thread was almost destroyed.

There was a cry of exclamation in the darkness of "Da Luo Xingjun", and then two breaths scattered away.

Su Tang and Lord Moonstone cooperated very well. Su Tang first chased one of them, and after Lord Moonstone recognized the direction of Su Tang, he went to chase the other.

The practitioner locked in Su Tang flew the Lingbao desperately as he fled, releasing a vigorous energy, trying to disturb Su Tang, but Su Tang has a magic eye, and those actions are meaningless, and the practitioner There is no way to distinguish the environment, and it keeps hitting walls and buildings, and the distance between the two sides keeps shortening.

There were several waves of spiritual power in front of him. It seemed that someone was fighting. The practitioner immediately changed direction and ran to the place where he was fighting. He wanted to create chaos and take the opportunity to get out.

Su Tang stretched out the wings of the magic one after another, his figure fell from the sky, and the magic sword slashed down.

Seeing that the cultivator could not escape, the figure stopped in a hurry and released an attack on Su Tang while roaring.

Boom ... In the deafening roar, the practitioner's body fell to the ground, and Su Tang's figure was bounced more than ten meters high, and the devil's wings spread lightly and shot down again.

The practitioner jumped up, and at that moment, Su Tang's figure suddenly turned and flew past the practitioner's side seven meters away. If his eyes could see things, then the practitioner would definitely be able to react in time. But with his sense of breath only, he moved more than one beat.

He is still releasing the attack forward, but Su Tang has stopped behind him, and the magic sword is furious.

The cultivator had just turned half of his body, the magic sword had cut off his body protection thoughts, split the neck, a head rolled and flew out, and a thick smell came out of the neck cavity.

The battle ahead also stopped, and it seemed that the victory and defeat had been divided. Su Tang, while concentrating on the surrounding movement, leaned down and searched on the practitioner.

Knowing that the other party must have gained a lot, Su Tang turned it over very carefully. After a while, he collected all the things he had found, and was ready to go back to find Moon Stone Lord, but he only stopped one step and stopped.

Lost ... There is darkness around him with his fingers out of reach. He ca n’t tell the way back, even if he can get it back, he may not be able to find Lord Moonstone.

This is not good, there is a big Luo Xingjun around, although the reaction is slower, and a little soft-hearted, but the strength is here, he is a big help, but now he has to rely on himself.

Su Tang stood still for a while, then seemed to sense something, and slowly turned around, looking forward.

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