The Magic Outfit

Chapter 927: Gold VIP

Almost a tea time later, the city of pearls has recovered its skylight, representing the reconstruction of order. Practitioners appear on the street in twos and threes, some with fear, some with vigilance, and some with eyebrows exposed The color of excitement that can't be concealed.

A large number of practitioners also appeared in the sky, with silver runes above them, representing their identity.

By this time, of course, no one would dare to let go of anything. The desire caves strictly prohibit practitioners from fighting privately with each other, and the offenders will be severely punished.

The corporate image that Yuku wants to build is an entertainment paradise.They must protect the safety of every practitioner and let every practitioner be able to put down their guards, so that they can have fun and enjoy themselves everywhere. The practitioners are all panicked, and the harvest of that cave will be directly affected.

"I guess I'm going to stay here longer." Su Tang said softly: "If you have to go, wouldn't it be three hundred and two hundred without silver here?"

"They can't do anything with you." Fang Yizhe smiled: "Unless there is actual evidence, they will not be difficult for any practitioner. There are many places in the star field like Yuku, and the business of Yuku dominates. It is because they have a good reputation, who is broken, who will come? "

"Can they bear this breath?" Su Tang said.

"What can I do if I can't bear it?" Fang Yizhe said: "Of course, noisyness is indispensable. How to say it should also cause a deterrent, but it will definitely not move the real chapter."

"Someone came here, let's not talk about this first." Su Tang watched around and then shifted the topic: "The business here is a bit confusing."

"Confusion? I think it's pretty good," Fang Yizhe said suspiciously.

At this time, a few practitioners with white runes on their heads came over, and they were slightly surprised when they heard Su Tang's words.

"The reason why it was so tragic yesterday was because the fish and the dragon were mixed." Su Tang said: "There are some big Luo Xingjun in the fighting field, they are the first to kill in the beginning, we are not running fast, it is estimated that we will suffer as well All are Xingjing Xingjun, everyone has similar strength, who dares to act first? "

"That is not necessarily the case." Fang Yizhe said: "There is a certain gap in the strength of Xiajing Xingjun. How can you ensure that they can be safe together?"

"Anyway, if you don't do business in this way, all the customers can go back and forth in the eleventh day." Su Tang said: "If you are a generation of emperors, will you deal with the ordinary blind beggars?"

"Of course not." Fang Yizhe said.

"So, I found that the guests who came to the Desire Cave were all Xingjun class practitioners, but they didn't see the big existence of the Xingjun class. Why? Because they didn't want to be with us."

"How would you arrange it?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"I will divide the triple sky, specifically for the lower boundary Xiao Luo Xingjun, and then divide the triple sky, and provide the upper boundary Xiao Luo Xingjun." Su Tang said: "Finally, divide the triple sky to provide the big Luo Xingjun, the remaining two double days, It has to be rearranged, it must be extravagant, and only the main existence of the star main level is allowed to enter. "

"There will be business?" Fang Yizhe said.

"Why wouldn't there be?" Su Tang said: "How many star domains are there in the starry sky? As far as I know, each star domain has one or several major stars."

"How much can there be?" Fang Yizhe said.

"Trust me, you won't earn less than other heavy heavens." Su Tang said: "If we take out a mysterious machine every day, we will definitely be heartbroken, and for those big existences, a few mysterious machines can be counted. What on earth? In a word, as long as you are worth it, do n’t worry about buying

In fact, Su Tang's judgment comes from another world. Even the worst real estate agent there knows that before designing the drawings, he must first decide the customer group to be targeted before he can decide his own product and want to sell it to the rich. However, the house was built into a small household of only a few tens of square meters, which would certainly not be sold, and many businesses have the same reason.

"Like that kind of big existence, stay in your own star field, what can't you enjoy? Why should Da Lao Yuan come here?" Fang Yizhe said.

"You are wrong again, and practitioners also need friends." Su Tang said: "In his own star field, there are only a few who are qualified to be friends, and even one can't be found. If you know that there are Star masters from various domains, why do you know that they will not come? Of course, it depends on whether the caves have any details. If dozens of star owners have really come as guests and there is no way to restrain them, then it becomes A catastrophe. "

"Wonderful ..." Among the several practitioners at the Yuku, an old man headed out slowly and said to Su Tang: "I don't know where this noble guest came from?"

Su Tang glanced back at the old man and said, "I'm not humble or overbearing," "I am a monk who can't destroy Xingjun."

"It turned out to be the power under the third prince. No wonder this knowledge." The old man smiled and then looked at Fang Yizhe: "Xue Tu Xingjun, what did you think of the last time I told you?"

"Fang Daguan, I like to be unrestrained, so ..." Fang Yizhe paused, and then laughed with her: "Also please Fang Daguan to let me a few more days."

"It's okay." The old man waved his hand: "I'll be waiting for nothing here."

"Fang Da's affairs are so loving, blood slaughter is really panic ..." Fang Yizhe said.

"I am pleased with your talents, you can be at ease." The old man said: "No wonder people say dragons and dragons, phoenixes and phoenixes, the sons of mice will make holes, and the friends of Xing Tu Xingjun, they are all outstanding. "

"Fang Daguan is wrong, but my friend is really powerful." Fang Yizhe smiled: "I always look above the top, but he always convinced me by mouth."

"This honorable gentleman is ..." the old man said.

"Trumpet Demon." Su Tang hurriedly said.

"Just a few words from the honored guest just gave me a sense of indoctrination. The desire cave has always remained the same. Today, it should really be changed." The old man waved his hand and took out a charm from his arms, and then transformed it into a charm. A glory rushed to Su Tang: "Some trifles, I hope Zunke don't refuse, if you really want to change the above, and see the results, there will be many thanks"

After that, the old man turned around and shouted, "Take note that in the future, Tianmo Xingjun will be the golden guest."

"Yes." There was an entourage who then walked quickly to Su Tang, took a gold medal from his arms, and handed it to Su Tang with respect.

"If the future Demon Star King comes to the Cave to play again, you can directly show the gold medal." The old man said.

"Respect is worse than obedient, thank you Fang Daguan." Su Tang hurriedly said.

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