The Magic Outfit

Chapter 928: Help

"Did the two just come out of the fighting field? When the chaos started, were you in the field?" The old man changed the subject.

"Here." Su Tang said: "The outbreak of chaos was very sudden. Our two brothers fought their lives and only escaped."

The old man smiled, his eyes became somewhat ambiguous, and he turned back and forth several times on Su Tang and Fang Yizhe, then asked again: "Did you see any weird people?"

"This time it was Lord Xu Xing and Lord Wanpeng confrontation, too many people came, we did not pay attention." Su Tang said.

"Then we will not disturb." The old man said: "If you think of something in the future, you can contact me directly, and I will be grateful."

"Okay." Su Tang responded.

The old man nodded and then walked towards the battlefield with a few entourage.

Seeing that the old man had gone away, Su Tang whispered: "He doesn't seem to believe what I said."

"Who made you so pretentious?" Fang Yizhe whispered, "I'm lucky to say that the spiritual power is exhausted, and it must be very embarrassing in the eyes of others. You don't know how much to kill tonight. There are still unshakable grievances around the body. Do you think you can hide him? "

"Looking at him with good intentions, I just tried it a little bit." Su Tang smiled.

"What if he wants to make it difficult for you?" Fang Yizhe said.

"I have my own way." Su Tangdao, after all, he is the plenipotentiary representative of the third prince, Zhang Xingjun asked him at the time, if everything goes well, it is okay to say, if in trouble, he will directly take the third prince. Xuan's token came out.

In addition to the three princes Zeng Leng as a backer, he also has the card of the ancestor of the spirit refining gate. Although he has never had any contact with the spirit refining gate, it is okay to take it out to scare people at a critical time. After all, there is a magic costume to prove it.

Although the powerful in the star field are like the crucian carp, there are countless, but some of the reasons are connected.For example, bullying is afraid of being hard is the nature of intelligent life, there is no derogation, anyone who is bullying is afraid of being soft, then it is sick .

There are many practitioners who are killing in the battlefield.Even if they are desperately hunted down under the cave, they will only find those who lack the foundation and background and rely on their own strength to roam in the star field. It's hard for him to come to Sutang.

"Do you recognize them? It looks like the relationship is pretty good," Su Tang said again.

"Hehe ..." Fang Yizhe smiled: "Gold will shine everywhere, and Fang Daguan has invited me to join the desire cave several times."

"Oh?" Su Tang was stunned. Moon Stone Maharaja wanted to join the Yuku, but he needed capital to run up and down to have a chance. Fang Yizhe was surprised to get the invitation from Yuku, which surprised him: "Why didn't you agree?"

"The power of Yuku is huge. It is easy to get in like this kind of sect, but it is difficult to leave, so I have to think more about it." Fang Yizhe said.

If you let Master Yueshi hear these words and don't know what you think, Su Tang has a little bit of sigh in her heart.

At the same time, the old man who turned the corner stopped and looked up into the distance.

"Adult." One of the entourages took a step forward and said carefully: "That kid just casually said, is it necessary to give him a gold medal?"

"A good idea can live countless people, and a bad idea can also ruin countless people. His words really make me feel a bright light." The old man said softly: "What's more, he is a friend of Xing Tu Xingjun what."

"Xue Tu Xingjun is indeed a generational master. He enters the territory strangely and thoughtfully. The last time, if it wasn't for him, he secretly reminded that the adults would have to suffer a big loss. If they want to win him, of course it's okay, but ... the kid is just Blood Tu Xingjun's friend. "That follower is still puzzled.

"Have you noticed their standing and voice?" The old man smiled.

"This ... there seems to be nothing wrong with it." The attendant thought back and shook his head.

"Xue Tu Xingjun's character is very strong, even if I chat with me, he can maintain his humility." The old man sighed: "But when they talked, the day that Xingjun Jun said whatever he thought, it was natural, and Xingtu Xingjun After listening, he has to pause for a while, because he needs to think, if they are divided between the master and the slave, it must be dominated by the heavenly demon star king, and the blood slaughter star king is the slave. "

"Oh ..." The entourage frowned.

"This is by no means a habit formed overnight." The old man said slowly: "If the kid is a prince, his strength is far stronger than that of the blood-cutting star Xingjun, then it's okay to say, but their strength should be not far from that of Uncle Zhong. How can the blood-stained star instinctively hold a bit of awe, is it a general generation? "

At this moment, Su Tang and Fang Yizhe swept up in the air and looted towards the Moonstone Majesty's residence. After a while, Su Tang first fell into the Moonstone Majesty's courtyard and sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power. Moonstone Majesty walked out of the house quickly In Su Tang, his face smiled like a flower, and then his eyes turned to Fang Yizhe: "This is ..."

"Let me introduce this, this is Moon Moon Matriarch." Su Tangdao, then pointed to Fang Yizhe: "This is Xing Tu Xingjun."

"The kid has seen the prince." Fang Yizhe said ritually.

"Since it's a friend of Heavenly Demon, don't be polite." Yue Shi Ma was very itchy. He really wanted to discuss Su Tang's feelings tonight, but when an outsider came, he could only hold the conversation.

At this time, Jiang Huquan, Bai Tong Xingjun, Tongmeng Xingjun and others also came out. When they saw Su Tang, they cried in shock and joy: "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Su Tang's eyes swept away: "How about Chonggu Xingjun?"

"He ..." Bai Tong Xingjun's face dimmed: "We have run away, and we haven't returned at this time, it should be more fierce ..."

Su Tang was silent, then sighed: "How are you?"

"We are okay, only the reincarnation star Jun and Di Cui Xing Jun were injured." Tong Meng Xing Jun received.

"Samsung Xingjun, you come with me." Su Tangdao, then looked at Bai Tong Xingjun: "You stay here first, don't go out and walk around, waiting for my news.

"I see." Bai Tong Xingjun nodded.

"Master, I have some things to deal with, ranging from half a day to more than a day." Su Tang said to Moon Stone.

"Although you go," said Yueshi Maharaja, "Fangan Fangan, you should be more careful outside."

"I know." Su Tangdao, after this battle, his previous relationship with Lord Moonstone has rapidly heated up, and it can be regarded as a friend. Before replacing it, Lord Moonstone was too lazy to ask anything.

Then, Su Tang and others left the courtyard, led by Fang Yizhe, and swept towards the southwest corner of the city of pearls.

Fang Yizhe didn't know why Su Tang wanted to take the old man, and he looked back at Jiang Huquan from time to time.

"Everyone came out of the human world. You have broken bones and tendons. You also know it." Su Tang said: "He practiced the true solution of reincarnation, don't I need to explain it?"

"It turned out to be Green Sea Jiang Gong" Fang Yizhe was shocked: "Long admiration."

"You are ..." Jiang Huquan froze.

"Old Jiang, you would never have heard of him." Su Tang said: "When you walked out of the starry sky, he was just the owner of a branch of Mo Gu Zong."

"I was already qualified for the head office at that time, okay? It's just too lazy to have general knowledge with them." Fang Yizhe said.

"It's really terrible for later generations" Jiang Huquan was shocked. In a dozen years ago, the owner of a district Moguzong branch was just a little ant in his eyes, and now the other party can already keep pace with himself, even above him Such a terrible entry, he couldn't help moving.

This is also caused by the luck. After Jiang Huquan walked into the starry sky, he suffered one step at a time and suffered many times. However, Fang Yizhe met He Lan's air phase. After that, it was even smoother and smoother.

After almost half a cup of tea, Fang Yizhe, who led the way in the front, fell into a large mansion.The weather in this house is much more atmospheric than that of Moonstone Maharaja's residence.There is even a rockery and a pond in the courtyard. Fishing by the pond and sensing the fluctuation of spiritual force, he raised his hand and looked at Su Tang and Jiang Huquan with suspicious eyes.

"This is Tianmo Xingjun, this is reincarnation Xingjun, this is my friend, Dinghai Xingjun." Fang Yizhe introduced, and then lowered his voice: "Help me stare, we have something to discuss."

Nading Haixingjun nodded to Su Tang and Jiang Huquan, then said with helpless tone: "Go, you can rest assured, alas ... how do I feel that I have become your servant ..."

"Getting started early, over a hundred years, maybe I don't know how many people are fighting to be my servant." Fang Yizhe said while walking inward.

"Get out of here," then the starfish star was angry and smiling.

The three of them walked into the study in the backyard and were not seated yet. Su Tang whispered: "Your personality seems to be much brighter."

Fang Yizhe's figure paused and sighed: "It may be because the years are too far away, and those who couldn't put it down will be forgotten."

"This is a good thing." Su Tang said.

"Well ..." Fang Yizhe's expression became a little weird, and then he sat on the chair: "Say it right, what do you do in the cave? Need help from me?

"Why are you more active than me?" Su Tang smiled.

"I have known you for so long, and I know you too well. The best way to deal with you is to let you owe my favor, so that I can feel at ease." Fang Yizhe said.

"You are more concerned, I and you are not the same." Su Tang said.

"Almost, Chen Yan said, if you are a hungry wolf, then I am a poisonous snake, and it is not a good thing anyway." Fang Yizhe smiled: "If it is not what you owe me, when I practice the blood recipe in the human world, you Will you ignore it? "

"That's your choice, why am I involved?" Su Tangzheng said.

"Okay, don't say this, do you want me to help?" Fang Yizhe said.

Su Tang thought for a while, Fang Yizhe seemed so confident, and should have the corresponding ability. In any case, it is always a try: "I want to find someone."

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