The Magic Outfit

Chapter 929: Magic Shadow

"Who?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"Xiu Shui Xingjun." Su Tang said: "A woman has the appearance of a country that is full of arrogance and strong personality, but ... we may not be able to find her.

"Why?" Fang Yizhe said.

"I don't hide you anymore." Su Tang said: "Xu Shuixing Jun was originally a maid beside Seventh Prince Jiyu. Because he committed some precautions, he knew that he would anger Seventh Prince Jiyu and stole some spiritual treasures and escaped. When I came out, I realized that it would be difficult for me to escape the pursuit of Seventh Prince Ji Can, and finally hid in the Desire. In fact, I have already seen Xiushui Xingjun tonight, but it is a pity to slow down and let others succeed. "

"Are you saying that the chaos tonight was caused by the beautiful Mercury Jun?" Fang Yizhe asked in amazement: "Everything is the handwriting of Seventh Prince Ji Ji?"

"Almost." Su Tang said.

Fang Yizhe pondered for a long time and muttered, "This is a bit difficult ..."

"Then forget it." Su Tang said: "Since there is no white, I am already very satisfied."

"Does this matter have to be kept secret? Can I find someone to help?" Fang Yizhe said suddenly.

Su Tang pondered for a moment, the dead horse was cured as a living horse, even if it was not appropriate, there was an explanation after going back.After all, it was the person of the seventh prince Jiji who shot it. If you want to intervene, there is a little bit of shame. Moreover, the warning of Lord Moonstone is in the ear. If the three princes are really playing the idea of ​​eternal life, they will not blame him for this little thing, just be a temptation.

"Alright." Su Tang nodded.

"The person I'm looking for has a very weird temper. Sometimes he humiliates him in every possible way, and he can be calm, but sometimes he will be furious because of a little thing, a sentence or two." Fang Yizhe said: "When he comes You do n’t have to talk, I ’ll do it. "

"Got it." Su Tang said: "Who is that? Really sure?"

"He's called Moying Xingjun." Fang Yizhe said: "If even he can't find anyone, then he can help you, and he can't find him."

"Magic Shadow ..." Su Tang stunned. After all, he used the prince of Shadow Demon Star King, which sounded strange.

"How? You know?" Fang Yizhe was surprised.

"I don't know." Su Tang shook his head. "He is so powerful?"

"I've seen it before I know it." Fang Yizhe said, and then he got up and walked to the door, shoved the door open and shouted, "Dinghai, go and call Moying, and say I have something to ask him."

"You really treat me like a servant, don't you?" The cry outside the courtyard seemed very sharp.

"Go, don't talk nonsense" Fang Yizhe said.

There was no more noise outside the courtyard, and then a wave of spiritual power was thrown into the air, and gradually went away.

Then, Su Tang and others whispered and chatted.They all came from the human world of Jiutian Xingyu.The so-called pro-pro, hometown, the atmosphere seemed very harmonious. Although Fang Yizhe is a person who likes to remember vengeance, he and Jiang Huquan never happened Conflicts of interest, no hatred, no complaints, since he has no scruples.

For a moment, two waves of spiritual power were shot from a distance. One of the waves of spiritual power was falling into the hospital. Then the door of the room was knocked.

Fang Yizhe smiled suddenly, as he picked up the flint from under the table and lit a few candles, then said: "Come in."

A chunky middle-aged man walked in from the outside with a smile, and entered the door to be a group, and then smiled to Fang Yizhe: "I do n’t know what Master Xue Tu calls me?"

"Sit down and talk, everyone is a friend." Fang Yizhe said.

The short-skinned middle-aged man had no excuses. He walked straight over and sat in a chair. The four of them just occupied all sides.

"I let you sit" Fang Yizhe frowned: "Your temper ... Is it comfortable to sniff our stinky feet?"

"Hey ..." There was a hoarse laughter suddenly under the table.

Su Tang and Jiang Huquan were stunned and looked down at the table, but there was nothing to see except the table legs and the floor, and there was no spiritual fluctuation.

Immediately afterwards, the chunky middle-aged man slowly stood up and aside, and a vague shadow rose from below and landed on the chair.

Su Tang suddenly realized why Fang Yizhe ignited the candle. The light from the candle cast their shadow on the wall, but behind the stout middle-aged man, there was nothing. His shadow turned out to be. Violating the principle of light, it only crawled and twisted at the feet, pulling a black line that was connected to the black shadow sitting on the chair. If you don't pay attention to the observation, you can't see it at all.

"Master Blood Slaughter, what's the matter with me?" The shadow again made a hoarse voice.

"Help me find someone called Xiushuixingjun." Fang Yizhe said slowly.

"What's the origin?" The Shadow asked again.

"It's the maid of the seventh prince Zeng Lian. Reassure that the trouble is not big. Even if we don't look for her, it is estimated that she won't live long."

"In this heavy sky?" The shadow said.

"The Cave of Desire must have closed the teleportation spirit array, and she can't leave, this is the heavy sky." Fang Yizhe said.

"Several big existences in the Desire Cave have already come in. I don't want to alarm them." The shadow said: "I will go out to find someone at this time tomorrow."

"Good." Fang Yizhe said: "When will I get the news?"

"Tomorrow." The shadow said: "I just want to find someone?"

"Just find someone, you don't need anything else." Fang Yizhe replied.

"Although we are friends, our brothers and sisters also have to settle their accounts." The shadow said: "Twenty mysterious machines, don't bargain."

Fang Yizhe couldn't help looking at Su Tang. The twenty mysterious machines were not a small number. He could help Su Tang, but he fell in love with him and bought and sold. If he paid for Su Tang, he would be uncomfortable.

Su Tang calculated it and nodded slightly.

"Just twenty mysterious children." Fang Yizhe said: "You bring the news back, and mysterious children will give you."

"Okay." The shadow said, and then suddenly shot, a strong wind hit the burning candle, the candle suddenly dazzled the flame, and it seemed to become a flaming torch.

In the firelight, the shadow of the short and stout middle-aged man fell through the door and landed in the courtyard.

"Hey, you take this **** away with me" Fang Yizhe shouted.

"See you later ..." A faint response came from afar.

At the next moment, the black line tied to the shadow of the middle-aged man suddenly broke.At the same time, the smile of the middle-aged man became stiff, and his vitality was cut off in an instant. The middle-aged man quickly wilted when the human body escaped, and within a few breaths.

"The corpse gas is highly toxic, let's go out" Fang Yizhe's face appeared with fear.

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