The Magic Outfit

Chapter 931: Refining

Afterwards, silhouettes swept from the city of pearls and cast high into the sky. They were all monks of the Desire Cave, and hurried over to see what happened. Several of these breaths appear extremely arrogant, far stronger than the ordinary Luo Xingjun.

"His courage is too great." Su Tang frowned: "Are you afraid of being blocked by the monks of the Cave of Desire?"

"Block? How to block?" Fang Yizhe smiled: "Now he is already everywhere, even if we say now, he may hear it."

After that, Fang Yizhe made a look to Su Tang. He was worried that Su Tang would accidentally reveal his origins. That Mo Ying Xing Jun was not able to get along with the monks of Jiutian Xingshu, followed by hatred of the true dragon.

Su Tang moved, immediately opened his magic eyes, and carefully observed the surroundings. In the field of vision of the magic eyes, the streets do not know when there were countless thin silk threads, as if the entire city of pearls was covered by a huge spider The net was hidden inside.

Su Tang tentatively walked forward a few steps, after his footsteps, some silk thread was broken, and some silk thread became dull, but the silk thread he did not step on remained intact, and in a very It oscillated slightly.

"As long as the Xiu Mercury King is still in the city of the Pearl and can stay awake, not fainting and unconscious, then he will be able to find the Xiu Mercury King at least half a day later." Residence, let's go. "

Fang Yizhe had just walked to the door of the courtyard, and the courtyard was pushed away. A middle-aged man stood in the door and said with surprise: "Xue Tu Xingjun? Why did you have the leisure to come to me today?"

"Bring you a business." Fang Yizhe said.

"Oh?" Hearing the word "business," the middle-aged man showed a happy look, and then aside: "Please, please ..."

Su Tang and Jiang Huquan walked slowly into the yard. Under the guidance of the middle-aged people, they walked through the main hall and into the backyard. The backyard was larger than Fang Yizhe's residence. There was no other decoration in the yard, only one. A giant furnace that is almost seven or eight meters tall and has a diameter of more than ten meters. There seems to be fire in the furnace. Suddenly high temperatures are radiated. Su Tang is okay. He has a fire spirit bead protection. eyebrow.

"What kind of spirit treasure to be tempered?" The middle-aged man's eyes glanced back and forth between Su Tang and Jiang Huquan.

"I want to refine my spirit sword." Su Tangdao, then he showed the magic sword and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the magic sword and shook it against the wind. Suddenly, he raised the magic sword to the tip of his nose and looked carefully.

"This Lingbao ... is weird ..." the middle-aged man murmured again.

Su Tang wanted to explain, but Fang Yizhe shook his head secretly, then looked at the back of the middle-aged man with gloating.

The middle-aged man suddenly took out a round mirror, and then operated the magic formula, shooting a beam of light from the round mirror, which was falling on the magic sword. The irradiated blade of the magic sword disappeared, leaving only a faint light golden shadow.

"Are you a monk of Linglian?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Sure enough, there is a doorway" Fang Yizhe smiled and said: "Nirvana Xingjun, can this kind of spirit treasure be tempered?"

"I haven't encountered this kind of Lingbao, I don't know." The middle-aged man replied.

"Then you give it a try." Fang Yizhe said.

"Try it? What a joke?" The middle-aged man said: "My bear furnace will have losses when it is fired. If there is no way to temper, who will make up for my losses?"

Seeing that the other party did not pack the tickets indiscriminately at the beginning, Su Tang had a hint of confidence. He asked: "How much does it cost to refine Lingbao?"

"Usually there are two mysterious machines. Your spiritual treasure is special. If you can't make it, just give me a mysterious machine." The middle-aged man said: "But you need to take the materials yourself. I buy it here. "

"What materials are needed." Su Tang said.

"Wait a moment, I'll take a closer look." The middle-aged man said, and then he took out a mass of wax-like things, and slowly applied it on the magic sword. Lights up on the magic sword.

Then, the middle-aged man slowly lowered his hand, while the flame on the magic sword was still burning, the tongue of fire began to be golden yellow, and when it was almost extinguished, it slowly turned into a pale yellow.

"Your spirit sword has been quenched with the fire of chaos?" The middle-aged man once again showed a surprised look.

"That's right." Su Tang was also surprised, no wonder Fang Yizhe was so respected, and there were some means.

"Where is that idiot?" The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned sharp.

"What ... stupid?" Su Tang was puzzled.

The middle-aged man, "purely violent," said: "How could such a misuse of the fire of chaos?"

Su Tang then realized that he was the ‘stupid thing in the other party ’s mouth, and he could n’t help crying or laughing.

"Nirvana Xingjun, the previous things have nothing to do with you." Fang Yizhe said: "What do you need to refine this sword?"

"It takes a lot of money to crystallize, and there are lava stones, half a catty is enough." The middle-aged man said: "I have the lava stone here, the key is the crystal of the mind, if it is the crystal of the top grade, the effect is natural and ordinary , The effect will be much worse. "

"Do you have the crystallization of God's thoughts?" Fang Yizhe said.

The middle-aged man looked up at Fang Yizhe, and then said: "There are naturally, but not much, the price is more expensive." After that, the middle-aged man took out a small box from the ring, very cautious Opened, there were dozens of wax pellets inlaid in the cork, and he took out one of the wax pellets and slowly broke apart.

The wax pellets were filled with pale white gravel, very small, and the gloss was a bit bleak. Su Tang looked at it and found it was far less crystallized than his own mind.

"One money counts your three mysterious machines. If you are willing to buy me, you can start to refine." The middle-aged man said.

"Still use mine." Su Tang said, then he stretched out his hand, and a crystallization of thoughts appeared in his palm.

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly glared, and then he moved closer, almost burying his head in Su Tang's palm, looking at it for a moment, slowly raising his head: "This is the main crystal, brother, you really found it Treasure. "


"Only when the great existence such as the star-lord falls, can this kind of crystallization be born." The middle-aged man said: "That kind of great existence has its own territory. Yize is left to the descendants and there is no possibility of being scattered outside. "

"Is this the best crystallization of the mind?" Su Tang said.

"The best is the Crystal of the True God." The middle-aged man said: "Don't think about it. I have lived so long, and I have seen a lot of things, but is the Crystal of the True God ... hehe ..."

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