The Magic Outfit

Chapter 932: Confused

"So it's hard to get the Crystal of the True God?" Su Tang said.

"You friend ..." Nirvana Xingjun looked at Fang Yizhe and smiled, "It's really endless greed"

"If you change to someone else, it's just a dream, maybe he ... maybe one day you can really get the crystal of the true god." Fang Yizhe replied faintly: "Is it possible to start refining?"

Nirvana Xingjun froze for a moment, then took a deep look at Su Tang, said nothing more, walked out of the giant furnace, reached out and slapped against the furnace wall, shouted: "Get up"

The whole giant furnace suddenly emits red light, and then slowly floats in the sky. Nirvana Star takes a red stone from Najie and walks to the bottom of the giant furnace.There are countless small charms engraved under the giant furnace. There was a concave hole, and Nirvana Xingjun put the red stone in the concave hole, and then took a dozen steps back. With both hands pressed down, the giant furnace fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The surrounding temperature also increased several times. Fang Yizhe and Jiang Huquan exuded mist, and they had to start running Shennian to withstand the unbearable high temperature.

Nirvana Xingjun took out an empty small wax pill, walked to Su Tang, scooped up a small handful of crystals with wax pills, then weighed it, and nodded to Su Tang, indicating that Su Tang could crystalize the remaining crystals Put away.

Then Nirvana Xingjun stretched out his hand, the door of the compartment was pulled by the flow of force, and then a large box flew out of the air, and was falling at the foot of Nirvana Xingjun.

Nirvana Xingjun leaned over and opened the box, which contained all kinds of ore.He picked out a few pieces at random, and once again pinched the spirit formula, his hands turned into fiery red, and a few pieces in his hand. The ore became soft like mud, and then he stuffed wax pellets filled with crystals of the mind into the ore.

As the spirits were released one after another, the ore in the hands of Nirvana Xingjun was spinning rapidly, and finally turned into a liquid. The crystal inside the mind seemed to melt, dyeing the original fiery red sphere into brilliant gold.

Nirvana Xingjun raised his hand and threw the ball out. The ball flew up high, hovered over the giant furnace, and continued to rotate.

Then Nirvana Xingjun turned his target to the giant furnace again, while chanting the mantra, while walking around the giant furnace, the surrounding temperature actually increased several times again.

Su Tang's eyes fell on the ground. No wonder the ground here was flat and smooth like a mirror, and it had been burned by the giant furnace for many years, so that the soil had formed crystals.

At the next moment, Nirvana Xingjun's fingertips pointed to the ball in the air. The ball fell like a cannonball into the giant furnace, and the flames rose into the sky, almost staining half of the sky.

The fire from the giant furnace is very peculiar. There is no tongue. There are only fog-like flames. The temperature is extremely high. Fang Yizhe and Jiang Huquan both have the mind protection, but they also stepped back a few steps involuntarily.

Nirvana Xingjun took the magic sword in Su Tang's hand, and flew to the sky, then he pinched the spirit tactic again, and the magic sword sank into the giant furnace a little.

At the moment of the disappearance of the magic sword, Su Tang suddenly groaned, and his purple house felt an unbearable burning pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Yizhe asked sideways.

"It's okay." Su Tang gritted his teeth, and Nirvana Xingjun's movements were very skillful, it didn't look like a worthy person, maybe he could really temper his magic sword, and greatly enhance the power of the magic sword. He still can bear this kind of pain.

Nirvana Star King in mid-air is also not easy. Sometimes, smelting the spiritual weapon is a hard labor. He revolves around the giant furnace, and at the same time strives to urge his own spiritual veins. Sweaty.

Almost an hour later, the shocking flame in the giant furnace gradually became dim, but Nirvana Star's expression became more dignified, and after a while, the flame in the giant furnace had been completely extinguished. Slowly summon the magic sword.

The magic sword showed brilliant golden color. Nirvana Xingjun's hands did not seem to be afraid of the high temperature. He even reached out and held the magic sword, and then landed on the ground. Then he walked to the door of the compartment on the other side and grabbed a big cylinder from inside.

The big tank is filled with cool water. It seems reasonable that a big tank is only a few hundred pounds, but as the big tank is dragged, it even leaves a deep scratch on the crystal-like ground. Ordinary water.

Chief Nirvana took a breath, his spiritual power fluctuated wildly, and the next moment, he slammed the magic sword into the water.

Boom ... The magic sword came into contact with the water, and a deafening explosion suddenly erupted. Even the specially built houses and courtyard walls around were shaken and the water in the tank splashed into the sky.

Then Nirvana Xingjun's psychic trick, the splashing water suddenly hovered in the air, and then fell into the big tank with Nirvana Xingjun's gesture.

Obviously, those waters are extremely precious, and Nirvana Xingjun does not want to waste it, and that big tank can withstand such a violent explosion, and it is by no means an ordinary product.

The gloss of the magic sword that came out of the water became a bit dim, and Nirvana Xingjun's face showed a joyful color, shouting: "It's done"

"I know." Su Tang nodded his head, and the magic costume has been integrated with him. Of course, he can clearly sense the power of the magic sword.

"It became two mysterious machines." Nirvana Xingjun said.

"Don't worry." Su Tang took a small box from Na Jie, opened it gently, pointed out two Xuanjizi, and handed it over.

Nirvana Xingjun took the Xuanjizi and handed the magic sword to Su Tang. In fact, his careful precautions had absolutely no meaning for Su Tang. Su Tang could take back the magic sword at any time.

"How? The person I recommend to you is right?" Fang Yizhe smiled.

"It's very good." Su Tang said heartily.

"By the way, I have to check it out." Nirvana Xingjun carefully put away Xuanjizi, then took out the waxy thing, put it over and wiped it on the magic sword, and then said to Su Tang: "Try it . "

Su Tangyang's sword stabbed into the sky, a pale blue sword light shot out sharply, and swept straight into the clouds, and the entire magic sword's body became pale blue.

"It's really a strange treasure that can only be refined once, and then it can be upgraded to one level." Nirvana Xingjun said: "You will find more thoughts in the future, you can come to me again.

"Can it be further refined?" Su Tang asked.

"Of course, but the remaining crystallization of your mind is not enough." Nirvana Xingjun said: "Although there are still some crystallization of my mind here, but the quality is far inferior to yours, mixed together and reluctantly tempered, but there are It may be bad. "

"How many crystallizations are needed?" Su Tang asked again.

Nirvana Xingjun was stunned, his eyes were suspicious, and then he looked closely at the luster of the magic sword, secretly calculated a moment in his heart, and slowly said: "Your spirit treasure is definitely top-grade, so it takes a lot of spiritual thoughts. The crystallization is more, the second time at least five money, if there can be six or seven money, the effect may be better

"The more crystallization of the mind, the better?" Su Tang said.

"That's not true." Nirvana Xingjun shook his head and said: "Quenching Lingbao has to come and go again and again, and you can't eat it as a fat man at once. If you put too much crystallization in your mind, your Lingbao may be blown up. Now. "

"Seven Qian Shennian crystal?" Su Tang took out several crystals from the Najie and put them on the table: "Should these be enough?"

Nirvana Xingjun couldn't help moving. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. He approached the crystal on the table and nodded, "Enough."

"Then start to refine." Su Tang said.

"This is the second time to smelt. Not only does it require more mental crystallization, but also consumes several times more material, so this time I want to collect you five mysterious machines." Nirvana Star said.

"Okay." Su Tang nodded, and then he directly counted the five mysterious machines and handed it over first.

Nirvana Xingjun cheered up and found the ore again from the box.The step of smelting was not much different from the last time.It was just because the crystallization of the divine thought that needed to be melted was several times more, so he seemed to be strenuous and time-consuming Longer.

It took more than an hour, and the second refining was over. Nirvana Xingjun slowly pulled out the magic sword from the water.The blue light emitted by the magic sword was much thicker and thicker than before, and the streamer on the sword swept back and forth. It's like a big autumn.

"Can you continue to refine Lingbao?" Su Tang asked. He found that Nirvana Xingjun's eyebrows flashed a tired color.

"If there is business, I will not refuse it." Nirvana Xingjun said.

"This time help me to refine this spirit treasure." Su Tangdao, followed by a pair of huge golden wings that suddenly unfolded from behind Su Tang, he slowly controlled the Yuan Soul in the Purple Mansion, and the Devil's Wings slowly shrunk. , And finally turned into a long wing.

"This ... is something wrong?" Nirvana Xingjun frowned: "If you still have the crystallization of the mind, you should continue to refine your natal soul treasure. The material for refining the spirit treasure is not easy to come by, it can't be like this waste."

"It doesn't matter, just refine this." Su Tang insisted that when Nirvana Xingjun refines the Lingbao, he thought about it for a long time. At the current stage, the defensive elements such as Demon Armor and Shield are enhanced. The meaning is not great, can be beaten, needless to say, can't beat, how useful is it for a few times? It might as well run fast.

Nirvana Xingjun really thought about Su Tang. Seeing that Su Tang insisted on being confused, he turned his attention to Fang Yizhe, hoping that Fang Yizhe could persuade a few words.

"Just listen to him." Fang Yizhe smiled.

"In this case ... I regret it in the future, please don't come to me" Nirvana Star said.

"This is my choice, naturally has nothing to do with you." Su Tang smiled.

For Nirvana Xingjun, Su Tang not only committed confusion, but also carried out the confusion in the end. This pair of demon wings was actually quenched seven times.

Every time it takes more time than the previous one, and after the seventh refining is completed, it has spent a whole day, Nirvana Xingjun has made money and his feet are soft, it is really soft, even I couldn't walk steadily, trembling all over, and almost reached the point of spitting foam. It took a lot of energy to refine Lingbao. After a day, Nirvana Xingjun was already exhausted.

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