The Magic Outfit

Chapter 934: hermetic space

"I haven't done anything yet." The woman said with a smile.

Su Tang's eyes fell directly on the woman's feet. There was a black shadow trembling slightly. This was the second time to meet. Su Tang knew the ability of the magic star opposite him. If he changed someone else, he would never notice. The shadows.

"Waiting for you to do it, I will warn you again, it is too late" Fang Yizhe said: "Is there any news?"

"Xiushui Xingjun should not be in the city." The woman replied.

"What should it be?" Fang Yizhe frowned.

"There are many possibilities." The woman said: "Perhaps, Xiushui Xingjun is already dead, I can't tell the dead; perhaps, Xiushui Xingjun is hidden in a place that I can't find; or maybe, Xiushui Xingjun slept too much, otherwise it would be unconscious to be beaten, and my magic voice was useless and could not be identified.

"Since no one was found, what are you doing back?" Fang Yizhe said: "You still want those twenty mysterious children?"

"I knew you would say that, so I came back to confirm." The woman said: "I have other ways, but it will take longer."

"What's the trend of the monks in the Cave?" Su Tang asked suddenly.

The woman was silent for a while: "You are a wise man, and I thought I went with it. It doesn't matter that we can't find anyone. There are a lot of strangers in the cave, and they are much more convenient than us, not to mention this time. If it is too large, the senior officials of Yuku must be furious, and they will definitely be ordered to pursue ... "

"Say the right thing" Fang Yizhe said.

"The monks of Yuku found some clues on the side of the city, and chased them separately." The woman said: "But they are still not quite sure, only three princes lead, and will not come back after a while, Yuku Support will be dispatched. "

"What clues did they find?" Su Tang asked.

"I don't know." The woman said, "But ... it seems that the people in the cravings think that last night's chaos is related to those clues."

Su Tang stopped talking and pondered.

"At most, there are a few hours left to make a decision." The woman said: "If you want to find Xiushuixingjun, you should start now, otherwise you will be useless if we can find Xiushuixingjun if we send support to the Desire Cave."

Su Tang walked slowly in the courtyard. Seventh prince Jiu Ji made such a scene. In addition to venting his anger, the spiritual treasure stolen by Xiu Mercury Jun should also be very precious. Otherwise, the person of Qi prince Jiu Ji Just kill Xiushui Xingjun, who has already avenged her. You must take Xiushui Xingjun away, in order to find the stolen spirit treasure.

Is it worth the risk? If you go, not only do you want to fight with the seven princes, but also fight with the monks of the Cave of Desire, a bad one, you may never be able to go again.

However, the spiritual treasure that made Prince Qi Jiji so unforgettable is absolutely extraordinary. It is a lie to say that he is completely unimpressed.

Su Tang pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind to seek wealth and danger. Except for the magic suit and the three burning arrows, the only spiritual treasure that could be used was only the green lotus stick and the rune long sword.The three burning arrows can only be used once in the battlefield. There is an urgent need for Lingbao to improve his combat power. Moreover, he is different from other monks. Most monks have only one spiritual treasure in their lives, and other spiritual treasures are auxiliary, but his spiritual practice is more beneficial.

"Then take a trip," Su Tang said.

"So, are twenty mysterious machines count?" The woman asked.

"Count." Su Tang nodded.

"Good." The woman said: "However, you can't sit in the city and wait for the news. It's too much time to come and go."

"Samsung Xingjun, go back and stabilize them as much as possible." Su Tang looked at Jiang Huquan.

Jiang Huquan paused. He knew that his current strength was much worse. In the situation that happened yesterday, if he followed Su Tang, it would only drag Su Tang.

"Understood." Jiang Huquan whispered.

"I'll take a walk with you too," Fang Yizhe said suddenly.

"You?" Su Tang's eyes fell on Fang Yizhe.

"Just join in the fun and fight the Taipingquan." Fang Yizhe smiled: "If it is really dangerous, then I will run away, anyway, I did not take your task."

"I'm just in charge of finding someone." The woman hurriedly said, and Mo Yingxing Jun also released herself.

"Hehe ..." Su Tang smiled.

Then, the woman Yingying stood up and walked out of the courtyard. Su Tang and Fang Yizhe followed behind slowly, and Jiang Huquan waved goodbye to them and walked toward the direction of King Moonstone's residence.

"Where is the monk who wants to go?" Fang Yizhe whispered.

"Southwest," the woman said without looking back.

"Then what do you take us to the east?" Fang Yizhe stopped.

"He is thinking about you." Su Tang said: "It is difficult for people in the Cave to find him, and it is not easy to find me. They do not know who I am at all, but you have a lot of friends and know many monks in the Cave You were found to be suspicious, and you will be in trouble. "

Fang Yizhe was silent, then sighed softly.

"I don't know what to do." The woman in front said coldly.

The three men walked on the street for a moment, and were close to the east gate of the city of pearls. At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the restaurant next to it, hitting heavily on the ground and falling blood.

It was an ordinary woman who fell from a height of more than ten meters, causing fatal injury to her. Seeing that she could not survive, immediately, a head was found in the window of the restaurant, and the pupils were drunk and smiling. Looking at the woman still twitching.

Su Tang frowned, and suddenly said: "This kind of dogs only dare to bully the weak here, and when they go outside, they must obediently pick up their tails to be humans."

Su Tang's voice was not loud, but not too small, enough for the people above to hear clearly.

The drunkenness in the man's eyes suddenly faded away, replaced by anger. He stood up suddenly, slapped his hands on the window frame, and said with a deep voice, "Who do you say?"

"I said you." Su Tang said.

Suddenly, there was a sharp spiritual fluctuation in the restaurant. Four figures emerged through the window and fell on the street. They were surrounding Su Tang and three others.

The four practitioners all had a bad look on their faces, staring coldly at Su Tang and others, and some even showed their spiritual treasures.

Su Tang snorted, and then removed the Qinglian stick from the Najie. Fang Yizhe knew that Su Tang was covering him, and said nothing, but looked calmly at the practitioner facing him.

At this moment, a group of monks with white runes on their heads hurried over, surrounded by the outside, the four practitioners opposite were originally ready to fight, met the monks of the Cave of Desire, and then they remembered the rules here The posture is not as arrogant as before, but he is still staring at Su Tang and others fiercely.

"Forget it, let's go our business, business matters." Fang Yizhe said.

Su Tang put away the Qinglian sticks and strode forward. The practitioners who blocked the street hesitated a bit and gave way.

This is just an unremarkable little storm, a huge city of pearls, happening every moment, of course, if it really fights, it is another matter.

The four practitioners on the opposite side saw Su Tang and others walking away, and returned to the restaurant with resentment. The monks of the Caves saw that the storm had subsided and dispersed.

Su Tang left the East Gate, then rose forward, and continued to fly eastward, flying a full distance of more than a hundred miles, before they changed direction, bypassed the city of pearls, and swept southwest.

Mo Ying Xing Jun has abandoned the woman. His body is a vague black mist. He seems to have his own unique insights into techniques such as tracking.Whenever the trace is lost, the three people will stop. , Mo Yingxing Jun turned around for a moment, and was able to re-establish the direction.

Fei Fei stopped and spent almost five or six hours. There was a faint wave of spiritual power suddenly coming in front of him. It seemed that someone was fighting.

Su Tang and Fang Yizhe glanced at each other, and at the same time they fell from the sky and continued to fly, it was possible to hit the grass and startle the snake.

"I'll take a look first." Mo Yingxing Jun said in a hoarse voice.

At the next moment, the demon star suddenly swelled and turned into a dark shadow, and then the black shadow fell forward and fell on the vast grassland.The smoke became dim and turned into a vague shadow. The sky and the sky became gloomy as it floated ahead, wherever it went.

"Let's wait here." Su Tang whispered: "If there is a prince over there, it is at least a hundred miles away from us."

The fluctuation of the spiritual power released by the Majesty is naturally extremely strong, but the fluctuation will gradually dissipate between the world and the world, and it has become insignificant when it is transmitted here. distance.

"Alright." Fang Yizhe said.

Su Tang looked around for a moment, then took out Xin Pei from Na Jie, quickly scanned it, shook his head, and put away Xin Pei again: "The Lingzhen here is indeed overbearing."

Xin Pei had no news at all, proving that after entering the Cave of Desire, the unique world of the Cave of Desire has completely separated them from the Star Fields. It is just as much as possible to take Xiushuixingjun away from the city of pearls.

The teleporting charm is certainly precious, but with the status of the seventh prince, the eye can not be absent, that is to say, not only his letter is limited, but also the teleportation charm has lost its effect, and there is only one way to leave the crater. Where must I go out.

"Hehe ... It is said that this **** is two generations of true gods. It took tens of thousands of years to build it. Of course, it has its own mystery." Fang Yizhe said.

"Two generations of true gods? That is to say, the previous generations of true gods have fallen?" Su Tang said.

"You ... wouldn't it be the idea to fight the Crystal of the True God?" After all, Su Tang was known a long time ago. When Su Tang opened his mouth, Fang Yizhe vaguely felt the cold: "You can't be mad? Even if there are some left It's not your turn, it's in the hands of this generation of true gods. "

"I just asked casually." Su Tang said.

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