The Magic Outfit

Chapter 935: Important news

Su Tang and Fang Yizhe waited for almost half an hour, and a gloomy breath came from afar, and immediately rushed to the front of Su Tang. Then, a black smoke rose from the surface and condensed into a ball.

"We did not chase wrong, indeed it is Xiushuixingjun." Moyingxingjun said slowly: "They are now trapped in an underground palace and can't get out, and the monks of the desire cave can't get in, they are stalemate. . I have found it, what about Xuanjizi? "

"You just can't say a few words like this, and I will give it to you naturally when I see someone." Su Tang frowned.

"Can I still lie?" Mo Yingxing's tone became cold.

"Magic, what's their trend?" Fang Yizhe interjected.

"There is a majesty who has been hit hard by the cave, and is recuperating nearby to recuperate. There are only two maharajas and eleven Ronaldinho Xingjun left." Moying Xingjun said: "They have already set up a spirit array and are ready to seal At the exit of the Palace of the Dead, then a monarch was returned to the city of pearls to gather people. However, on the other side, it seems that there are clues, and they are negotiating to go through the customs. They have two monarchs and four little Luo Xingjun. , One of them is a captive, that is, the beautiful Mercury Jun. "

"Has the majesty who went back to ask for help already leave?" Fang Yizhe said.

"They were negotiating when I left. Waiting a moment, you should be able to sense the fluctuation of spiritual power." Mo Yingxing said.

"Well, let me be a middleman." Fang Yizhe said: "Heaven Demon Star King, you can give me twenty-five mysterious machines."

"Is it twenty?" Su Tang said, his memory cannot be deceived.

"It's twenty-five." Fang Yizhe said: "Mo Yingxing Jun, your task is to haunt that majesty, you don't really have to fight for life and death, just delay it for a while, then you come to me again, I put the mystery machine Here you are, Tianmo Xingjun, your task is to rob people, get it or not, it ’s all with you, I may be able to help you, or maybe not, do n’t expect me, my task It ’s a test to see if Xiushui Xingjun is really over there. If it is, I give Xuanjizi to Moying Xingjun. If not, I will find an opportunity to return Xuanjizi to you. How are you two? "

Mo Yingxing Jun was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Twenty-five? It's good, but the ugly words are in front of me. At most, I wrapped that majesty for a quarter of an hour, and then forced me to be in danger."

"How about you?" Fang Yizhe looked at Su Tang.

"Okay." Su Tangsong sighed, and it was the best choice to hand Xuanjizi to Fang Yizhe first, because both parties can only believe Fang Yizhe at this time.

Then, in front of Mo Yingxingjun, Su Tang pointed out 25 Xuanjizi and gave it to Fang Yizhe. Fang Yizhe put Xuanjizi into his own precepts.

At this moment, a wave of spiritual power swept from afar, and it should be the majesty who returned to the city for help as mentioned by the shadow star king.

"Magic, you should be more careful." Fang Yizhe said.

"It's only a quarter of an hour, I'm fine." Mo Ying Xingjun said in a hoarse voice: "For the sake of those five mysterious machines, let me tell you another message. When they are fighting, the guy responsible for watching Xiushui Xingjun's guy is called Guiyi Xingjun, and he and Xiushui Xingjun are together. "

"What?" Su Tang froze.

"They are all monks of the Heavenly Daoist League. I heard Xiushuixingjun question Naguiyixingjun and said why she didn't respond, forcing her to escape into the Desire, Guiyixingjun explained for a long time, that Xiushuixingjun's The mood improved a little, "said Mo Yingxing Jun:" The Xiushuixing Jun may feel that it is difficult for him to escape from the sky. He quietly told Gui Yixing Jun some very important words. I didn't listen too clearly. I only heard Han Xue. The words Old Town and Fire Dragon Reef. "

"Thank you." Su Tang Su Rong said, this news is very important to him, but also think that this guy Moxing Xingjun is very annoying, if you don't add five Xuanjizi, you won't spit out all the news one by one. What? Who is this?

Mo Ying Xing Jun didn't speak, and the spiritual power fluctuations coming from far away were getting closer and closer, and after a while, they would pass from a few miles away near them.

The Lord of Shadows turned into a shadow again, ushering towards the wave of spiritual power, and Su Tang and Fang Yizhe moved forward.They were not in a hurry to run the aerial art.If the Lord who asked for help was aware, it would cause the Lord of Shadows. Bothered.

For a moment, the side suddenly exploded with dramatic spiritual fluctuations. It should be that the Shadow Star King had already fought against the King.

"Can he do it?" Su Tang said.

"His spiritual formula is extremely strange, I have confidence in him." Fang Yizhe said.

"Wait here, you don't have to follow me." Su Tang said softly. At this time, there was a slight spiritual fluctuation in the distance, and the person of the seventh prince, Ji Can, should break through with all his strength: "It is only he who finally told My news is already worth twenty-five mysterious machines. I do n’t need to verify anything. I can say these. It must not be a lie. Just give him mysterious machine. "

"You really don't need to help?" Fang Yizhe said.

"No, you know, I can go faster by myself." Su Tang said.

"Then I won't go, I'm really scared." Fang Yizhe smiled.

Su Tang floated slowly, and then thought about something: "Yes, this is what the Lord rewards you ..." After finishing, Su Tang flicked his fingertips, and a puff of golden rain suddenly exploded.

"Are you ..." Fang Yizhe was shocked, happy, and anxious, and he was squandered, and then the imagination of the imagination was shot out.

"Haha ..." Su Tang laughed. This hard-to-understand result may not be seen for a long time. Finally, Fang Yizhe was teased once.

Su Tang showed the wings of magic, and the brilliant blue light like a gem suddenly bloomed, and his body turned into a swift electric light. Only one flash, and then another flash, disappeared in the sky.

The speed reached by Su Tang's full display of the wings of the Devil can no longer be described in words. Although Fang Yizhe has witnessed it once, he was still dumbfounded, and even forgot to receive the scattered crystallization of the mind.

In Su Tang's vision, the whole world has become blurred, and with his eyesight, he can't see anything clearly. Everything around him is quickly receding backwards.

The fluctuation of spiritual power behind is rapidly weakening, not the end of the battle, but the distance is constantly pulling away, and the fluctuation of spiritual power coming in front is rapidly increasing.

For a moment, Su Tang vaguely saw the shining light in front of him, he immediately slowed down, and the surrounding scenes were gradually clear again.

There is a low mountain in front, two groups of people are fighting between the mountains, there is a hole at the foot of the mountain, there are several bodies lying in front of the hole.

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