The Magic Outfit

Chapter 936: Willing to be a fisherman

Su Tang, who is fully moving the wings of the devil, released a very strong spiritual force.The practitioners who are fighting hard have sensed Su Tang's approach, but one side is eager to kill the encirclement, and the other side tries to block, they can't divide the excess. energy.

Su Tang hovered in the sky, silently overlooking the battlefield.

At this time, the strength of the battle is displayed incisively, and the golden rune on the head is naturally the person of the Seventh Prince, and one of them struggles to wield a scarlet big mallet.Every time the big mallet rolls, it will explode. The dust from the ground, and the violent turbulence on the ground will even make the battle of the rest of the practitioners pause for a short time, there are countless cracks on the mountain peaks, and there are giant pits with a diameter of more than ten meters and twenty meters. The peaks are about to collapse. That is definitely the Majesty's cultivation.

It's just that one of his legs was discarded, and below the knee of his left leg, especially around the ankle, there was only bone, and there were a few pieces of flesh and blood attached to the skin. This injury looked shocking.

The practitioner who fought side by side with him was more seriously injured, his head deflated, blood on his face, the more terrifying thing was that his eyes were gone, there were only two spooky black holes in the eye sockets, and he released The outgoing spiritual power fluctuates when it is strong and weak, and that is also a majesty, but the injury is too heavy, so the combat power becomes very unstable, not to mention that his eyes can no longer see things, and he can only help his companions by sensing. Not only did he not help anything, but also disturbed his companion's attack.

Fighting against them is the prince of the Cave of Desire, holding a spirit sword, the offensive is very sharp, but the practitioners under the seventh prince Jade Eye are desperately, but he does not want to make a loss. On the defensive.

At the other end, the two practitioners sandwiched a woman and drove forward as they struggled. That woman was the Xiushui Xingjun Su Tang saw in the battlefield.

Their situation was much easier, because the practitioners of the Cave of Fear did not dare to hurt the woman. They started to use their hands to restrain their hands and feet. The only thing they could do was to keep shifting in front of them, causing as much disturbance as possible.

Su Tang didn't say a word here, so that the practitioners of Yuku felt threatened, they had to separate two star kings, and swept to Su Tang from the left and right sides.

"We are monks of the Desire"

"If you don't want to cause trouble, leave this place right now"

Su Tang ignored the two practitioners, but started the magic eye and continued to observe the battle between the three monarchs.

The cultivators greeted Su Tang who looked at them as if they had nothing to see them, and they were annoyed. One of the practitioners shouted, "Did we hear what we said?"

At this moment, the change was abrupt, and the prince at the bottom of the crater finally grabbed a gap, and a flame popped out of his fingertips, and the flame fell on the prince who lost his eyes, and then exploded.

The majesty who lost his eyes snorted, and his figure flew backwards involuntarily. At the next moment, the fire that had not disappeared exploded again. In a flash, it exploded seven or eight times in succession.

The first two explosions, the prince who lost his eyes was barely able to support the body protection mind, and the next few explosions easily stripped the body protection mind from his chest and abdomen, although he immediately operated the law However, the psionic energy exploded still destroyed all of his resistance, and a large hole of Xu Xukuan was suddenly blasted out of his body, and he even almost exploded him into two sections.

The prince who lost his eyes jumped up from the ground, but he did nothing and fell down, and his life was over.

"Qingsheng" the man holding the mallet made a sorrowful roar, and then he flew up and danced the mallet to the prince of the Cave of Desire.

The mallet wind roared and rolled up a cloud that was more than 100 meters long, and when the cloud followed the mallet sweep, it seemed that the whole sky collapsed.

The monarch of the Desire Cave rose up sharply, fleeing to the outside, the mallet fell between the mountains, the roar from the world was shaken, and the hundreds of meters high peak was stopped by an invisible giant After taking a bite, a huge pit appeared, and the mountain peak shook a few times, it seemed to collapse.

"Let's die" The man holding the big mallet roared again, shot into the air, moved the big mallet, and chased the prince of the Desire.

Seeing that the other party had fallen into a state of madness, the monarch of the Desire Cave did not care about the loss of spiritual power, and naturally dared not stop it, and flew back towards the foot of the mountain.

The big mallet was bombarded between the peaks with an earth-shattering momentum. The peak was subjected to heavy blows one after another. The mountain peak that had already begun to shake could no longer be stabilized, and it crashed down while making a noise.

Several stars in the battle in the distance saw that the small half of the mountain had collapsed, and no longer ignored the battle, and fled to the distance separately.

Booming ... the tip of the mountain rolled down to the foot of the mountain, and it continued to roll forward, the whole piece of earth was shaken by the incomparable pressure.

"Death ..." The man holding the mallet flew out of the soaring smoke, and the mallet wind brought a dark cloud.

The monarch of the Desire Cave gave up firmly and resisted the other party, and continued to fly towards the distance.The big hammer bombarded the ground, and the surrounding soil even condensed into a shock wave, and the circle bulged, and the circle rolled to the distance. The rolling mountain peak has run out of force. It was supposed to stop, and after the shock wave swept through, the mountain peak rolled forward seven or eight laps and stopped more than a thousand meters away.

A large pit with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared at the place of the mallet, and the man holding the mallet seemed exhausted and fell to the pit.

The prince of the Grottoes sneered and sneered, and the sword light swept again and again, a series of blazes traversed the distance of hundreds of meters, and slammed towards the man holding the mallet.

The man holding the mallet struggled to leap from the ground, struggling to block the sword light, but his spiritual power was too great, and the back was the pit wall.When the series of sword lights flashed over, the man holding the mallet The man has fallen deep into the pit wall, he was nailed into it by Jian Guang.

Moreover, his movements also became very stagnant, spitting blood in his mouth, and there were wounds cut by Jianguang everywhere on his body.He wanted to use his hands to wipe the blood on his eyes, even this kind of movement Became very difficult.

Su Tang originally wanted to join the battle, but under the insight of the magic eye, all changes have left traces, the spiritual force fluctuation of the person holding the sledgehammer has been very weak, and the silk thread that has condensed his body has also become obscured. Light, but just as he reached out to wipe the blood on his face, a flashing thing was swallowed by him, and then the withered spirit veins began to recover, and the silk thread became bright.

"I knew it so, why did you have it?" The prince of the Desire Cave smiled proudly, his fingertips lighted up, and then went out again, the winning ticket is already in hand, naturally there is no need to waste too much spiritual power, he is always Can end the battle.

The prince of Yuku walked forward a few steps, then raised the spirit sword, and a series of sword lights flew up and shot at the other party.

The man holding the mallet had been bowing his head, seemingly accepting his destiny, but just at the sword light, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a violent breath also bloomed, confining his soil. The layer was torn apart, splashing around, and then he shot straight out, raised the mallet, and smashed the majesty of the desire cave.

Countless sword lights bombarded him, but there was a sharp symphony of gold and iron. His cheeks and hair, including the terrible wounds, turned into golden.

The prince of the desire cave opened his eyes wide, and then his conditioned reflex generally flicked out a flame, and his figure swept to the side at the same time.

The man holding the mallet continued to sprint forward in desperation, and let the fire light explode on him. At the next moment, his mallet was falling on the prince of the desire cave.

Boom ... The prince of the desire cave grunted, and his figure fell backwards. His pupils were full of unbelief, because the fire light he had released had already exploded one after another, but he could not hurt the other party.

The person holding the big mallet looks like a mad tiger, one hammer after another, and although the prince of the desire cave tries to pull away the distance, but he can't get rid of it, he uses his spirit sword to counterattack, but Jianguang can't hurt. To the other party.

After hitting dozens of mallets in succession, the man holding the mallet suddenly slowed down and shook his figure, then fell down again, his injury was too heavy, and the efficacy of the Elixir had passed.

The prince of the Desire was smashed like a walnut for a long time.The situation looked very miserable. One arm flopped softly on one side, and the spirit sword was even embedded in his bun.He waved the spirit sword to block the mallet, but suffered Unable to hold on to Juli, the spirit sword bounced back and hacked into his head, and his bones were so deep that he was afraid to pull the sword indiscriminately.

"I can't think of ... you actually cultivated a great magical power that is not bad for the gold body ..." The prince of the Desire Grottoes barely raised his spirit, and said secretly: "But why don't you use it when you break the line? Oh ... It turns out that you just finished it and want to stay at the last minute? Do n’t you think it ’s too late? ”

The man holding the sledgehammer was unable to refute anything. The potency of the Elixir was exhausted and the injury was getting worse.

Su Tang looked up at the sky and he knew he should move.

For the practitioners of the real dragon, apart from asking Xing Xingjun, the others didn't care at all, because just after stepping out of the starry sky, they participated in the battle to kill the nine crown princes, and his fate has made him stand true. On the opposite side of Long Yimai.

Q. Xing Xingjun also said at the time that Sixth Prince Maya had two disciples of Ling Lian Patriarch in his hand. His thoughts were obvious, and he was going to bring people over, and then used Su Tang's face to resolve this hatred. The Sixth Prince Earthworm will not refuse.

Su Tang always evaded the topic because he knew he could never confront the six crown princes, the six crown princes, who knew him. Absolutely seeing light, his lies would be taken apart.

As for the Heavenly Dao League, Su Tang still remembers the help of Zhen Miao Xingjun to him, so he has the heart of mourning, whether to seize treasure or rescue, has not yet made up his mind.

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