The Magic Outfit

Chapter 939: Left

"Dahuang Eleven, do you already know our identity in advance?" Said the young man. "Otherwise, how could your letter be revealed at the beginning?"

"I just knew it." Su Tang said: "A friend of mine is good at listening to the art and heard your words."

"The technique of listening to the ground? This is really unpredictable." The young man shook his head.

"How much is my bounty?" Xiushuixing Jun said: "Should it be high?"

"Well." Su Tang thought for a while: "If the task is completed, I may still have a chance to get a copy."

"Who is it? Apart from Seventh Prince Ji Can, does anyone else know me?" Xiushui Xingjun asked.

"Don't ask me." Su Tang said softly: "And, you have to promise me one thing."

"What? You just say it." Xiushui Xingjun said seriously.

"When you leave the Desire, I can't talk about it in the League. If it is asked by the people in the Presbyterian Church, you can tell the truth." Su Tangdao, between Tianxu Xingjun and Dicui Xingjun, definitely There is a person who is immortal. If he mentions this in the letter of the League, it may be possible to calculate his identity as Su Tang.

"Understood." Xiushuixing Jundao said, and then sighed: "Do we still have a chance to leave the Desire?"

"It's always a try." Su Tang said.

Xiushui Xingjun's brow suddenly raised, looking at the young man, and the young man was also looking at Xiushui Xingjun, they should be familiar and often work together, so through eye contact can understand the meaning of each other, but Su Tang It's a bit uncomfortable.

He came here to win the treasure. In order to hire the shadow star king, he took out twenty-five mysterious machines and looked at the face of the real star king. He saw that in the courtesy of the three elders to him, he could give up his own. Thoughts, and instead try their best to help them escape, the life-saving grace can not be mentioned, but it can not be regarded as an outsider, Su Tang

"Go forward for a while." Su Tang said softly.

"Dahuang eleven, I tell you a few words, you must keep in mind" Xiushui Xingjun said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Su Tang froze.

"Unphased Star Field, Dabei Star Hub, Dust Gate Star House, Snowy Ancient City." Xiushui Xingjun said slowly: "Seventy miles southeast of the snowy ancient city, there is Streamer Lake, and there is a fire dragon reef in the lake. Several of the stolen treasures stolen from Seventh Prince Ji Can are hidden under Huolong Reef. "

Su Tang was completely confused. He looked at Xiushui Xingjun suspiciously, because before the shadow star Xingjun had leaked some information to him, such as the snow-covered ancient city and the fire dragon reef, he knew Xiushui Xingjun did not lie, but the problem was Why should he tell Su Tang?

"Remembered?" Xiushuixing Jun said: "You repeat it." This matter is very relevant to her, so she is not at ease, even like the exam, asking Su Tang to repeat it.

"Why tell me?" Su Tang didn't answer the question.

"Why not tell you?" Xiushui Xingjun kicked the ball to Su Tang again.

"I don't quite understand." Su Tang said, this kind of trust came too unbelievable.

"During the fight just now, the cultivator of Yuku has been avoiding harming her." The young man said slowly: "It seems that Seventh Prince Ji Can should have negotiated with Yuku first, and he wants to use a peaceful method. Solve the problem, but rejected by Yuku, so we will send us to arrest her. "

"In this case, the Desire Cave is also inevitable for me. If you can't find me, this heavy sky will be closed forever. No one wants to leave." Xiushuixing Jundao said: "When I buried the Lingbao , I set up a spirit array, but I only know a little bit about the spirit array. My spirit array can last up to half a year. After half a year, the spirit array will disappear, and the practitioners of the ancient snowy city will definitely feel the spirit treasure. The breath, like that ... we're running out of bamboo baskets. "

"You can tell him, and then let him go to get the Lingbao." Su Tang said that since he started his cultivation journey, he has experienced countless storms and it is hard to believe that pies will fall in the sky.

"After I escaped, I only stayed in those few star palaces. The Seventh Prince Ji Can have surrounded those star palaces. With his cultivation practice, it is difficult to bring out the Lingbao." Xiushui Xingjun Tao: "And, he will stay to accompany me ..."

"Yes, I want to stay." The young man said: "I stayed, maybe I can help her avoid this disaster. If I also leave, she can't get rid of those people at all."

Su Tang has vaguely seen some taste at this moment. The relationship between men and women should be a partner. It is also easy to understand. They are all mixed under the seat of the Seventh Prince, surrounded by enemies. Only they can communicate with each other and have natural feelings. Deeper and deeper.

"Did I get Lingbao and give it to Mengli?" Su Tang asked slowly.

"As you wish, you are willing to give it to Mengli, and Mengli will naturally give you the corresponding honor value. If you want to leave Lingbao to refine yourself, no one will be involved." Xiushuixing Jundao said: "Just imagine I'm very satisfied with the appearance of the seven princes, Ji Jiu, like a mourning concubine. "

"This ... is this okay?" Su Tang could hardly believe his ears.

"It seems that you really joined the alliance soon." The young man sighed: "The heaven and earth alliance speaks of morality, and the real dragon vein protects authority. If in the real dragon vein, you get this spiritual treasure, naturally want Dedicated to the lord, and dare to hide it, it must be a death sentence in the Heavenly Dao League. The spiritual treasure you take out is your own. Even if the leader of the confederate asks you for it, you can refuse. "

Su Tang was speechless.Although he also understood that the real situation would not be so extreme, the Allied Master came to the door to ask directly, and maybe refused, but the Allied Master gave out the corresponding things in exchange, and the ordinary monk responded. Did the lord offend him to death?

However, Su Tang was accustomed to the phenomenon of weak meat and strong food, and the unbelievable rules of the Heavenly Dao League gave him a shocking feeling.

"You tell me the treasure ... but have you thought about yourself?" Su Tang said softly.

"We still have something to ask for." Xiushui Xingjun said: "As long as you promise to help us, we can give you the legacy."

"What is the legacy?" Su Tang asked.

"The strength of the practitioners is certainly arrogant, but if you walk for a long time by the river, you can't wet your shoes. When you practice outside, there is always a risk of falling. Most of the monks of the Heavenly Dao League will file in the elders' courtyard." Said: "For example, in the Jiutian Star Field in the past few years, everyone was going to siege the Sixth Prince Earthworm, and the result was a heavy loss. Those brothers were all in the elders’ home. The honors they left behind will be allocated to them. Designated friend. "

"Moreover, the elders 'home also released a new mission." Xiushui Xingjun said: "The surviving brothers brought back the ring, and the elders' home will be sealed up as a reward, if anyone can kill the six. Prince Edward, all those rewards are his. "

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