The Magic Outfit

Chapter 940: promise

"Of course, the elders will also add more rewards. The brothers in the alliance all uphold a creed that there will be revenge and reward." Xiushuixing Jundao said: "A few days ago, melting Mars Did you know about the mutiny of the four elephant kings in the realm? I heard that this traitor operation has resulted in hundreds of brothers rushing past, and more than a hundred enshrined. Even the elders have dispatched a dozen. "

"The four elephant maharajas have been responsible for guarding the molten fire purgatory. They have not been away for a long time, and the whole person is stupid." The young man sneered: "He thought that he sold his brothers in exchange for benefits, but then he went to Under the third prince, you can practice quietly? He is dreaming "

"The four elephants are naturally dead," Su Tang said slowly. "But ... what I can't figure out is, why should I give it to me?"

The young man and Xiushuixingjun looked at each other in amazement, and then Xiushuixingjun sighed: "If you don't give it to you, who can you give it to? If the three of us walk together, it will be difficult to escape the chase of the monks of the Cave of Evil There is no way to get Lingbao, but it will cause you trouble. "

"Yeah, so I might as well tell you whereabouts of Lingbao." The young man received: "Dahuang 11, it seems that your practice has been very difficult, otherwise how could you be so suspicious?"

"You can think of it this way, we should repay your life-saving grace." Xiushui Xingjun said: "What's more, we need you to do some other help."

"Life-saving grace? I can't really save you now." Su Tang shook his head: "What else do I need to do?"

The young man and Xiushuixingjun suddenly fell silent, staring at each other for a long while. Xiushuixingjun took out a pale white crystal and handed it to Su Tang, then suddenly bit his fingertips and dripped blood into the crystal. And the young man did it again.

The blood droplets that entered the crystal did not fuse together, but instead swirled around each other, and then Suixing Xingjun suddenly began to run the spiritual veins, drawing the young man's eyebrows with his fingertips.

"You ..." Su Tang was stunned and wanted to step forward to stop. At this time, the release of the fluctuation of spiritual power was undoubtedly telling the enemy's own position.

Xiushui Xingjun glanced at Su Tang with a smile and shook his head slightly. The meaning was obvious. Please don't block it. They know what it means to do so.

After a few breaths, Xiushui Xingjun and the young man's eyebrows each had a pale red pentagram.

Then, Xiushui Xingjun's eyes fell on Su Tang: "Dahuang Eleven, if our flesh falls, there will be a trace of the soul that will not be destroyed. It will automatically find this soul crystal. If you have time, bring it. Find a safe and popular place, and then smash the soul crystal. "

"Do you want to ... take the rebirth?" Su Tang realized the other's purpose.

"It's not too much to lose, there is only a little soul left, we can't remember what happened in the previous life." The young man said: "If you still have extra time, please help us arrange it so that we can ... Together. If you have other leisure time in the future, you might as well go to our place. If there is a chance, let us begin to practice ... it will be perfect. "

After that, the young man smiled bitterly: "Am I too demanding?"

"If only these, you can rest assured, I will definitely do it." Su Tang said.

"This is Xun Pei, give it to you. Your name is on it. As long as you give Xun Pei to the elders, they will naturally understand our last wish." Xiushui Xingjun took out his letter and handed it to Su Tang.

Su Tang took two pieces of honour and kept silent for a moment, putting it in his precepts.

"Our two talents are clumsy, and the cultivation is not deep enough. This soul crystal can keep us worry-free for two years. After two years, our residual soul will dissipate." Xiushui Xingjun said again.

"I see." Su Tang said.

"Let's go separately, maybe ... we also have a chance to escape from birth, Great Wild Eleven, by then Lingbao will have our share, you can't swallow it alone," said the young man.

"Whether you can escape or not, your share is indispensable." Su Tang said.

The young man was stunned first, and then he understood the meaning of Su Tang, his expression became dignified.

"It's time to go." Su Tangdao said that after spreading his magic wings, he swept up into the air, his body screamed in the air with a sharp whistling sound, flashed a few times, and disappeared without a trace. .

"If he can really keep his promise, it is estimated that we are much luckier than this life." The young man said leisurely: "Even if he rebuilds with the remnant soul, he may still be able to realize Dadao, and even think of this time ..."

"What a beautiful thing it should be ..." Xiushui Xingjun smiled.

"I'm not afraid at all," said the young man, "we're going"

After finishing speaking, the two of them also swept forward and flew in the opposite direction to Su Tang.

Su Tang stretched out the wings of the devil with all his strength, and flew more than a thousand miles away in one breath.After seeing a city vaguely in front of him, he lowered his body, did not rush in, looked for the denser grove, and waited For several hours, no spiritual fluctuations were sensed in the rear, proving that the monks of the Desire Cave chased in other directions.

Su Tang was relieved, and slowly walked to the city ahead.This is a small city with a population of at most tens of thousands.He walked along the road and almost did not meet the practitioners. When they arrived at several monks in the Desire, they were responsible for guarding the teleportation array.

The monks' cultivation is still in the holy land. Although the strength of the caves is huge, the number of real major repairs is also limited.If this small city also wants to send overhauls to guard, the manpower is not enough. enough.

Su Tang originally wanted to return to the city of pearls from the teleportation array. After asking the few monks, he realized that all teleportation arrays in this heaven were closed.

Su Tang had to hire a carriage in the city and slowly headed towards the city of pearls. It had been more than ten days before he returned to the city of pearls.

Su Tang went directly to Fang Yizhe and walked into Fang Yizhe's residence.He was seeing what Ding Haixingjun was busy in the front yard and found that Su Tang was coming in, and that Ding Haixingjun smiled at Su Tang, and then he mouthed back. And motioned to Su Tang to find Fang Yizhe himself.

After passing through the two-story hall, I came to the backyard and saw Fang Yizhe sitting under the tree with his eyes closed to refresh himself.

Hearing the footsteps, Fang Yizhe glanced here and smiled, "Congratulations."

"How do you know I got it?" Su Tang also smiled.

"The monks of Tianyu Cave are like dying father and mother. They are rushing around, making them jump and flying, and this day is not allowed to enter or go out. There are ghosts in your heart like you and me. But thousands of practitioners in the city of the Pearl are unbearable. They come to the Cave to enjoy, and now they are locked in this place, how can they give up? "Fang Yizhe said:" If you don't succeed, then the Lingbao must fall. In the hands of the monks of the desire cave, so, the ban has long been released, you are not here, so I do n’t know how bad the group of guys are, and there is always a huge pressure on the side of the cave ... "

"Oh?" Su Tang sat opposite Fang Yizhe: "I find that your words are getting more and more."

"Treasure the moment, if you can accompany me to say a few words without scruples, there are just a few people, Chen Yan is still in the human world, what about you ... I guess it is the right way to escape, and we will be together in a few days. , When I meet next time, I don't know when. "Fang Yizhe sighed.

"If they don't let go of the ban, I can't go." Su Tang said.

"Almost." Fang Yizhe said.

"How to say?"

"When you enter the city, you should notice that there are few pedestrians on the street?" Fang Yizhe said: "The guys deliberately vented, the toys in the city have been slaughtered by at least one third, and their anger It's getting bigger and bigger, and it will take another few days. It is estimated that the toy will not be left alone. By then, they may have to play the monk's idea. "

"Lust Caves let them wreak havoc? Don't you come forward and take care of it?" Su Tang said.

"How to control? Kill a toy, and then hand over a few Rong Shen Pills. Why do you care? There are so many people with the goods on your body. Thousands of Rong Shen Pills don't care at all." Fang Yizhe said: "I don't believe we can Bet, it still takes up to seven days to consume energy, and then the Vault must release the teleportation spirit array, otherwise thousands of monks from various star regions in the city will make a mutiny. No matter who wins in the end, the Vault will be destroyed. Who dares to come? "

"Seven days ..." Su Tang knew Fang Yizhe's fortress, so he believed Fang Yizhe's judgment. So, it was still too late in time. First, he could return to the unbroken Star Territory, make a difference to the third prince, and then mix it for a few months. Attracting attention, and finally rushed to the phaseless star field quietly, looking for Lingbao.

What Su Tang was most afraid of was the toughness of the desire cave, and the teleportation of the Spirit Array was closed indefinitely. Xiushuixing Jun explained that the Spirit Array she set up will last for up to half a year, and then the breath emitted by Ling Bao will leak out. It took more than half a year. When he rushed over, the daylily was cold.

Seeing Su Tang's eyes flicker, Fang Yizhe seemed to be thinking about something and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I was thinking ... Should I go out and add fire to make the city more messy." Su Tang said.

"Everything is too late." Fang Yizhe shook his head and said: "You have done what you have done, as long as no one moves, no one wants to find out your fault, but you move, no matter whether it is meticulous or not, more or less To show some traces, in case it is discovered, would n’t it be the result of giving up? One hundred steps you have already taken ninety-nine, only the last step, do n’t be impatient, a few days will pass in a blink of an eye. "

"It makes sense," Su Tang said slowly. He has this advantage and can always listen to good words.

"What's more, you still have something to do." Fang Yizhe said with a smile: "There seems to be two princes over there at Seventh Prince Jade Canal, is there a lord? Was it that night? "

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