The Magic Outfit

Chapter 941: Open

The development of things is indeed as expected by Fang Yizhe, the city of pearls is becoming more and more chaotic, and there are thousands of practitioners from various star fields in the city. They come to the cave for entertainment, and it can also be said that they came to be uncles. .

Nuyu has mobilized countless monks, spreading all over the city, patrolling around, seeing a little suspicious people, will greet them to question, how can the uncles bear this?

Su Tang went to see Jiang Huquan and others once, and he has been refining the Nahua for the next few days, day and night, because he has too many Nahua.

When there was no business, it was impossible to open for a long time, and suddenly came to the business, and suddenly he was too busy.

Anyway, in this trip to the Grotto, Su Tang made a lot of money. For the monarch Lingbao alone, he mixed three, a scarlet mallet and two spirit swords.

As for Najie, let alone, if he is not afraid of getting into trouble, he can even open a shop selling Najie in the city of the Pearl ...

On this day, Su Tang was still busy, refining the Nahua, after refining, began to move things, and then began to renew the new Nahua, so repeatedly, suddenly, he sensed something, and the detective took it from his waist. The Soul Crystal, the blood droplets rotating inside the Soul Crystal have disappeared, replaced by two light spots.

Xiushui Xingjun and the two of them have already fallen. At the beginning, Su Tang had seen their death aspirations. They would escape as much as possible, but once they found that they could not escape, they would immediately destroy their spirit veins so as not to fall again. Enter the enemy and let anyone slaughter.

Fang Yizhe happened to walk in from the outside, and when he saw Su Tang's face, he asked, "What happened?"

"The teleporting spirit array is about to open" Su Tang sighed softly: "Xiao Fang, I should go too, do you really want to stay here?"

"I want to stay." Fang Yizhe showed a sigh of sigh, he knew it was going to be separated again, the star field was long, and the next time I met, it might be a few years or more than ten years later: "Go outside and start again Here, at least I have left a lot of favors, huh ... When you leave, I will go to Fangda to take care of things, change evil and do good, start with a small one, and crawl slowly. "

"Yu Grotto is not a good place." Su Tang said.

"At least I am familiar." Fang Yizhe smiled. "Is the Mo Gu Zong of the human world a good place again?"

"Since you have already made a decision, I won't say much." Su Tang paused: "In the near future, I will continue to stay in the immortal star field, if you have something, you can ⊥ people to find Tianle Mountain Me, if it's urgent ... "

Before he finished speaking, Su Tang took out a charm from Najie and handed it to Fang Yizhe.

Fang Yizhe took it, took a closer look, and put it in his own precepts.

"I'll go back first, and wait for the teleportation to open, and immediately take them away from the desire cave." Su Tang stood up and said: "Xiao Fang, you have to be more careful when you do things yourself."

"Relax, I have a number." Fang Yizhe said.

"By the way, is there a deviation in your spiritual tactics?" Su Tang said: "These days I always feel you have a strange evil spirit."

"Your nose is really smart" Fang Yizhe smiled helplessly, and then took out a gourd with a strange shape. The gourd turned into a red color with a gem-like luster: "Remember this blood gourd? How many times have you remembered? Advise me to throw it away, but I did not listen to you. "

"Has it become your lifeblood?" Su Tang frowned: "It's breath is very unstable."

"It turns out that it's okay, but since I stored the spirit blood of the blood family inside, the blood gourd has changed." Fang Yizhe sighed: "If it can be stabilized, I won't be beaten so badly by you last time ... I have something to ask you. I will meet the monks of the blood family in the future. If you can kill them, do n’t kill them. Give them to me, and I will discipline them for you. "

"This is easy." Su Tang nodded.

"I have a dream now." Fang Yizhe murmured: "Occupy the next Xingfu, nourish the souls, and then catch thousands of monks of the blood tribe, shut them in the Xingfu, let them take those creatures as Food, and my practice also landed on them. "

Su Tang heard his head shaking again and again. While in the human world, he could still persuade Fang Yizhe, hoping that Fang Yizhe would give up practicing blood tactics. .

He and Fang Yizhe discussed some things again.The two waved goodbye.Su Tang returned to Moonstone's residence, because this heavy sky was a bit chaotic, and went to the battlefield to watch the battle.Tongmeng Xingjun, Bai Tongxingjun and others I was terribly frightened, and Chonggu Xingjun had never appeared, and it must have fallen, so they did not dare to leave Moonstone's residence and would rather sit down every day.

As soon as Su Tang's figure appeared, the emotions of Tong Meng Xingjun and others immediately became excited, and they all greeted Su Tang with Shili.

Lord Moonstone hurried over after hearing the news, and said with a smile: "Where have the envoys gone these days?"

"The battlefield was in chaos that day, and I also suffered some injuries." Su Tang said: "My friend helped me find a place in Youhu City, and I have been healing there."

"Why don't you come back to me?" Yue Shi Majun said, and made a wink to Su Tang.

"The city of pearls is too chaotic." Su Tangdao, followed behind the Moonstone Majesty, and walked to the side hall.

Entering the side hall, Lord Moonstone saw no one on the left and right, and lowered his voice and said, "But the Emperor found the trace of the beautiful Mercury King?"

"Well." Su Tang nodded. "You guessed it, indeed, it was the person from the Seventh Prince Jihui who robbed Xiushuixing Jun."

"Now where is Xiushui Xingjun taken by them?" Yueshi Maharaja asked.

"I don't know." Su Tang said: "Master, you can rest assured, after going back, I will give you a few words of advice to the three teachers."

"Thank you, Ambassador," said Yueshi Majesty: "But ... the man didn't catch it, the lord blamed it ...

After all, the two people had been robbers together. At this moment, Moon Stone Lord was really worried about Su Tang, not to mention, if this thing was done, Su Tang's good words must have a big effect, and now it has not happened, Su Tang talks again, Perhaps he will also be implicated.

"The three teachers are reasonable." Su Tang said: "Seven Prince Zijiu sent two princes, not to mention the caves, here is their old nest, how can I, how can I dare to compete with them ? "

"The reason is the truth, the problem is ..." Moonstone Majesty paused, he dare not say the following words, because the fate of all the practitioners in Tianle Mountain is in the hands of the third prince Lien, who is in a good mood and thinks You are right, surely it is right, even if you kill and set fire everywhere, if the third prince is in a bad mood, even if you have not done anything, you can jump out of the wrong place, and the life and death are all in the third prince. in a moment.

At this time, there was a loud noise outside, and someone was shouting, starting, starting ...

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