The Magic Outfit

Chapter 942: Feel

The teleporting spirit array has been turned on, and Su Tang didn't want to wait for a quarter of an hour.He chatted with King Moonstone alone in the study room, and he said goodbye.This time he came to the desire cave, and the harvest was not small.He found Fang Yizhe and got it. The secret of the treasure, raised by the moon stone lord, also has a very clear understanding of his situation. As for the moon stone lord, this person is worth paying. Of course, it is impossible to be like the previous Xi Xiaoru, Wenxiang, Gu Suifeng Like others, life and death are dependent on communion and blessings, but there are some small things that come to Moon Moon Lord for help. It should not be refused. If Moon Moon Lord goes to him, he will also reach out.

Afterwards, Su Tang took people to send the Spirit Array, but there were too many practitioners who were eager to leave the desire cave.The cave needed to be carefully checked, which was time-consuming, but Su Tang had a gold medal and delayed it for a while. Then, the practitioners of the desire cave first let Su Tang go.

On the way back, he was always calm. When he reached the Infinite Star King, he passed through the spiritual array of Tianle Mountain and reached the Zhenlong Palace at the top of the mountain. Su Tang didn't return to his residence and went directly to the palace to see the third prince.

The guards of the True Dragon Palace mostly knew Su Tang. Even if they didn't, they always had eyes. Su Tang had put on a purple dragon robe, and it was naturally unimpeded.

I called a few guards and asked the location of the third prince, Zhan. Su Tang left the main hall, walked into the side door, and walked all the way to the partial courtyard.He was seeing the third prince, Zhan, standing under the tree. Handle spirit sword.

"Have seen three uncles." Su Tang said softly.

"Tianmo, this trip is hard." The third prince Zhan Lian put down the spirit sword and said with a smile: "How is the harvest?"

"Tianmo has the trust of the three teachers." Su Tang lowered his head: "Baibai cost a lot, but brought nothing back."

"I chose you just to give you more experience, as for success or failure, don't need to worry about it." San Taizhuang said: "I have heard a little bit about what happened in the Cave, you have ever seen Xiu Mercury. Jun? "

Hearing this, Su Tang re-judgmented the third prince Zhan Lian: high-hearted and timid

The overhauls attached to the three princes are so many, if you send several star-level majors to catch people, it is indeed too attractive to pay attention, but it is not worth the loss, but there are no problems at all to find some maestro practitioners.

The third prince Zhuan Lian did not find his subordinates, but he passed the Su Tang school. The reason inside was indeed guessed by the moon stone prince. The third prince Zhuan Lian did not want to have an unpleasant relationship with the seventh prince. It really doesn't do any good to the third prince Zhan Lian.

Su Tang's identity is very special. He has the inheritance of the nine prince Jiaotu, and Jiaotu has given the 7th prince Jiu Ji a great help. With the sentiments of the past, there is room for buffering in the middle.

Even if the seventh prince, Ji Can, is mad again, he must get rid of Su Tang, and the third prince Zhu Lian can also push three, six, nine, anyway, Su Tang is not his disciple.

In the final analysis, the third prince is very guilty, because there is a huge difference in strength between the sealed and the unsealed.

"Huh?" Seeing Su Tang didn't speak, the third prince Zhan Lian frowned.

"I saw Xiushuixingjun in the fighting field, but just before I started, Xiushuixingjun was taken away by other monks." Su Tang said: "After many investigations, they ... seemed to be uncle Qishi. The monk under the seat. "

The third prince Zhan Lian was not surprised. Obviously he knew the news. He pondered for a while: "You do n’t know where Xiushui Xingjun has gone now.

"It should be dead." Su Tang said.

"Dead? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Asked the third prince Zhan Xuan.

"No, I guessed it." Su Tang said: "The monks of the Cave of Desire may know the origin of Xiushuixingjun. Since the incident in the fighting field that night, they have sent people to trace the whereabouts of Xiushuixingjun. On the one hand, the Teleportation Spirit Array is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or exit. Finally, they suddenly let go of the Teleportation Spirit Array. If Xiushuixingjun is still alive, how can they let Xiushuixingjun leave? "

"It's a pity." The third prince Zhan Lian sighed, then smiled again: "But ... he should be more distressed than me ..."

Su Tang knew who the third prince Zhan Lian was talking about, but this kind of talk was still not good.

"Okay, you will go to rest, too," said the third prince.

"Uncle San, I didn't do anything this time. Those costs ..."

"It's a trifle, those are for you." The third prince Zhan Lian smiled: "You have now recruited a few generals, and you have to share them with you when you go back.

"Thank you three teachers." Su Tang said.

"Also, go check it out, he cares about you very much," said the third prince Zhan Xuan.

"Yes." Su Tang responded.

Out of the partial courtyard, Su Tang entered the residence of Wen Xingjun again. As a disciple of the third prince, Wen Xingjun's residence was not far from the main hall. Asked about Xingjun's courtyard.

When I was far away, I heard laughter in the yard. When I opened the door, I saw a banquet in the front yard. There were more than a dozen practitioners pushing cups and changing lights, talking about the world. The atmosphere was very lively. Jun is among them.

The practitioners were very surprised to see a person rushing in without waiting for the announcement. Then they saw the purple dragon robe on Su Tang's body and stood up busy, giving gifts to Su Tang one after another.

"Brother Tianmo, when will you be back?" Asked Xingjun Jun to stand up.

"Just came back." Su Tang smiled.

"Have you ever seen Master?" Asked Xing Xingjun.

"Uh." Su Tang nodded.

"You drink slowly first, and I have some things to discuss with Brother Tianmo." Asked Xingxing Jundao, and then made a glance at Su Tang.

The practitioners even claimed to be there, Bi Gong stood respectfully and watched Su Tang and Wen Jiexingjun walk into the hall.

Arriving in the hall, Su Tang and Qin Xingjun split their seats, and asked Xing Xingjun to look at Su Tang's face, and said softly, "Brought the person back?"

"Is it possible?" Su Tang smiled bitterly: "I am just a small Luo Xingjun, how can I contend with those monarchs?"

"In fact, Master's meaning is just bumping into the good luck, and of course, everyone is happy, if you don't, you don't have to put it in your heart. It's just fine if it hasn't happened." "You look wrong, what happened?"

In fact, Su Tang disguised his emotions very well.He has already been alert to the third prince Zhan Lian, and when he asked the star robbery, his mood has naturally become a little weird. It can be seen that Su Tang seems absent-minded.

"I later learned that Xiushui Xingjun was originally the maid of Uncle Qishi. She stole some spiritual treasures from Uncle Qishi and escaped to the Desire." Su Tang said: "After I found Xiushui Xingjun, Ben Ready to start, who knows that another group of people took the lead and took Xiushui Xingjun away, they are all monks who sat down with the seven teachers.

"There is such a thing?" Asked the robbing star Jun stunned.

"Why? Didn't the third teacher tell you?" Su Tang asked.

Asked that Xing Xingjun had been silent for a long time, and shook his head: "No, this kind of thing ... It's a bit disgraceful to say, so there is no need to tell me. Brother Tianmo, are you for this grudge?"

"Everyone is in the same line, it seems a little ... not good," Su Tang murmured.

Such words should not be said. There is no way to change anything. On the contrary, it may cause unpleasantness. However, Su Tang has demonized the three princes in the heart and asked the robbery star king.

In other words, Su Tang regarded the third prince Zhu Xuan and Wen Xingjun as the smartest person in the world, much smarter than him Su Tang. You are hitting your own brother's idea. If Su Tang doesn't feel anything at all, he will make the third prince Lien suspicion, because Su Tang has been working hard to leave such an impression on the third prince Lien Ren. People.

A person who values ​​love and justice and sees the appearance of brothers and young men among his elders, how come he has no feeling at all?

Therefore, he must express his confusion, his disappointment, and finish the performance of the show. The next thing is to be asked by Xing Xingjun. He believes that Xing Xingjun will find an order. The reason for people's conviction, and, when asked, the Xingjun Jun must report this passage to the third prince, then he expresses a new feeling between the words, proving that he was persuaded, so that the third prince will never doubt. Have it.

"The same line?" Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile, and said with a wide voice: "You must know that the position of the Dragon Lord has been empty for a long, long time ... In addition to Nine Master Uncle, other Master Uncle Master, including Master , Every day I dream that the true dragon heritage is really in one hand in my own hands. "

"Dragon Master's position left by the ancestor ... Why can't everyone recommend one?" Su Tang said.

"Recommendation? You think it's too simple." Asked Xingxing Jun said: "The position of the Dragon Lord, as long as you sit for a while, you will be able to sit firmly.

"That can only be robbed?" Su Tang said.

"It won't work," asked Xing Xingjun, sighing: "As far as I know, the second division uncle, the fourth division uncle and the eight division uncle all had opportunities, but in the end they gave up."

"Why?" Su Tang said.

"They don't dare." Asked Xing Xingjun: "As long as you sit in that position, it will definitely become the target of the crowd, and the rest of the uncles and uncles will be held in a group, and then pull down on the sit.

"All brothers, why bother?"

"Actually, I know you are blaming Master in your heart." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "When you stay here for a longer time, you will understand Master's hardship. Second Master Uncle, Fourth Master Uncle, Seven Master Uncle He and the Eighth Master Uncle have been sealed, you think, among them, who is weak? Who is strong? "

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