The Magic Outfit

Chapter 943: Promoted

Su Tang and Wen Jiexingjun chatted for more than an hour in the hall before they came out, and then Su Tang picked up the wine glasses and toasted the practitioners one by one. Although his cultivation practice was not high, it was also in Tianle Mountain. It is an important person, so he has to express his position.

Asking Xingjun's friend is his friend.

Then, Su Tang returned to his residence, his residence was better than asking Xing Xingjun, let Jiang Huquan stay there is no problem, if Bai Tong Xingjun, Tong Meng Xingjun and others also want to stay, the place is a little narrow, They can only be arranged elsewhere.

Entering the study, closing the door, and being alone, Su Tang dared to breathe a sigh of relief, and then took out the seized ring.

In the following days, Su Tang has never left the study. He wants to refine all the precepts and sort out those things. He has no time to go out.

On the third day, the bell came suddenly from the Zhenlong Temple, and the third prince Zhan Lian called up thousands of practitioners, leaving the Tianle Mountain without a trace.

Su Tang found out that he had asked Xing Xingjun to realize that the four elephants sent to Jiutian Xingyu had an accident.

In fact, an accident was inevitable. The third prince Zhan Xuan was already prepared. The reason why he was so angry was that the practitioners in Tianle Mountain almost fell out of the nest because the third prince Zhan Xuan stole the chicken and did not erode a handful of rice.

On the way back to the Four Elephant Maharaja, a dozen or so practitioners of the Heavenly Daoist League suddenly appeared and began to siege the Four Elephant Maharaja. The next practitioner appeared, besieging the people of the Heavenly Dao League within the Star Road.

However, the practitioners of the Heavenly Dao League immediately flooded like a tide, and all the practitioners sent by the third prince Zhuan Lian died, and the practitioners of the Nine Heavens Star Territory also suffered heavy casualties.Although they occupied the interests of the landlord, they hit Later, I didn't dare to come forward to support it, and the Heavenly Dao League even dispatched a few star-level major existences.This battle is bound to be obtained. The practitioners of the Nine Heavens Star Territory have been killed and have to shrink into the star pivot. Die-hard.

At the end of the day, it was absolutely correct to ask the Xingjun to show his luck and to abandon the Four Elephants. Among the eight inheritances of the true dragon, Tianle Mountain's strength is relatively weak, and it cannot be entangled with the Heavenly Daoist League.

Although there is an ancient spirit formation here, even if all the practitioners of the Heavenly Daoist League came, it would be difficult to attack, but the stars and star hubs outside will be destroyed and even wiped out.

The daily cost of the True Dragon Hall is mostly provided by various star hubs and star houses.It is like a village being attacked by robbers. Villagers block the attack of robbers by building defensive facilities. The fire has burned all the fields to two nets. Although it was a fluke, the days will become very sad.

The more crucial point is that the Heavenly Daoist League has never been in direct confrontation with people.It only likes to set up traps and sneak attack ambushes.If the third prince asks for help from other brothers, those princes will not stand idly by, because the Heavenly Daoist League is their enemy, but, support It is pointless. When the monks of the princes arrive, the Heavenly Alliance will withdraw and support will retreat, and they will come over again.

Knowing what was happening outside, Su Tang immediately returned to his yard, walked into the study, and took out Xin Pei.

Xin Pei has been arguing madly, the speed of information flashing is very fast, and all practitioners are talking about the battle.

For the first time in hundreds of years, the Heavenly Daoist League launched a battle of this scale for the first time, and it was won. The practitioners of the Heavenly Daoist League were very excited and extremely excited.

Su Tang watched it for a while, and then turned his mind into a channel dedicated to the first class.

The speed of speaking here will be much slower. In the Heavenly Daoism League, those who can become enshrined, most of them have monarch-level cultivation behavior.

Su Tang looked at it silently for a while, and suddenly sensed something. Once again, Shennian worked again, and he found another channel.

Su Tang was a little surprised. Last time, he still only had two channels. He didn't do anything. How could there be one more?

Just then, a line appeared on the letter.

Presbyterian: Great Wild Eleven, are you there?

Dahuang Eleven: I am here, how do you know?

Presbyterian: You are sweeping the letter with God's idea, and the spirit here will naturally shine.

Great Waste Eleven: It turned out to be the case.

Elders' Home: After the elders decided that you are already enshrined in the seat, you can now look at your honor.

Su Tang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took out his honor, and then found that the value of the honor above had turned into eighteen.

Dahuang Eleven: How could there be so many? I remember discussing with Elder Wu last time, he promised to give me five hundred honors.

Presbyterian: Because the results of this battle far exceeded our estimates.

Dahuang Eleven: But I didn't do anything, I just told you some news.

Presbyterian: This is enough. If we listen to the news of Indestructible 33, what will happen?

Presbyterian: Yeah, Great Wild Eleven, you do n’t need to be upset, this is what you deserve, and our honours list will post your honours. If it may arouse everyone ’s criticism, it will not give you these honours. value.

Elders' Home: If you need immortality medicine, Lingbao, or want to find someone to help you do things, you can talk to the elders of Xunyuan.

Su Tang was silent for a moment, and then wrote a few words on the letter.

Dahuang Eleven: I once met two brothers and helped them a little bit. They decided to give me their legacy, how should they contact?

Presbyterian: Which star field are you in?

The Great Wild Eleven: Unbreakable Star Field.

Presbyterian: As far as I know, we do not have a dojo in the Indestructible Star Field. There are two ways. One is to send two elders to find you, and the other is that you sent those two pieces of honor to our other star fields. Go to the dojo.

Dahuang Eleven: I am very dangerous here, let me send it over.

Presbyterian: You send Xun Pei to the phaseless star field, the Great Northern Star Hub, and the Arc Star House. For specific things, you have to negotiate with the elder in charge of the dojo. We are not very clear.

Dahuang Eleven: Where to talk?

Presbyterian: You have made great contributions to our alliance, and now you are promoted to the upper seat to worship. Many methods of Xinpei have been opened to you. You will naturally understand when you run the mind.

Great Wild Eleven: Thank you elders for your advice.

Su Tang began to run Shen Nian, Xin Pei's light became more and more dazzling, and then a pattern appeared on Xin Pei, each pattern was marked, Su Tang quickly found the dojo, and then hit Shen Nian into it. .

The pattern of the dojo is rapidly magnifying, occupying the entire letter, Su Tang tried to type a few words.

Great Waste Eleven: Is anyone here?

Presbyterian Home: What are you doing?

Su Tang grinned, is it the elders' home again? But he also understands that this is to protect the core members of the Heaven Dao League.

Su Tang repeated the previous words.

Presbyterian: Whose honor is it?

Great Wild Eleven: No phase eighty-eight, black light seventeen.

There was silence for a while, and then an answer was given.

Presbyterian Home: They fell in the desire cave, are you in the desire cave?

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