The Magic Outfit

Chapter 944: protector

Asked where the dojo was, Su Tang did not rush to leave Tianle Mountain, and the third prince Zhan Lian came out with an overhaul of the immortal star field. He left at this time, which was too noticeable.

In the following days, Su Tang still seldom went out, either retreating or adjusting interest rates, or refining the precepts, and more than a month later, the third prince Li Xuan returned to Tianle Mountain with people. Quite a lot of them, they often furious, and asked Xingjun Jun to come over and tell Su Tang to stop coming into the True Dragon Palace in the next few days, so as not to suffer the scourge of the fish.

Another half a month later, the third prince Zhan Lian suddenly left Tianle Mountain, which relieved the trembling practitioners in Tianle Mountain all day long.

Su Tang was very patient. He waited for seven or eight days before he went to ask Xing Xingjun. He only said that an old friend asked someone to bring a message to Su Tang to go to Tianyi Star Field.

Su Tang is also tempting. If there are any areas where the horse's feet are exposed, causing the suspicion of the third prince, then asking the Xingjun Jun will find a reason to leave him, at least also ask what friends are there, how many God, wait, if you ask him to use Su Tang as a friend, this question will not be asked because it may leave a feeling of distrust.

When asked to rob Xingjun, he didn't ask anything, but just said to let Su Tang go back quickly. In recent days, the various star fields are somewhat uneven, and the storm is rising, so be careful.

Back at his residence, Su Tang told Jiang Huquan to be optimistic about his family, and then left something behind.

Bai Tong Xingjun, Tongmeng Xingjun and others called him the lord, not the white one. The so-called family officials will rely on him to feed the Su Tang. Of course, if they go abroad to practice, all the gains must belong to the Su Tang. Then allocated by Su Tang.

If the lord is kind, the people below will be able to divide more. If the lord is narrow, the people below will be divided less. If the lord is not able to pick up, the officials will only be able to stand up, and they must never leave the lord and trust others. It is a taboo in Tianle Mountain. The monarch has the power to kill the defected monk on the spot, no one can stop it, unless the third prince Zhan Xuan speaks.

In fact, as a monarch, it is impossible to be hairless, first of all, it will ruin its reputation, and there will be no other monks to surrender, and second, the monks are not fools. Tighten, the big deal left Tianle Mountain and fled elsewhere.

The whole true dragon is in the same vein, and most of the interpersonal relationships are the same.The ancient Zhenlong is the highest prince. His several sons, in addition to the nine prince pepper map, each have a vein. There are also lower-level followers below, which constitute the whole true dragon vein.

Compared with the real dragon, the structure of the Heavenly Dao League is much looser. Each of the practitioners in the League is independent, and he is responsible for himself. Even if he is an elder, he does not have the power to command the monks in the League. For example, this In an attempt to slay the four elephants, the elders only posted a mission and marked the reward. No order was ever given to summon monks located in various star regions.

Of course, the monks of the Heavenly Daoist League don't know what the task is.They will decide whether to take the bounty according to their current needs. If they go, they will have to listen to the command. Others are not ready yet. They rushed forward to expose their goals first. Others were still desperately trying to run with their own legs, which is absolutely not possible.

Tianle Mountain does not have a teleporting spirit array. In fact, each star field will set the teleporting spirit array on the periphery. In other words, the practitioner ’s lethality is too great, and there must be enough buffer zone.

Taking Tianle Mountain as an example, if a teleportation array is set up around the Zhenlong Hall, then the large array around the Tianle Mountain under the ancient Zhenlong cloth will become a decoration.

The last time Su Tang went to Yuku, he also passed a little bit from the star road, no matter how big or small the ancestors, they must take precautions.

Su Tang already had enough experience walking in the Starfield.He first drove to the Star House with the teleporting Spirit Array in a flying car, and stayed in the Star House for another day, confirming that no one was following, changed his clothes, as much as possible. Dressing it up makes it difficult for others to recognize him, and then from the teleportation array to the phaseless star field.

Su Tang hired another speeding car, hurried to Suowu Star Mansion, jumped off the speeding car, paid the car money, looked around for a moment, and plunged into a star road.

Almost two hours later, Su Tang walked slowly into a city. The scenery here is the same as that of the human world. People did not realize that a major repair with terror power that could destroy the entire city was mixed in. , Walking and busy.

In Tianle Mountain, Su Tang always remained alert. When he arrived here, his heart could finally be put down. Of course, it was not easy for a few days. Then he would go to the snow-covered ancient city of another star house to collect the treasure. Too.

Walking around all the way, Su Tang seemed to be back to his youth when he was in a trance. Until he was about to pass through the city, he stopped and looked at an old man. Then he smiled and said, "Excuse me, ask you something old. "

"Brother, just say something," the old man smiled.

"Where is Fanjiazhuang?" Su Tang said.

"Go ahead, five miles out of the city." The old man replied, then he looked up and down Su Tang, and added: "If you don't want to walk, there is a carriage, you can go find a carriage, But ... brother, it is not a good thing to go to Fanjiazhuang at this time. "

"How do you say?" Su Tang was stunned for a while, and then asked.

"Fan Jiazhuang's Fan Fanxian offended Dongjing Town Guardian. The guardian master has been looking for trouble for him in the past few days." The old man said: "Brother, listen to my advice and want to go to Fanjiazhuang, or wait ten days and a half It ’s not too late to go after the wind. "

"Thank you for being old." Su Tang smiled and said: "I just go around casually."

After talking, Su Tang continued to walk along the long street. The old man shook his head when he saw Su Tang disobeyed. Anyway, he reminded him that the young man went to death, and he was not to blame.

I walked out of the city and walked for a few more minutes. I saw a town in the distance, and there was nothing strange about the town.

In the town, there were very few pedestrians, and occasionally people passed by, all hiding from Su Tang, and the eyes glanced over from time to time were full of hatred.

Going forward again, I heard a shout in my ear.Su Tang walked along with the shout, there was a small courtyard in front of him, there were more than a dozen children in the yard, who were punching punches with one eye, and the shout was theirs Sent out.

Su Tang glanced around in a circle, the courtyard was large, and the walls on both sides were decorated with weapon racks, which were covered with various weapons.There was a well on the right, a stable on the left, and a pile of miscellaneous goods in front of the stable. Grass, a seven or eight-year-old child is lying on the weed and is sleeping soundly.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a dozen men and women of adult age rushed out with their swords, and slowly forced them to Su Tang, with very bad expressions.

Su Tang will naturally regard these people as threats, he smiled and said: "How many, is the old fairy fan?"

A few men walking in front suddenly yelled and pounced on Su Tang, then came a voice of milk and milk from the rear and said, "Give me a hand."

The body shape of the dozen men and women of abrupt halt stopped abruptly, glancing at Su Tang and looking at the stable.

The little child who was sleeping soundly on the weeds stood up slowly. He still seemed sleepy. He rubbed his eyes forward and walked to a place less than ten meters away from Su Tang. Then he raised his head and looked at Su Tang: Do you have anything to do with me? "

"You are ..." Su Tang was taken aback: "Are you an old fairy fan?"

"It seems that you have never heard of my prestige," the child sneered. "No wonder I dare to come to me."

Su Tang's eyes left the children and looked at the men and women of great age.The elders of Xuntang told him that the dojo was in this Fanjiazhuang.He thought that the old fairy was the guardian of the dojo.After meeting, he knew he was wrong. The guardian must be hiding somewhere.

"Hello, what do you want me to do?" The little child shouted.

Su Tang turned his head and looked at the child again. He tried to take out the honor from Na Jie and shook it.

The child looked surprised: "Are you ... Dahuang Eleven?"

Su Tang almost bit his tongue: "You are ..."

"Go, talk inside." The little child walked towards the hall, and then impatiently shouted to the middle-aged men and women: "You go to play elsewhere, don't bother me."

"Old fairy, this boy's origin is unknown, I am afraid ..." A strong man hesitated.

"I'm afraid what? If he can hurt me, do you think you can stop him?" The little boy waved his hand: "Go away and walk away"

Su Tang and the child walked into the main hall, and led the child into the backyard.

"Are you ... the guardian of the dojo?" Su Tang still didn't quite believe it.

"It's me." The little child jumped up and sat on the chair, and he was also looking at Su Tang: "The elder said hello to me, saying you are coming, and telling me that you have recently set up for me. Great work, let me never treat you slow. "

"How much are you promoted to the Holy Land?" Su Tang's mind was not on that issue. He always thought that he was a lucky genius who was better than He Lan Feiqiong, but the little kid in front of him justified him.

"It's your business," the child frowned.

"Okay" Su Tang sighed. The little man had a bad temper, so he didn't talk about it.

"These are the three thousand-year-old manchurian pill you want. They were delivered to me a few days ago." The child took out a ring from his pocket and shook his hand. There was a small box in his hand: " When I give Xuntang a receipt, your value will be deducted there. "

Su Tang took the small box and looked at it after opening it.It's not bad. It's the Millennium Manchundan, and when he misunderstood Fang Yizhe last time, he ate the only millennium Manchundan and also felt this The mystery of the panacea, so I specially ordered a few this time.

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