The Magic Outfit

Chapter 945: Kill two birds with one stone

Su Tang put the small box into the Najie, and then remembered: "Oh, is there any divine lead in the alliance? If it is exchanged with the honor value, how much will it need?

"God is not sure." The little child said: "Different qualities, the difference in merit values ​​required is very large."

"There must be a rough idea?" Su Tang said.

"An ordinary divine lead, with four or five thousand merits is enough." The little child said: "A good divine lead requires tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. , Millions are not unusual. "

"Millions? Are you really kidding?" Su Tang stunned.

"How much is millions?" The little child frowned: "If you save a hundred honors a year, don't you have much? If you save ten thousand years, wouldn't it be enough?"

"Ten thousand years ..." Su Tang was speechless for a moment.

The child's eyes rolled a few times and suddenly asked, "Who is your pick?"

"Me?" Sutang paused.

"I'm out of bounds, you don't have to answer." The child seemed to regret a little: "I'm just curious."

"What's curious?" Su Tang asked.

"The ordinary brothers need to find the dojo. I choose the time and the place. They can't even see me." The little child: "The elder of Xuntang actually let you come directly to me, it looks very much to you. Trust. "

"Hehe" Su Tang just smiled. Since the other party knew that he had asked the world, he would not answer.

At this moment, a strong man hurried in and whispered: "Old fairy, the East Guardian sent a messenger, saying it was an ultimatum ..."

"Let him go" before the strong man finished, the little child already jumped and yelled.

"Yes" the strong man responded and hurried out.

"What happened?" Su Tang asked softly.

"What's the matter ..." The little child showed grief and indignation: "He's so fucked, I stayed here well, but I don't know when, suddenly there was a rumor that I have the root of ten thousand years, I ate I had a piece of meat, and I had to live forever. The Dongjing Town Guardian swallowed lard and was distracted. Actually, he repeatedly sent people to disturb me. At first, it was only a dozen gurus.I wanted to take me away, and later replaced it with a guru. Later, it was replaced by Da Zun. Last month, he sent four holy realms, and they were driven away by me. This time I came ... I guess it ’s going to be a holy saint. "

"Are you still afraid of them?" Su Tang said.

"Fear of nature is not." The little child said: "But the guards of the four borders in the southeast, northwest, and Suowingxing Mansion have some problems. If they are dropped, they will disturb Suowingxing Mansion. children."

"The people in Fanjiazhuang are all your children and grandchildren?" Su Tang asked in amazement, and his eyes could not help turning to the bottom.

"What are you looking at?" The little child burst into rage: "I accidentally fell into devil while practicing and fell here. Fortunately, the villagers of Fanjiazhuang took care of me and sought medicine and medicine for me, only to save me. Life, the old man has been dead for many years, and the bone blood left by them will naturally take care of me

"It turns out this way ..." Su Tang smiled, "This question is very simple."

"Do you have a way?" The child asked in surprise.

"It's nothing to drive away a few holy realms. If even the holy saint also retreats in front of you, it should attract the attention of the Star Dance Palace. Although he has been promoted to Xingjun, he will not walk away, lurking here. What exactly is the intention? Could it be that there are more astrological houses? "Su Tang said.

"That's the truth," the child screamed, "If it's not for scrupulous overhauls in the Starfield, I would have killed the whole family that guarded the east border.

Su Tang Renjun couldn't help but the little child in front of him had some meaning. He was obviously only seven or eight years old, but his tone was old-fashioned, and he often mixed with all kinds of swear words, giving him a strange feeling.

"So, only to take advantage of the situation." Su Tang smiled.

"How does one follow the trend?" The little boy raised his spirit.

"You cut a piece of meat from yourself, and then send it to the Dongjing Zhenshou." Su Tang said: "What you want has been obtained, then the Dongjing Zhenshou will naturally not come to disturb you again, and you don't need to worry about disturbing the world. Star House. "

"You are a human being?" The little child gritted his teeth angrily: "Now it's just a rumor, and they don't know my depth, so keep watching, just hide in the distance to watch the excitement, and see how I will deal with the Dongjing guard, If I really cut off my own meat, they would come up like a bunch of crazy dogs. How much meat would I have to cut to satisfy them? "

"I said ... brother, why are you so serious?" Su Tang really didn't know what to say: "Did you ever make a joke with you in your life?"

"Huh?" The child blinked and he was asked.

"Forget it, don't say this first." Su Tang shifted the topic: "Is there any change in the phaseless star field this time?"

"What changes ..." The little boy thought for a moment: "Seven Prince Zijiu sent a lot of monks, mixed into the phaseless star field. At the beginning, he also had a conflict with the monks in this star field, and later he reconciled. Cooperation."

At this time, the strong man who had just entered rushed into the yard again, and handed a letter with lacquer to the little boy, and then whispered: "Old fairy, the guardian said, only give you five days. . "

"Wang Ba Dan ..." the little boy hated, then he took the envelope, opened the paint, and looked at it in ten lines.

After reading the letter, the child slammed it up and raised his hand to throw it away, Su Tang said: "Let me have a look."

The child threw the letter to Su Tang and sat down angrily on the chair. He had no good way to guard the Dongjing that was greedy and completely out of control.He couldn't get rid of it, and he couldn't kill him. As for feeding tigers, it is absolutely impossible

Su Tang slowly smoothed the letter, read it again, and then looked sideways at the child. For a long time, he said, "This matter is handed over to me, which is just good for me."

"Do you really want to help me?" Said the child in a sullen manner: "You didn't want to go directly to the east border guard and kill the Quartet?"

"I haven't been so rash." Su Tang shook his head with a smile: "Actually helping you is also helping me. Here, I can solve the trouble for you, and I have to push the boat down the water there.

After talking, Su Tang slowly stood up.

"Are you going? Where are you going?" The child asked hurriedly.

"Don't the Dongjing Town Guardian give you a five-day deadline? Then you naturally know that you are hungry." Su Tang laughed.

"You don't want to mess up" The child's expression looked a little flustered: "It's okay to move Dongjing to guard, it's no problem to me. If the old man in this town is unlucky because of you, then I will not spare you."

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