The Magic Outfit

Chapter 946: Baoguang soaring

"In fact, it is not difficult to get rid of them." Su Tang said: "The difficulty is to find a reasonable excuse, no one will doubt, so you are safe.

"Do you have a way?" The child asked.

"You can rest assured that the so-called Jinbo is moving, I just need to lead them to the door to find trouble." Su Tang stood up and said: "Also, how much do you know about God?"

"I'm still far from being anxious for God, so I don't know." The little child said: "But I can ask the elders I know in the league for advice."

"Help me to ask, I will come back to find you in a few days." Su Tang said.

The little boy started to say something, but hesitated a little. Su Tang has floated out and swept up in the air. The little kid sighed lightly. Su Tang gave him a deep and restrained feeling, plus the elders in the league. Su Tang's special treatment, based on his intuition, he thinks that Su Tang is a promising monk, so he moved his heart and wanted to ask Su Tang's monarch, but this is a taboo, and this is the first time It was too abrupt to meet, and finally I could only suppress it.

Su Tang has been skimming eastwards, flying hundreds of miles away. He turned down and landed on a hill. Then he took a rune from Najie, and the wind swayed, and the runes burned and turned into an escape. Scattered fly ash.

Su Tang slowly sat down and began to recuperate and recuperate.This sitting was a full four days.On the fourth day at dusk, a ray of light swept through the sky and the clouds were scattered. Then the ray of light dived towards the mountain where Su Tang was. .

For a moment, Xia Guang stopped in mid-air, it was a star-speed car, and then a young man jumped out of the car, his eyes turned, and fell on Su Tang.

"It's been over a decade since I disappeared. Is your Excellency okay?" Said the young man with a smile, and then his figure fell in front of Su Tang.

"I'm okay." Su Tang raised his head: "You came a little bit slow."

That young man Su Tang met the business traveler in the star field more than ten years ago, that is, he sent Su Tang to the star field in the Great Wilderness, and was encountering the true star king and the star king.

"Knowing that you are looking for me, I sold everything at a low price and hurried over." The young man said: "The last time I picked up your goods, I made a lot of money. I hope you won't let me down this time. . "

"I will let you come. I naturally cannot disappoint you. I'm afraid I'm afraid ... you let me down." Su Tang laughed.

"My price has always been fair, and you don't know it." The young man said, he misunderstood Su Tang's meaning.

"I don't worry about the price. How many mysterious machines have you brought here?" Su Tang said.

"I brought all my belongings," the young man said.

"Last time you said that, but in the end it was still confiscated." Su Tang said.

"Shibe three days, when you look at each other, you look down upon me too." The young man looked confident: "To be honest, I almost doubled the amount of things you changed last time, and afterwards there were adventures, hehe … Something is far from the beginning, let ’s say it, I will charge as much as you have. ”

"I will have as much as you charge." Su Tang said.

"Brother, it's boring to lift bars like this." The young man said helplessly: "Look at the goods."

"Good." Su Tang floated slowly, and then raised his hand, thousands of colorful lights suddenly appeared in the air, and then fell like a raindrop, because Su Tang was worried about damage, and released his mind, The glare did not fall fast. In a moment, various sizes of boxes, various bottles and pots and countless Lingbao have piled up like mountains, the scene is extremely spectacular.

Lingbao Mountain is more than ten meters high, and the base occupies more than half of the mountain, with a diameter of thirty or forty meters, and the young man is like a punch in the face, and his face has become distorted, and his eyes are almost He fell out of his eyes and looked down dumbly.

Dao Taobaoguang soared into the sky and dyed the sky in color, even if it was tens of miles away, it could be clearly seen.

"Order the goods." Su Tang said: "Always say that you take all the belongings, I want to see, how many of your belongings, um ... Frankly tell you, I have collected all these goods, I pay back Have."

In the disturbance of the battlefield of Yuku, Su Tang has beheaded dozens of practitioners successively, and then went to rescue Xiushuijun.The private possessions of the three lords belong to him.The Lingbao Mountain in front of him is indeed amazing, but the most Accounted for one-fifth of his total harvest.

"I ... go ... which star house did you destroy?" The young man screamed with a piggy voice.

"I also have adventures." Su Tang said lightly: "It seems that my adventures are much stronger than you. Don't talk nonsense, please order."

The young man floated near Lingbao Mountain. He protruded his hand to grab something, but he paused and put his hand back again. There were too many treasures in front of him, which dazzled him. He really didn't know what to pick first.

Then, the young man closed his eyes, and the detective casually grabbed a small porcelain bottle, picked it up, opened the porcelain bottle, poured out a potion, and observed carefully.

"This is the Qingshen Pill. When fighting with people, if the other party is good at using some psychic spells, the Qingshen Pill can have an effect. It is not good for ordinary practice, so it is not worth a few." The young man said. : "This bottle counts you as 20 Rong Shen Pills."

Then, the young man closed his eyes and picked up another small porcelain bottle, and poured out the medicine inside: "This is Quenching Powder. The monks of the Demon Race have many methods for specializing in strengthening muscles and bones. For you and me, it ’s useless, do n’t give it to me, but for the demon monks, it is a good tonic. This bottle counts you as two hundred Rong Shen Pills. "

Su Tang nodded and signaled that he heard.

Then, the young man closed his eyes and touched again. This time he picked up a pale orange gun. He shook it and let it go back.

"Why? Don't collect Lingbao?" Su Tang asked.

"It's not unacceptable." The young man said: "Lingbao's tasting takes time, and it's easy to look away. It's nothing to overestimate. If you underestimate and make you suffer, I will be ashamed. If you know The quality of Lingbao, and I think that I deliberately deceived you, because it is not beautiful, so Lingbao is still the final test. "

Su Tang smiled, this guy is good, is a sincere person, if he can't go to the dark market in the future, he will find him directly.

Then, the young man touched a small box, opened it, and showed amazement, then looked at Su Tang: "Are you sick?"

"How?" Su Tang froze.

"You want to sell Xuanjizi? How do you sell it?" The young man said: "There are six Xuanjizi in it, I count you 400 Rong Shendan?"

The main medicine for refining Rongshendan is Xuanjizi, but the pharmacist's craft is different, the spirit of refining medicine is different, and the experience is different, and there will be a big gap.Some pharmacists can only make seven Eighty Rong Shen Pills, and even the possibility of failure, some pharmacists can use a mysterious machine to refine more than 100 Rong Shen Pills, the most powerful one can be close to 200, plus the wasted adjuvant Wait, the covalent price in the star field is that a mysterious child can exchange for 90 to 110 melting gods

"Give me." Su Tang held out his hand.

The young man paused, raised his hand and threw the box over, and then he couldn't help it: "Have you never inspected the goods? Otherwise, why would you mix the mystery inside?"

"I didn't read it." Su Tang said: "I don't have time and I'm too lazy to read it."

The young man stayed for a moment: "How come I have a feeling of being tricked by you as a coolie?"

"Order your goods." Su Tang said.

The young man glanced around: "Some are too blatant, so daring, they are likely to attract monks, and it will be troublesome."

"The practitioners here are no more than a holy land. The coming of several holy priests is already awesome. What are you afraid of?" Su Tang said lightly: "You can get them out of hand with a wave of hand."

"Just whatever you want," the young man said, and then he turned his attention to Lingbao Mountain again.

From the beginning of twilight, until the next day, the young man finally stopped his hand and looked at Su Tang with a melancholy gaze.

In fact, he still has enough mental and physical strength to continue to order. The problem is that the Xuanjizi he brought is almost the same as the Rongshen Pill. It is meaningless to continue to order goods, and he cannot afford it.

A huge treasure mountain, only a small part was lost, and more Lingbao still exudes brilliance quietly, forming an irresistible temptation.

As a traveling merchant in the walking star field, his horizon is naturally very high, but some things are too biased, he is not sure, he often has to take out his own illustrated book and analyze it carefully, so the speed is slowed down.

"Let's talk about it." The young man said in a low voice. According to normal circumstances, he should hand over his mysterious child and Rongshen Pill, and then wave his goodbye, but the remaining Lingbao keeps on going Summoned him to leave him unwillingly.

"What are you going to discuss?" Su Tang said.

"You can give me some of these goods on credit, and I will give you a 50% profit. When I meet next time, I will make up all of them," the young man said.

"No." Su Tang shook his head.

"I'll give you 70% profit. Is this not enough? Could you believe me?" The young man said urgently.

"It's not something you can't believe. I don't want to take the risk of being deceived by nothing." Su Tang said: "But it can also be discussed. How about you coming to be a housekeeper with me?" Su Tang saw that the other party was appreciating the treasures. Quite unique, so I gave birth to solicitation,

"No," the young man shook his head flatly: "I like to be unrestrained, so I became a merchant and go to be a housekeeper for others? I can't stand it"

"Then there is no way." Su Tang felt a little sorry.

"To be honest, how much do you have?" The young man asked again.

"How long will it take you to sell these goods?" Su Tang asked back.

"A year or so," the young man said.

"In three to fifty years, you can only do my own business." Su Tang said.

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