The Magic Outfit

Chapter 947: Rob

"Alas ..." The young man sighed for a long time, and then looked at his jade card: "There are a total of 41,100 Rongshen Pills. I didn't bring that much, and the rest used Xuanjizi. Forget it, according to the price, one mysterious machine counts one hundred magic gods. "

"Good." Su Tang nodded.

The young man took out more than a hundred large and small boxes from the Najie, and those boxes hovered in the air, waiting for Su Tang to count.

After the handover, the young man sighed again quietly: "Your luck is really good, but you have to be more careful in the future. If you do this, you will not die well in the end."

"Do me this line? Ha ha ..." Su Tang smiled: "Which line do I do?"

"Last time you sold me dragon species, this time you got so many Lingbao? Do you still use me to say it?" The young man said: "I guess ... before you walk out of the starry sky, it must be the original domain. It ’s hard to change the big bandit ’s habits of Tianzi No.1, and he ’s still an old trader when he arrives in Xingyu. ”

At this moment, a sudden fluctuation of spiritual power came from afar, and the young man looked at the place where the spiritual power fluctuation came, and then smiled happily: "I said, if there are practitioners passing by, it will definitely be Was alarmed by the treasure, do you need my help when your trouble comes? "

"No, you just watch the excitement on the side." Su Tang said lightly: "But you have to cooperate with me a little bit, don't make them suspicious."

"What do you want to do?" The young man looked suspicious.

Su Tang didn't answer, just running the mind, his face gradually became sallow, and then kneaded a few times on the placket with his hand, there was a hole in the placket, the breath appeared very unstable, and sometimes the bellows came out of the throat The sound like a sound, and then found a small porcelain bottle from Najie, sprinkled the vermilion liquid on the clothes, and turned into a blood stain.

"You want to pretend to be injured? Not quite like that," the young man said.

"In front of this soaring treasure, do you think they still have the mood to distinguish me carefully?" Su Tang replied.

"Do you want to count them? Who do you know who came from?" The young man asked again.

"It should be a monk under Dongjing Town Guardian here." Su Tang said.

At this time, the fluctuation of spiritual power was getting closer and closer, and five practitioners flew towards this side. In fact, Su Tang was right. In front of the sky's treasure, most practitioners could not keep calm. They tried their best to control their body shape, and their strength was clearly exposed.

The practitioner in the middle is already a great holy land, and the other four are holy land. Their bodies stop abruptly, hovering 50 to 60 meters away.

"It should let you drive the car away, hope they didn't pay attention." Su Tang whispered.

In fact, those practitioners didn't pay attention to the flying car hanging in the sky, their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and they were staring at Lingbao Mountain.

The spiritual treasures brought out by Su Tang only traded for a small part, and the rest still made people feel dazzled.The majestic spiritual fluctuations like the sea and the brilliant light like a rainbow have completely deterred those practitioners. Mind.

The young man didn't know what Su Tang wanted to do, and didn't want to disturb Su Tang, his figure slowly floated, and flew to the side.

Someone moved, and the practitioners across from them woke up like a dream. A strong man came out from the crowd and shouted, "Who are you standing here? Report your name.

Are you looking for death? The young man was a little annoyed, and a little holy realm dared to yell at him, and he had already shot it for another place, but Su Tang was here, he didn't want to spoil Su Tang's business, but just stopped, expressionless Staring at each other.

At the moment, Su Tang was observing the practitioners on the opposite side. The central saint seemed to have some doubts, and the language was still resting. This person was a bit mental and could not stay; the strong man who rushed out and a middle-aged man in white robe I was completely stunned, and my body was trembling with excitement. If there was no accident, they should be the first to shoot. Letting them go back must make up lies and tamper with the facts, which will affect the judgment of the East Border Guard, so it ca n’t stay.

"Talk? Are you deaf?" The strong man shouted again.

"No need to ask any more, they must be gangsters," the middle-aged man in white robe floated up, stopped beside the strong man, and said coldly.

"Oh? What?" The strong man raised his hand and pulled a long knife from his shoulder.

"This person has blood stains all over the body, and the blood marks are still new. It should have been fighting with people not long ago. The breath is unstable and has been created internally." The middle-aged man in white robe said: "So, the answer is already ready, These spirit treasures were not stolen by him, or they were stolen. Perhaps there were treasures left by ancestors nearby, which were discovered by them, and there was a fight within them. "

"Nearby? There are treasures nearby? But here is my territory in the east." The strong man said angrily: "So ... they stole our spiritual treasures?"

"Good." The middle-aged man in a white robe nodded, and then said in a negative tone: "Well, where did Lingbao come from?"

Su Tang seemed to want to say something, but he was anxious and suddenly made a strong cough.

"You said" the strong man shouted, and the long knife in his hand pointed at the young man.

"Don't he point me at me" The young man was really angry, but he couldn't do it: "These Lingbao belong to him, it has nothing to do with me, I want to ask you to ask him"

The strong man and the middle-aged man in white robe glanced at each other, and they all misunderstood, or that they were willing to misunderstand like this. The annoyance that was revealed was nothing more than mere anger.

Among the few people on the opposite side, the only one who can keep awake is the practitioner of the Great Holy Land. He has not spoken because the gorgeous treasure disturbs his mind.He wants to be calm, but he ca n’t calm down. Down, so many Lingbao, not to mention all occupied, as long as you rush up and grab a random one, all benefits are endless.

However, there was always something wrong ... The practitioner of the Great Sacred Realm took a breath, glanced around once, suddenly felt something, and raised his head to see the flying hovering in the sky.

Although the distance of the flying car is very long, only the size of a bug, his eyesight is much stronger than that of his companion, and he immediately recognizes what it is.

The eyes of the practitioners of that great holy realm suddenly shrunk into large needlepoints. Xingjun?

"Dare to spread wild on the ground of my east border, to find death" the strong man roared, and then the long knife in his hand to Su Tang who kept coughing.

"Stop ..." The practitioners of that great holy realm were already splitting their eyes.

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