The Magic Outfit

Chapter 950: Spike

"In front is the Dust Gate Star House." Said the young man.

Su Tang woke up from entering Dingding and raised his hand to see the direction of the young man. There were two majestic mountains standing in the starry sky, with a valley in between, walking inward along the valley, more than a thousand meters A vermilion door stood outside.

Su Tang looked around, a cloud of swirling clouds surrounded it, it should be all star roads, there are more than a hundred.

"Why is this Dust Gate Star House so simple?" Su Tang said.

"Simple?" The young man smiled and said: "Some of the star houses have been occupied by monks for a long time. After thousands of years, they can naturally accumulate some weather. Although the dust gate star house has no owner, it is an unrelated star A pivotal place in the domain, extending in all directions, from the star road here, you can go to any place in the phaseless star domain. "

"It turns out so." Su Tang nodded: "Let's go."

The speeding car went straight into the valley, and in the blink of an eye, it passed through the gate. Within the gate, there are rolling mountains and vast fields, perhaps because the practitioners who come and go are mostly high and high. There is no way.

"Well, why is there no one to occupy a star house?" Su Tang felt puzzled.

"The phaseless star domain is not a dominance." The young man replied: "You don't want me to occupy, I don't want him to occupy, and he doesn't want you to occupy, so it slowly became a land of no ownership. Later, after deliberation, they set the only teleportation array in the phaseless star field to the outside of the domain. If they want to enter the phaseless star field, or want to leave, the metropolis will go from here. "

After flying for more than a thousand miles, he met a lone monk. The young man stopped the car and accompanied the smiling face to find out where the ancient snowy city was. The lone monk gave them directions, and both sides passed by.

After nearly half an hour, the speeding car broke into the ice and snow, and a majestic big city appeared in front, but the popularity of the city was very thin, and almost no figure was seen.

"Go there." Su Tang said, the speeding car has been walking through the air hundreds of meters high, with a very wide field of vision. He has seen a lake on the southeast side of the ancient snowy city.

The young man drove the speeding car, turned to the southeast, and at the same time slowly lowered his altitude. In a moment, he had swept over the lake.

The area of ​​the streamer lake is very large, and its diameter reaches hundreds of miles away, but the dragon reef that Xiushuixingjun said is not needed at all, because there is only a big red stone in the streamer lake.

The surrounding lake surface has long been covered with thick ice, but within a hundred meters of the Fire Dragon Reef, the ice has melted, and the rippling lake water is as clear as sapphire.

"You be careful, I won't go out." The young man said, he helped Su Tang to get here, it was already a matter of justice, not to mention that he didn't know Su Tang's purpose, all the monks walking in the Dust Gate Star House In case Su Tang is desperate and wants to do some bad things and provoke public anger, the result will be very bad.

"I know." Su Tangdao said that this trip was smooth sailing, not to mention obstruction, he didn't even see a few of the figures, but the more so, Su Tang was more vigilant and always ready to adapt, he has learned three Prince Zan Xuan and asked Xingjun Jun, smart people are everywhere, his plan may not be able to hide from everyone, not to mention the power of Seventh Prince Zui Ji above the third prince Zhan Xuan.

Su Tang floated out of the speeding car, landed on the Fire Dragon Reef, and floated above the Fire Dragon Reef.He did not rush to his hands. His ears carefully sensed the fluctuations of the surrounding spiritual power.For a moment, when he saw that there was no movement, he turned his attention to the Fire Dragon Reef. on.

Fire Dragon Reef is a fire spirit stone, but the remaining spiritual power fluctuations are very weak, and there is almost no value. No wonder no one cares.

Su Tang found that the Fire Dragon Reef and the reef bottom were not integrated, there was a finger-wide gap, he landed on the bottom of the reef, and then showed the magic sword, stabbed into the Fire Dragon Reef, and then operated the Spirit Vessel to control the weight Tens of thousands of pounds of fire dragon reef rose.

Booming ... Runes at the bottom of the reef exploded one after another. That was the spirit array left by Xiushuixingjun. Su Tang had already used Shennian to protect his body. This strength could not hurt him at all.

Su Tang raised his hand and threw Huolong Jiao out. The Huolong Jiao flew more than ten meters away, fell heavily on the lake water, swayed a colorful wave of water, and also emitted white smoke, and a noisy sound came from the water.

Without the Fire Dragon Reef, a large hole appeared on the bottom of the reef, and the hole was tightly blocked by gravel.

Su Tang leaned down and picked up the gravel, but he didn't pull it down. A ray of ray of light had penetrated through the gravel and poured into the sky.

"That's ... Lingbao?" The young man left in the flying car immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Tang without blinking.

Su Tang digs his hand into the hole. When he takes it out again, there is an extra green box in his hand. Then, Su Tang digs his hand into the hole again.

"How does he know there is Lingbao hidden here?" The young man murmured to himself. At that moment, the screaming horses of several horses pulling the car made an uneasy hiss, and the young man was shocked and suddenly Turning the mind, the speeding car immediately swept up to the sky.

The surrounding air seemed to become distorted, and then a figure came out of the void, raised his fist, and pressed against the streamer lake.

The figure appeared too suddenly, and the speed of the attack was also extremely fast. Su Tang just took out a box again, which was too late to react and was directly hit by a fist.

Booming ... Booming ... The rippling lake was blown away by fists, revealing the dark brown bottom of the lake. The bottom of the reef, which was only half a meter above the lake, also became a rockery more than ten meters high. Soaring into the sky, a round shock wave wrapped around the lake and spread rapidly around, finally condensing into a turbulent wave like a tsunami.

As the boxing power spread, all the nearby lake water was also swept away, and all the sand was exposed.

Su Tang couldn't resist the pressure at all. He could not help but fall backwards, and the box in his hand dropped on the reef.

"Sure enough, the old man expected that." The figure gave a ridiculous laugh: "The little thief is deliberately confusing, but who can he hide? Leave it to me."

At this moment, Su Tang tried his best to jump up. When he came, he had already made corresponding psychological preparations. Once the plan was seen through and encountered an ambush, he would immediately use all means to desperately, at least he had to drag one back.

Su Tang didn't hesitate anymore, opened a longbow in his backhand, and made three arrows in one form. Only in an instant, all three arrows were shot.

It takes a lot of spiritual power to use the three burning arrows.In the previous Su Tang, there was no way to shoot the three arrows in one breath.Now the magic wings that have been smelted seven times and the magic sword that have been smelted twice,

The figure of "Carved Insect" sneered, then raised his hand and grabbed the arrow light: "Dare to be ..."

The figure hadn't finished speaking yet, and arrow light had shot straight into his face through his palm.

The figure immediately became stiff, and there was an incredible look on his face. At this moment, he couldn't figure out, what spirit trick the other party used was able to avoid his block and hit the key directly.

At this time, the second arrow had also been shot, and also shot into his face, overlapping with the first arrow.

"Three ..." The figure screamed, his figure drifted back quickly, and a purple charm appeared in his hand.

It is a pity that as long as the Three Burning Arrows are launched, they will have the power to stop the gods and kill the Buddha. At that time, the ancient true **** used vast magical powers to forge the three burning arrows.The characteristic of the three burning arrows is that all the spiritual power is released in an instant.After the arrow light passes, it becomes an ordinary iron, and the power is naturally better than the spirit of the same level. Baoqiang is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

The third arrow of light shot into his face again, and all movements of the figure were cut off. The arrow of light entered the body and destroyed his consciousness in an instant.

The figure was falling like a stone, the lake that was swaying around had been castrated, and it rolled back inward again. A wave of flowers rose tens of meters high, and the tide sounded like thunder.

The figure fell into the lake and was swallowed immediately.

Booming ... The waves rolled back hit the reef, making a blast, and the splashing water swallowed the figure of Su Tang in it.

"This is ... what kind of spirit treasure" the young man who was about to escape has turned into a statue, and then jumped up like an electric shock, took out his own illustration, and murmured while quickly flipping: "The stick is green .... lotus……"

In a moment, he turned to a page, his eyes swept across the pages of the book, his eyes suddenly glared.

"Qinglian stick ... Is that ... three burning arrows?"

The waves faded, and Su Tang's figure appeared again. He took out several boxes from the big hole one after another, all placed in his own ring, and then jumped into the lake water again, leaning on the ability of the water spirit beads, Su Tang was like a elephant in the water. The fish were generally flexible and quick. It took only a dozen of hours to find the old man's body, rummage through it for a moment, and then rushed out of the water and skimmed towards the car.

Su Tang's figure just moved, and suddenly a glimmer of purple light was seen in the corner of his eye.It was a magic charm taken by the enemy before he died, but there was no chance to release it. The magic charm was a little weird, and it seemed to release a force. It was not wet by water, and still radiated a faint light.

Su Tang's figure rushed down again, twisting the spirit charm, and then swept towards the car.

Entering the speeding car, he found that the young man was staring at himself with an unusually weird gaze, but Su Tang had no energy to think about anything else and hurriedly shouted: "Go quickly

The young man immediately drove the speeding car towards the exit of the Dust Gate Star House, and then his eyes fell on the charm of Su Tang's hand, extending his hand: "Let me take a look."

Su Tang handed over the charm, and the young man took a closer look, and then threw the charm aside in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Su Tangdao said as he went to pick up the charm.

"Don't move" the young man screamed: "That's the dragon symbol of the true dragon's vein. If you accidentally trigger the spirit symbol, summon a true dragon prince, we will die without a burial place

"I don't have the spiritual power, how can the spirit charm be released?" Su Tang said, then he picked up the dragon charm and collected it into his own precepts.

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