The Magic Outfit

Chapter 951: Parting

"What did you leave that thing for?" The young man called.

"Anyway, my precepts are big enough." Su Tangdao, then he showed suspicious color: "They seem to have seen through my plan, how could ... Only one monk left to watch the streamer lake?"

"That's the prince at the peak, who can think of you ..." The young man paused: "You have such a powerful spiritual treasure, and the prince of dignity can't even hold together in front of you. It is a pity that a dragon symbol is passed, but it is a pity ... "

Su Tang thought for a while, and felt that the other party made some sense, and he would not say anything else. Looking sideways, the speeding car was flying in the clouds, and the turbulence in the clouds along the way would be shattered, obviously The other party also knew that the momentum was not good, and tried their best to escape from the house of stars.

On the ruins of Dongjing Zhenshou Mansion, an old man wearing a purple dragon robe suddenly stopped and raised his left wrist. He wore a string of pearls on his left wrist, and one of the beads had become dull.

"Master Gale ... has fallen ..." The old man in the purple dragon robe turned pale: "We've gone back in time"

As soon as the words fell, the old man in the purple dragon robe had turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"What are you still doing? All go back," Chenyang prince shouted, and then swept to the sky. The other practitioners looked at each other, and then followed.

Su Tang's speeding car finally approached the gate of the palace, and he met several monks along the way.The young man ignored the speed and drove the speeding car straight.Fortunately, the few monks were unwilling to make trouble in plain sight. Come here and hide aside without saying a word and let the car go first.

Booming ... The speeding car wrapped in a series of electric lights and roaring sounds rushed out of the Star Mansion, but they just flew away from the two magnificent male mountains and were seeing a streamer coming out of the Star Road, turning into a wearing purple dragon Old man in robe.

"That's the Seventh Prince's eye, let's go," Su Tang snorted.

The young man had also seen it, and the speeding car drew a semi-arc, and swept deep into the starry sky.

The old man in the purple dragon robe's eyes fell on the speeding car: "Traveling merchants ... Where are they going?"

The applause did not fall, and the old man in the purple dragon robe turned into a streamer again, following behind the speeding car.

The young man's face was slightly reddened, while looking back, while looking back, the old man in the purple dragon robe was extremely fast, and could even keep up with the speed of the star field.

"That old man's style ... so fast" The young man looked very surprised.

"He's not just fast." Su Tang's tone seemed a little heavy. Although he just had a face-to-face meeting just now, he could sense the other party's majestic anger.

The young man gritted his teeth and continued to drive the speeding car. After half an hour, he did not know how far he flew out of the star field.Not only did he fail to get rid of the old man wearing a purple dragon robe, but the distance between the two parties was several kilometers. Shortened to more than 100 meters.

"It's going to be worse ..." The young man's complexion had become so blue that for the first time he met a monk who couldn't get rid of the speeding car.

"I'm going out." Su Tang stood up.

"You go out now, there is only one way to die," the young man shouted angrily.

"Just rushing at you, I should have gone out more. The trouble I caused myself, I bear it myself." Su Tang smiled: "We ... see you later ..."

The young man was silent for a moment, and he also said, "See you later ..." It was just that there was a bit more weight in his tone, and there was a little more unclear

Su Tangchang took a breath, pulled out of the carriage, immediately spread the wings of the devil, and swept away without looking back.

The old man in the purple dragon robe didn't expect this to happen. He paused slightly and slowed down a bit.At this moment, the speeding car and Su Tang were far away from him by thousands of kilometers, which can be seen What a terrible speed they chase.

Then, the old man wearing a purple dragon robe chose Su Tang, and his figure turned into a streamer again, and he shot quickly.

Su Tang has exerted his full strength, but he was frightened as he escaped. His demon wings have been smelted seven times, and the speed is faster than lightning, not to mention the ordinary monarch, even if he is facing the starry sky. , He believed that he also had a chance to escape.

But the speed of the old man was even faster than before, and it was only a breath of time. The distance between the other party and himself has been shortened to less than one kilometer.

At this moment, a huge gate appeared in front of him. He did not know what it was, and he was not in a mood to understand it. His body suddenly turned and dashed into a star road.

Su Tang has turned his soul to the extreme, flying out of almost tens of thousands of meters, suddenly turned down sharply, landed in a dense forest, and at the same time immediately shielded his breath, shrunk behind a large tree, and silently waited.

After a few breaths, a wave of incomparable spiritual power swept through, and then stopped a few miles away. Su Tang only felt his heart beating very fast. He quietly turned his head and observed the sky from the gap between the branches and leaves.

The old man in the purple dragon robe slowly drifted towards this side, then hovered in the air and looked around.

For a moment, the old man in the purple dragon robe raised his hand, and a golden ring appeared, and the golden ring suddenly shone light.

With a howl, a monster similar in appearance to a hyena appeared in the air.

Ghost Mastiff ... Su Tang was shocked. He had raised Ghost Mastiff and recognized it naturally, but the other party's ghost mastiff opened his teeth and danced his claws, making him look like an angry lion. Like a poor and tender chicken just out of the shell.

"Go" the old man in a purple dragon robe screamed.

The giant ghost mastiff flew forward suddenly, rushed over Su Tang's head, and rushed straight ahead, but only rushed more than 100 meters away, and the ghost mastiff stopped again, as if smelling something strange, turned his head and looked around. Then he slowly turned around and looked at Su Tang ’s hiding place.

It was discovered that Su Tangchang took a breath, and then the Devil's Wings unfolded with all their strength, and turned into a blue electro-optical body, casting it into the distance.

The giant ghost mastiff howled at Su Tang, but its speed could not be compared with that of Su Tang. The figure had just started, and Su Tang had swept thousands of kilometers away.

The old man in the purple dragon robe immediately stretched out and chased him up. When he passed the giant ghost mastiff, the golden ring in his hand flicked gently, and the giant ghost mastiff disappeared without a trace.

It must have been the fully mature domain-level spirit species Su Tang who made the judgment. When he was in the human world, he thought that the major repairs in the star domain.The domain-level spirit species should be one by hand. Things are not only scarce, but also extremely difficult to smelt, even surpassing the sacred soul treasure.

However, it is totally meaningless now to think that the three-burning arrows are no longer usable. It is definitely impossible to fight, and it is not yet known whether they can escape.

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