The Magic Outfit

Chapter 952: Be trapped

Su Tang flew forward with all his strength, and the devil wings that had been smelted seven times, not only gave him the speed that most monks could not reach, but also possessed endless endurance.After flying for so long, Su Tang didn't have any at all. Feeling tired, it seemed to fly all the way to the end of the star field.

Although the old man wearing a purple dragon robe also seemed relaxed and freehand, he relied on the spirit to fly, so he would be exhausted sooner or later.

After chasing for another moment, the old man in the purple dragon's robe frowned, and then his figure slowly expanded into a giant of several feet tall.

Released the dharma body? Su Tang can sense the other party's changes, but can't understand the other party's intentions. Releasing the dharma body can't increase the speed. What is it to do?

At the next moment, the old man wearing a purple dragon robe radiated a dazzling golden light around him, and then he took a leg and straddled seven or eight hundred meters in one step. The speed of change of position was like a teleport.

Wonderfoot? Su Tang was taken aback. After he learned about Shen Yin from Lord Moonstone, he was very interested in all kinds of magical powers. Later, he learned a lot from the merchants. Shenzutong is a kind of speed that reaches his limit in a short time. Supernatural, it is said that some ancient real gods can cross a star field in one step, far superior to all physical methods.

Seeing that the old man in the purple dragon robe was about to take the second step, Su Tang knew that he could not delay, and his goal had been achieved. After chasing so far, he thought that the merchant should also escape to a safe place.

Su Tang took out the escape symbol given to him by the Elder Wu of the Heavenly Daoist League from the Najie, and immediately turned to the mind, and his body suddenly disappeared into the starry sky.

"Escape? Junior" The old man in the purple dragon roar made a roar, and then flicked his hands to hit a chain-like streamer. The streamer penetrated into the place where Su Tang disappeared, and soon disappeared.

Thousands of miles away from here, Su Tang's figure flashed out of the air very suddenly. He looked around and let out a long sigh of relief.At this moment, he felt something was wrong and hurriedly started the magic. His eyes then found that a silk thread emerged from the starry sky and connected to him.

what is this? Su Tang was stunned, the next moment, the void exploded suddenly, the breath of the roaring turbulence was turbulent around, Su Tang hurriedly ran the body protection mind, and then saw a figure emerged from the burst of exploding breath Old man wearing a purple dragon robe.

How can it be? Su Tang couldn't believe his eyes. He had released the escape character. Did the escape character fail?

"You can force a certain kind of magical powers to use one after another, and you are also proud of yourself," the old man wearing a purple dragon robe said coldly, then raised his hand, a spirit sword appeared in his hand, and the sword light flashed towards Su Tang with lightning.

For a moment, Su Tang seemed at a loss, because he had never seen such a vast sword light.

Ordinary monks used spirit swords, or turned into a dazzling light curtain, or condensed into an electric light, nothing more than that, and the sword strength released by the old man condensed into a giant pillar with hundreds of meters, shooting straight at him. The emanating spiritual power radiates bursts of light outside the giant column, and the halo even spreads thousands of kilometers away.

This is a sword that destroys the earth and he cannot avoid it, nor can he stop it

At the last moment, Su Tang finally woke up to God, and immediately took the last escape character from Najie, and then ran the Shennian to release the spirit symbol.

Although he also understands that there is a risk of failure by releasing escape characters one after another, he cannot always stay in place and die.

Su Tang's figure disappeared again. When he pierced out of the starry sky again, the magic eye saw that the silk thread was still connected to his body, immediately spread the wings of the demon, and fled away without looking back. .

Immediately afterwards, the old man wearing a purple dragon robe appeared in the rear, raised his hand and pursued the figure of Su Tang.

Although Su Tang is accelerating with all his strength, he can't be faster than Jianguang, boom ... Su Tang's figure has been shattered by Jianguang.

The void in the distance appeared twisted, and Su Tang's figure sprang out from there unscathed and continued to fly towards the distance.

The figure that had been crushed before did not collapse, but turned into countless streamers and shot around.

"Heart Protection Mirror?" The old man in a purple dragon robe was stunned. He had never imagined that Su Tang had so many wonderful magical treasures. He was escaped by Su Tang one after another. Over ten thousand meters have escaped in time, leaving only a small spot of light.

The old man in the purple dragon robe took a breath and swooped toward Su Tang.

At the moment, Su Tang has been sweating all over the body.If he didn't get these spirit treasures in the Heavenly Dao League, he would die too early, but now the escaped spirit treasures are almost used. Could they be beaten back to the prototype today, everything Start from scratch? He is not reconciled, but there is no way.

Su Tang has been sensing the movement of the rear during the flight, seeing that the old man has not released the Shenzutong again, and his heart is a little calm.It seems that Shenzutong is extremely costly.The old man has used it once, and Su Tang has released it. To escape, the old man can only interrupt his magical powers and chase them over with some kind of psychic trick. Now it should be difficult to release the magical powers.

But the difficulty is only temporary. If the other party's mind is restored, he will definitely die.

What to do ... Su Tang was very anxious. At this moment, he suddenly saw a dense light spot in the distance. Then he activated the magic eye and found that there were countless silk threads condensed into a mist above the light spot. Waves swelled like waves.

Continue to escape in the void of the star field, certainly not. If you go over there, you may be able to have a turnaround.

Su Tang changed his direction and quickly swept towards the dense light spot, and the old man wearing the purple dragon robe also saw the side scene. His speed slowed down slowly, murmured: "That is ..."

The dense light spots seemed to be in front, but Su Tang flew a full quarter of an hour before flying near.The original light spots were all statues.The statue was extremely large in shape, and it was just the eyes that got stuck. The hole is enough to allow Su Tang to flip inside, and the raised palm is almost half the size of a basketball court.

All the statues kept the same posture, which made Su Tang feel a little puzzled, because he remembered the world where he harvested the crystallization of a large amount of thoughts.He once saw a statue in front of the entrance, although the size of the two is huge. , But that kind of smiley expression is a bit like a smile.

It's just that Su Tangfei flew into the statue group now, and the more he flew forward, the more terrified he was. He was up and down, left and right, and there were statues everywhere, and there was no end in sight at all.

The old man in the purple dragon robe stopped suddenly, and stopped more than 10,000 meters away from the statue group. He sighed softly, raised the golden ring in his hand, and a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"I don't know what the lord called me to do?" The figure said respectfully.

"You are very proficient in the battle method, look here ... Could it be the ancient battle of evil?" Said the old man wearing a purple dragon robe.

In fact, the figure was already observing. He stared at the statues for a moment and swept inward.

"Be careful." The old man in a purple dragon robe said: "The breath here is too strange."

"The lord is relieved." The figure smiled: "This wicked ancient formation is stronger and stronger. With my breath, I can't cause the storm. If the lord comes in, I'm afraid it will be in trouble."

"Are you sure this is the evil ancient array?" Said the old man in a purple dragon robe hurriedly.

"Nine out of ten." Said the figure: "It is said that the ancient evil Zhuxu has been wandering around in the star field, and now and then, how did the monarch find it?"

"I'm chasing a Xiaodao of the Heavenly Dao League until here." The old man wearing a purple dragon robe said: "Can you control this evil ancient array?"

"Sovereign, I want to control the evil ancient formation with my entry, which is tantamount to the ants shaking the tree." The figure smiled bitterly: "Do you mean to think ... to get rid of the Xiaoxiao of Daomeng that day?"

"Well." The old man in a purple dragon robe nodded. "Master's Lingbao is in his hands. You must not let him escape. After removing him, you go in and find Lingbao."

"This is easy." The figure said: "Although Zhuxu Ancient Formation has lost its ownership, as long as it is attacked, it will naturally react. We should be safe outside the formation, and it will be unlucky when we are young. "

"Okay, you try it." Said the old man in a purple dragon robe.

"Follow the order." Said the figure, and then he flew towards the statue group. When the distance was less than three hundred meters, he stopped his body, took a long breath, operated the spirit vein, and then added a battle in his hand. Gun, and then he struggled to throw the war gun out.

The war gun was transformed into an electric light, which passed straight forward, and then hit the back of a statue.

If the statue is like a giant elephant, then the light wrapped by the war gun is like a small sewing needle.This level of attack appears very weak, but at the next moment, the statue shakes slightly, and this jitter is All the statues passed by quickly.

Su Tang, who was deep in the array, suddenly felt wrong, and the surrounding statues began to turn. A pair of deep-seated eyes seemed to be looking at him.

Su Tang suddenly stopped his body, and at this moment, countless rays of light shot out of the statue's eyes, like thousands of arrows, and shot at him.

Not good ... Su Tang was shocked, immediately spread the wings of the devil, and flew forward, and then realized that this was not possible, and started the devil's light again, his body transformed into a twisted electric light, and he shot madly in the array.

No matter how Su Tang hides, he can't escape the light from the shot.Fortunately, he has turned into an electro-optical body, and the body is between half-virtual and half-truth, dissolving most of the strength, but this is the case. Su Tang has become bruised, his clothes are almost torn into pieces, his hair is also pitted, and one ear has been opened.

"This kid has some skills." The figure laughed, and he had a round mirror in his hand, which clearly reflected Su Tang's movements.

The old man wearing a purple dragon robe also flew near. He looked at the round mirror and suddenly said: "The greater the strength of the attack, the stronger the counterattack of the evil ancient array will be?"

"Yes," the figure said.

"Good" The old man in the purple dragon robe raised his spirit sword.

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