The Magic Outfit

Chapter 953: Self-reliance

At the next moment, the old man in the purple dragon robe put out his sword with all his might. Meters away.

Their location was also impacted. The old man in the purple dragon robe was naturally unharmed, but the figure gave a painful moan, or the old man reached out his hand and released a light curtain, covering the figure in it before letting He took a breath.

Immediately afterwards, the old man wearing a purple dragon robe showed horror. His full blow was enough to ⊥ a mountain turned into powder, but the statue did nothing, but there were a few very small cracks in the back of the head It seems that if you want to destroy a statue, the power is at least a hundred times stronger than him before you can try it.

Buzzing ... The statue group suddenly made a loud noise, the sound became louder and stronger, and they felt stronger and stronger. They were outside the array, and they were less affected. Su Tang in the array turned out to be She was shocked and dizzy, and there was bloodshot eyes.

The shock in Su Tang's heart can't be described in words. He is close to Xiao Luo Xingjun's realm, and his body is extremely tough. What are these statues? Can he be injured by his voice alone?

Later, Su Tang saw a more terrifying scene, and the statues were crying ...

A pair of deep eyes, rushing to the roaring golden light, seems to be because the golden light is too rich, has solidified, and flows down the corners of the eyes, looking like golden tears.

Buzzing ... The roaring sounds are getting stronger and stronger, the vast and unparalleled spiritual power waves spread out, covering the space of nearly tens of thousands of miles, making Su Tang feel like a lone boat in the ocean and the sea A storm that was enough to destroy was gestating, but he could sense it, but to no avail.

"Good strong fluctuations, even if the ancient God is here, I am afraid that it will take some effort to block the blow ..." The old man in the purple dragon robe took a long breath and then laughed loudly: "I think he still How can I run hahahahaha ... "

The golden light in the buzzing statue ’s eye hole suddenly spread outwards, like a rapidly spreading aperture, which is about to finish ... Su Tang knows that he ca n’t escape this disaster anyway.

It is said that people will die and their words are good, but Su Tang is a person who never refuses to lose. He knows that he has reached the last moment, but he is wicked to the courage.

But what can he do?

At the moment when the golden light was about to explode, Su Tang suddenly took a purple amulet from Najie, and then moved the spiritual vein without hesitation, throwing the amulet out.

Su Tang is not clear what can be caused by this, but this is the only thing he can do.

There was a twist in the air, and then an old man wearing a purple dragon robe appeared there. He was still laughing in the sky: "Ha ha ha ..."

But after only a few laughs, he came to an abrupt stop, and then the old man in the purple dragon robe looked around in a panic. He could not understand the situation for a while.

Seeing the purple dragon robe, there is no need to see who is coming, Su Tang has instinctively plundered into the distance.

Booming ... Thousands of golden beams of light burst out of the eyes of the statue group, shooting at the old man wearing a purple dragon robe with a destructive trend.

The Zhuxu Ancient Array was originally aimed at Su Tang, but when the old man in the purple dragon robe appeared, he changed his target, because the latter's breath was much stronger than that of Su Tang.

The pillar of light has not yet been hit.The old man in the purple dragon robe has turned into a burning fireball. He has injured a statue, which has caused the whole wrath of the ancient evil array. The induced will be ruined. s attack.

His beard and mind are also burning, although he has released the body protection mind, but can not block the penetration of high temperature.

Immediately afterwards, the old man in a purple dragon robe tried his best to draw a charm from the Nahua. However, the charm had just appeared and was burned to fly ash. He pulled out another one and still did.

"Ah ..." The old man in the purple dragon roar gave a desperate roar, his spirit veins were running wildly, and his body expanded.

In fact, he also understands that this is of no avail. He just said that even if the ancient real **** is here, it would take some effort to block the blow, and his power is not enough.

It's just that, like Su Tang's thoughts just now, no one is willing to be put to death, always trying to do something, and then, just waiting for a miracle.

Booming ... Thousands of devastating beams of light bombarded the old man, swallowing his figure in it.

The vast starry sky seemed to be boiling, a huge flash of light burst, and Su Tang's eyes still flickering. He could only rely on his original impression to rush to the nearest statue.

A beam of light passed near Su Tang, some were more than 100 meters away, and some were only two or thirty meters away. But it is impossible to respond in time, simply ignore it, bet once on your luck

In fact, Su Tang instinctively made a correct choice.The statue group of Zhuxu Ancient Formation seems to be scattered in disorder, but its own mystery, any attack released by a statue will not accidentally hurt other statues. Su Tang found the nearest statue as a cover, which happened to deviate from the orbit of thousands of beams of light.

Bang ... Su Tang feels that he has hit something, and immediately runs Lingjue, and sticks to it.

The blasting sound continued ... Su Tang gritted his teeth and waited silently. After more than a dozen breaths, the ancient evil of Zhuxie was restored to calm.

Su Tang tried to open his eyes and looked away, and found that the old man in the purple dragon robe had disappeared without a trace, but in his original position, there seemed to be something floating.

The unbearable high temperature has not faded.Fortunately, Su Tang has a body protection mind, he tried to skim a little forward, and after a while, he finally returned to his original position

The old man in the purple dragon robe didn't disappear completely, and there was still something left.For example, a scorched black finger, a broken boot with an ankle bone protruding out of the boot, a light blue , Ring armor covered with countless small cracks, a dull spirit sword, a ring, a gold ring, a golden round jade.

Su Tang let out a long breath, and then reached out to grab the spirit sword.At this moment, a sudden change occurred in his own ring, and then a red jade card was automatically put out of the ring, thrown into the starry sky, and flashed A flash, I don't know where it disappeared.

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