The Magic Outfit

Chapter 954: New Lingbao

Su Tang was taken aback. Najie was completely controlled by his mind. The red jade card was not affected by anything. It flew away from Najie automatically. It was too incredible. He had never heard of such a thing.

Su Tang started the magic eye, looking for the trace of the red jade card, but could not find anything. He wanted to find the place where the red jade card disappeared, and suddenly realized that there was still the spirit treasure left by the old man.

Su Tang's hand grabbed the Spirit Sword, shook it in the palm of his hand, and then slanted it around his waist, and then grabbed the ring armor covered with fine cracks, and then put away the golden jade pendant, and the Najie When he finally grabbed the golden ring, the surrounding group of statues suddenly roared again.

The kind of devastating attack released by the statues group left a deep impression on Su Tang. Seeing that the statues group seemed to have some movements, he couldn't help feeling creepy, and then looked around nervously.

At the next moment, all the statues disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before, and the star field also became empty.

Su Tang was completely dumbfounded. He could not believe his eyes. What's going on?

For a long time, the sudden tingling in the palm of his hand made Su Tang woke up from sluggishness and hurriedly looked down at the golden ring in his hand.

A crack appeared on the golden ring, and the crack was slowly expanding.In just a few moments, the golden ring had turned into pieces of debris, and then a deafening explosion sound erupted, and a round shock wave went around. Swing away.

Although Su Tang ran his body protection in time, he was also swept away by hundreds of meters away from the shock wave. Immediately afterwards, numerous black shadows burst out from the place where the golden ring burst.

There are mountains, splashes of water, countless shaking trees, endless birds and animals, as if there is a world there, and the world is now disintegrating.

When the black shadows first appeared, the shape was very small. On the way of shooting, the image will zoom in quickly, but as long as it contacts the starry sky, it will become fly ash, and then the fly ash will also dissolve in the sky, leaving no trace. .

Then there were countless silhouettes flying out. After escaping, he plunged into the starry sky.

Suddenly there was a roar from the rear of "Death to me". A middle-aged man was shooting at Su Tang's position quickly. He seemed to be extremely angry, and his entire face became distorted. A hundred meters away, a streamer flew out and rolled towards Su Tang.

At the same time, the practitioners who survived in the front shouted to Su Tang, Su Tang's figure slowly receded, and then he settled his attention and moved the Devil's Wing without looking back. Skip to the distance.

He has collected all the treasures left by the old man. Although the golden ring is a rare mature spirit, it is now broken. As for the red jade card, it should have disappeared along with those statue groups. It is meaningless, and this time he has harvested a huge harvest, and he needs to find a place to refine Lingbao.

"Don't go ... Don't go ..." The middle-aged man roared with exhaustion. Unfortunately, his speed couldn't be compared with that of Su Tang. Although he released his full strength early, the distance from Su Tang saw it was rapidly pulling. Far away, in just ten or so times, Su Tang has turned into a small spot in the vast star field.

Su Tang knew that he was in big trouble. The last time he slaughtered the nine prince Jiao Tu, the result was that the six princes were killed, and he was in danger of being killed. It is said that the seven princes are most narrow-minded. Su Tang not only stolen Lingbao, but also killed a pro-disciple of Seventh Prince Jijiu, that 7th Prince Jijiu will never give up on him.

For today's sake, we can only escape as far as we can.

After getting rid of the chasing soldiers in the back, Su Tang flew in the star field continuously.He had no aim, but just flew straight forward. find him.

Tired, he rested in the void for a moment, and then continued to fly forward.In a blink of an eye, more than a month later, although Su Tang always kept away from people, there was no chance of fighting, but after so long, he also felt very tired. Too.

Thinking that he had escaped far enough, this time he decided not to evade, and after another seven or eight days, Su Tang saw a star house in the distance. He changed direction and swept straight to the star house.

When approaching Xingfu, Su Tang stopped his body, looked around, and ran into a star road casually.

Su Tang is still aimlessly moving forward, and occasionally can meet several monks, but it is normal to encounter monks in the Star Road.Su Tang is very low-key and deliberately slowed down his speed. People pay attention to him.

After a few days, Su Tang didn't know how many star roads he had changed. On this day, he just walked out of a star road, and suddenly found that the aura here was very thin, he knew he had broken into a certain original domain by mistake. He turned his head to go back, and happened to hear the conversation of a few monks not far away, knowing that it was actually a wild star field.

Su Tang actually came back and stopped, turning around and falling down slowly.

A few hours later, Su Tang finally found a dense forest, hovering in mid-air and carefully sensing for a moment, there is no spiritual fluctuation nearby, this is the place, Su Tang gently exhaled and fell in the forest.

Su Tang placed the Najie, the Spirit Sword and other objects on the ground one by one, and the small boxes found under the Fire Dragon Reef.After that, the two dishes sat firmly.He was ready to start smelting Lingbao, and then hesitated again. Suddenly, consciousness entered the hall of thought, rummaging through the charms that had been recorded.

After he removed that Tongbao Xingjun, he took away the Tongbao Xingjun's rune book.At this moment, he is suspected of being in a grind, but the few small boxes have not been opened. The treasure is very amazing. Arousing a vision will disturb the monks in the distance.

Su Tang quickly found dozens of charms and auras that covered the fluctuation of spiritual power. He hesitated and selected the simplest hidden charm.

Then Su Tang repeatedly stroked the charms in the hall of thinking. Relying on the ability of the hall of thinking, he simulated thousands of times in a short time. It felt almost the same, and the consciousness withdrew from the hall of thinking.

Su Tang is going to use it now, so there is no need to use rune paper. He stretched out his fingertips and swiped quickly in the air. The concentrated thoughts gathered into a dozen runes.

Su Tang suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "Go"

Fu Culture made a brilliant light, rolled in all directions, and then scattered into a semi-circular light curtain more than ten meters wide, covering Su Tang.

Okay, Su Tang took the Nahua first and started to run Shennian.

Alternating day and night, half a month later, Su Tang raised his head slowly, his eyes flashed with frustration, the spiritual thoughts remaining in the ring were extremely tenacious, and half moon's merits did not seem to have much effect. Mei Najie is estimated to take at least half a year.

How can this be? The three burning arrows and the green lotus stick are the treasures left by the ancient real god. He refined it in a few days. When he thinks about it again, Su Tang vaguely understands that the ancient real **** has fallen for tens of thousands of years. Shen Nian has almost dissipated, and was later refined by Zhou Buyi, whose foundation was not stable. What he erased was only Zhou Buyi's Shen Nian.

This feeling of not being able to eat makes Su Tang a little uncomfortable, but he is very helpless. He cannot stay here for half a year.

Su Tang's eyes fell on those boxes, which had been wasted for half a month, and could not be wasted anymore. Then, he picked out one at random, slowly opened it, and the bright light surged out like a torrent, hitting the light On the screen, let the light curtain twist constantly.

The box is very small, the spirit treasure contained in it is also small, a pair of slap-like scissors, and a dark round iron bar about ten centimeters long.

The sale of Lingbao let Su Tang fly out of disappointment.If it is not extraordinary, and the spiritual force released just now, Su Tang may throw these two Lingbaos to

Su Tang first picked up the pair of scissors. His eyesight was excellent, and he saw three small characters engraved on the scissors: one did not.

This name ... made Su Tang cry and laugh, and what happened after the cut?

But it has already been brought out, and I have to try it anyway, for a period of three days, if there is no way to refine it, then I will replace it with another one.

Su Tang closed his eyes slightly and slowly penetrated his mind into the pair of scissors.At this time, he suddenly rejoiced that the scissors turned out to be an unowned thing, so it became extremely easy to refine, when he When Shen's thoughts penetrated deeper again, the joy was replaced by horror, because the spiritual power contained in this pair of scissors fluctuated enormously.

Suddenly after a thousand breaths, Su Tang took a long breath, and then stretched out his hand. The pair of scissors floated slowly in the air, shaking with his mind.

Su Tang picked up the ten-centimeter-long round iron bar again. He couldn't see what it was. He hesitated for a moment, or put down the round iron bar and picked up the spirit sword.

In the second turn, he only opened three spiritual philosophies, one elemental soul is the three burning arrows, one elemental soul is the rune sword, and the other spirit is empty. However, the mortal spirit treasure used by the old man wearing the purple dragon robe is definitely not a mere mortal, he can rest assured.

Three days later, Su Tang sighed helplessly. The remnant thoughts in the spirit sword were as tough as Najie. He could not continue to spend time, or he would wait until he settled down later.

Then, Su Tang took the Soul Crystal out of the Najie, and the two light spots in the Soul Crystal were slowly rotating. After so long, the light spots had become dim.

He promised Xiushuixingjun, to give them a new beginning, to complete his promise first, if Xiushuixingjun's remnant soul is unable to continue, dissipating in the soul crystal, he will leave one that will never be solved Heart knot.

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