The Magic Outfit

Chapter 955: newborn

Su Tang stood up and received the Lingbao and the boxes on the ground one by one. As the light curtain was scattered, he played with the scissors in his hands.

For a moment, Su Tang reached out his hand, opened the scissors, and probed forward. Two blue lights suddenly shot out from the scissors, condensing into two giant blades that were cut together, and then the giant blades bite together.

Booming ... All the trees and rocks within a few hundred meters in front were twisted into two sections by giant blades, and then fell down in unison, the scene looked very spectacular.

This kind of lethality ... is not as good as the Three Burning Arrows, and it is not as good as the magic sword once smelted once. It is slightly stronger than the Rune Long Sword and much stronger than the Qinglian Stick.

It stands to reason that it should be more than that, otherwise how could Prince Qi Jiu Ji be so urgent? Even hesitate to trigger a full-scale conflict and send people to sneak into the crater to wreak havoc?

I didn't want to think about it for a while. Su Tang glanced around and saw that he didn't miss anything. He swept up and flew forward.

In a moment, Su Tang had swept thousands of miles away, passing several cities on the way, but the scale of those cities was somewhat unsatisfactory. Su Tang wanted to find a larger city.

After flying again for about half an hour, Su Tang stopped his body, and the city in front appeared to be very prosperous.Although it was late at night, the thousands of lights in the city lit the street brightly, like a building Never sleeps.

It was here, Su Tang swept forward quickly, hovered over the city, took out the Soul Crystal, fingertips exerted a little force, and the Soul Crystal burst with a bang.

The two remnant souls revolved around Su Tang several times, suddenly left and right, and flew downward.

Su Tang was stunned, chose one of them, and chased him.

The remnant soul flew across a ridge and flew thousands of meters away, suddenly thrown into a small courtyard, disappeared without a trace.

Su Tang also fell quietly, and hid into a large tree in the small courtyard, watching quietly down.

For a moment, two middle-aged women mumbled out of the door, followed by a young man, and screamed anxiously while running: "Two madams, wait a minute, wait a minute ... Save Alian ... … "

"You guy is too immature," one of the middle-aged women turned around and said impatiently: "Either pay first or we will leave"

"Auntie, listen to me ..." the young man cried with a sad face: "There is really no money at home, and the rice tank is empty. I can't keep Alian hungry. I will give Alian the rest of the rice." I ’m not even willing to eat a grain of rice ... "

"I said Young Master Yang, it doesn't matter if you are reluctant to eat, but you can't keep us busy for a while?" The middle-aged woman was even more impatient.

At this moment, there was a woman's scream in the backyard suddenly, which looked extremely sad in the night sky, giving people a feeling of tears.

"Young Master Yang, I can put the ugly words in front. You should go find someone right away. Alian should have a difficult birth. Later, it's a dead body and two lives," said the middle-aged woman.

"Auntie, as long as you save Alian, I will mortgage this house to you. Is this still not enough? I will write a note," the young man wailed.

"Hah ... you have already delivered the house to the Zhu family, thinking that we are stupid and deaf?" The middle-aged woman turned and walked away.

"Second sister ..." Another middle-aged woman seemed a bit intolerable.

"Leave him alone" cried the former middle-aged woman.

At that moment, the young man saw the situation badly, and rushed up to hug the legs of one of the middle-aged women tightly, and begged in his mouth: "Auntie, please, please ... OK, please ..."

Su Tang frowned, he took countless elixir, but did not save the child, then he saw a luxuriously decorated carriage coming from the other end of the long street, he had an idea in his heart, and turned away from the tree , Flew to the carriage, directly pulled the car door and broke in.

For ordinary people, Su Tang's movements are too fast, they can't see Su Tang's figure at all, only faintly feel that the car door seems to open, and then close again.

A chunky middle-aged man was taking a nap against the wall of the car. Su Tang reached out and patted on the fat man's shoulder. The fat man was shocked and hurriedly opened his eyes. When he saw Su Tang, his body shrank back instinctively. : "You ... what are you going to do?"

"I have a Scrophulariaceae here, I sold it to you, take the money." Su Tang said briefly.

"Scrophulariaceae ..." The fat man looked at the Scrophulariaceae in Su Tang's hands, his eyes turned white: "Don't buy"

"You took advantage of Tianda, why didn't you buy it?" Su Tang couldn't help but stunned.

"Too little to fool people, do you know what I am doing?" The fat man pointed his own eyes with his fingers: "My Zhu Bancheng's pair of fire-eyed gold eyes have never been missed, kid, if I want to lie to me, I have to use my brain and have thick arms Scrophulariaceae? Are you stupid? You fool me with a big radish? "

"Why don't you guys get rid of oil and salt?" Su Tang was a little annoyed. If the other party was a monk, he would never be so polite. The way of practicing is inherently a causal road. Mutual killing is normal. I don't want to use violence for no reason.

"I'm calling out when I go out and never go out again?" The fat man exclaimed.

At this moment, the guard outside shouted: "Master, what happened?"

Su Tang didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. He put Scrophulariaceae into the fat man's arms, and then grabbed the money bag from the fat man's waist with his backhand, pulled it off, then pushed the door of the car and swept the air into the air.

"Robbery ... Someone robbed ..." The fat man screamed like a pig, and chased him out, but Su Tang was nowhere to be seen, and the fat man jumped with anger. Shouted, suddenly, several people dressed up in the house chased breathlessly and ran while screaming: "Master, my wife is born ... my wife is born ..."

"Birth?" The fat man's spirit was agitated, and he also forgot the robber just now. He shouted while drilling into the carriage: "Go back to the house and go back to the house ..."

In that small courtyard, the middle-aged woman was furious and she was constantly beating the young man, and the young man clenched his teeth without letting go, plus the screams from the backyard, the situation seemed very confused.

Su Tang flew into the courtyard, startled the three of them, and then he reached into the money bag, took out a small piece of silver ingot, and a few pieces of gold leaves, which were all thrown to the ground, and then slowly Slowly said: "Save people, these are yours."

The young man froze, staring at Su Tang intently, and the two middle-aged women were ecstatic, rushing up to pick up the silver ingot on the ground. Mother and Child "

Another woman smiled at the young man: "Young Master Yang, you have this kind of noble help, why didn't you say it early? Alas ... I almost got hurt."

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