The Magic Outfit

Chapter 956: Looking for backers

"Don't talk nonsense, go and save people." Su Tang shouted impatiently.

The two middle-aged women closed their mouths, got up, and ran back. The young man glanced at him, and he seemed to want to say something, but there was another scream in the backyard, and he hurriedly ran to the backyard.

Su Tang waited quietly in the courtyard for less than an hour. At first, there was a very weak wave of spiritual power, and then after a few breaths, the cry of the baby suddenly cut through the night sky.

Su Tang gently exhaled a breath, and then the young man hurried out, fell directly to the ground, and nodded to Su Tang non-stop, sobbing in his mouth: "Emperor Gongde, the late life can't be expected, even if there is grass in the afterlife. The title must also ... "

"Take care of this child, even if you repay me." Su Tang cut off the young man's words.

At this time, a middle-aged woman came out of the backyard, with a sneer on her face, peeped at Su Tang, and then said timidly: "Adult, Alian's troubles are over, it is a boy, both mother and son. it is good."

"The two of you stayed to take care of their mother and son for a month, and you must take care of their bodies, otherwise, I will never spare you." Su Tang said slowly, since he received his money, there will be cause and effect, if those two The woman did not act according to his words, he was going to kill.

"Understand, understand, please rest assured" the middle-aged woman hurriedly laughed with her.

"Bring the child out and let me see." Su Tang said.

The middle-aged woman walked in. After a while, she walked out with a baby. She wrapped the baby in a tattered quilt. The baby looked uncomfortable and cried.

Su Tang stepped forward and gently pulled the baby's arm out. The baby was washed very cleanly. Su Tang took out a ring and slowly put it on the baby's ring finger, and then carefully observed.

Na Jie gleamed with faint light, slowly shrinking in volume, and finally tightly wrapped around the baby's ring finger.

After accepting the Lord, Su Tang let out a sigh of relief, then floated up, plunged into the sky, flashed, and disappeared.

His things are only half done. The remnant soul of Xiushui Xingjun doesn't know where he was born. If he didn't have Xiushuixingjun's instructions, he couldn't get the spirit treasure of Seventh Prince Ji Ji, so regardless of reason, he Things must be done well.

Su Tang wandered over the city, the speed was not fast enough, while flying, he carefully sensed the fluctuations from the surroundings, and his ears were also catching all the sounds that could attract his attention.

Not knowing how long it passed, Su Tang suddenly discovered that a faint spiritual fluctuation and a cry of babies came from a large mansion on the side, and he immediately turned around and swept towards the mansion.

The house occupies a very large area. There are dozens of large yards with rockery and ponds alone, and there are buildings. Obviously, people who live here are rich or expensive.

Su Tang slowly drifted in the direction of the wave of spiritual power. Suddenly, a laughter came from the building in front of me: "I have half a dozen sons in Zhu Bancheng, now I want a daughter, haha ​​... old God's eyes, God's eyes ... "

Su Tang slaps in the palm of his hand and pushes the window directly away. Then he floats into the window and sees a stout middle-aged man standing in the house, holding a baby and laughing loudly, there are a few beside him The maid, and several old ladies, one of them persuaded with a low eyebrow: "Master, be quiet, do n’t scare the child

"It's okay, the baby just born, don't you let her cry a few times, can you still make her laugh?" The fat man grinned, then found something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Su Tang, the pair Small eyes immediately glared: "You madman hasn't robbed me once enough? Actually grabbed my house? How daring ... come!"

Su Tang took a step forward, grabbed the fat man's arm, grabbed the crying baby, and then flung the fat man out.

The fat man stumbled back a few steps, his body was unstable, and he fell to the ground all at once, and he sighed with pain.At this time, several guards broke in from the outside.Seeing this scene, he immediately pulled out his sword and directed him Tang rushed past.

"Mo wants to hurt the young lady ..." Several old ladies and maids screamed at the same time.

"Don't hurt my daughter ..." The fat man also screamed: "Don't mess up ..."

There was another shout outside the door of "Kang Kai": "Where are the lunatics who dare to slash in front of me Mo Sanjian?"

"Teacher Mo is coming ..." The fat man showed ecstasy.

"It's Mr. Mo, let go, let go," several guards cried out.

With the voice, several arrows of light came to Su Tang through the gap between the figures.

Su Tang was simply too lazy to those people. He had been carefully watching the baby in his arms. After several arrows of light approached his body, he hovers extremely strangely in the air and couldn't move.

"This ..." Several of the guards approached felt the horror at first. When they saw this weird scene, they felt timid and dared not move.

"Huh?" There was a cry of excitement outside the door, and then the bowstrings made a series of popping noises, and a rush of arrows rushed into the air, directed towards Su Tang's shoulders, feet and legs.

Su Tang took out a na ring and gently put it on the baby's ring finger. The arrow rain shot hovered again one foot away in front of him.

The house suddenly became silent, and the fat man's face had turned into iron blue. He was originally the most famous merchant in the city. He had some eyesight. The head coach outside released the attack twice, not to mention Su Tang, even Su Tang's body. There is no way to approach, the difference in strength is obvious at a glance.

There was a panic running sound outside the door. Obviously, the head of the Mo also knew the power of Su Tang. Seeing the bad situation, he left the main house and ran away alone.

The baby in Su Tang's arms suddenly stopped crying, raised his small hands, and stared at Najie without blinking.

Su Tang smiled, then raised his hand, and the dozen arrows hovered in front of him suddenly shot upwards. A row of black holes appeared on the ceiling. The arrows passed through the ceiling and had penetrated into the sky.

Several guards were stunned, one by one, they couldn't move anymore, Su Tang walked slowly towards the fat man with the baby, the fat man wanted to escape, but he couldn't bear his daughter, wanted to stay, but realized Su Tang The horror, his body has been trembling.

"Here you are." Su Tang handed the baby over.

Seeing that Su Tang didn't seem to want to hurt him, the fat man became more courageous and hurried forward to pick up the baby, and then nodded and backed away.

"Is the Scrophulariaceae I gave you still?" Su Tang said suddenly.

"In ... in" the fat man's expression became strangely weird, and then said timidly: "Master, is that really Scrophulariaceae?"

"Nonsense." Su Tang said: "You will sell Scrophulariaceae tomorrow. Once you change your hands, you can get at least a hundred thousand times profit, which is enough."

"Sell?" The fat man's eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what idea he was playing.

"If you leave the scrophulariaceae, it will only bring you the disaster of blood and light, it is not a treasure you can leave." Su Tang said slowly, when he made a transaction before, he did not care about the life and death of the other party, but now the fat man has become Xiushui Xingjun's father, he has to consider for Xiushui Xingjun.

The fat man pondered for a moment, his expression slowly became panicked, apparently aware of the crisis: "Okay, sir, I will sell Scrophulariaceae tomorrow"

"I'll find a relative for you." Su Tang suddenly changed the subject.

"Wh ... what?" The fat man became sluggish again: "Adult, the child has just been born, what kind of relatives are you looking for?"

Su Tang ignored the fat man and lowered his head to think about it. The fat man seemed to be rich, but he might not be able to protect two children into adulthood. If he really wanted to feel relieved, he still had to find a good supporter for them.

"Remember, don't take her ring down, or you'll hurt her." Su Tangdao turned around and swept out of the window and into the distance, leaving a house of people staring at each other.

"Master, who was that just now?" A guard whispered.

"It may be the sacred person in the palace." The fat man sighed in relief: "It's too dang ... Fortunately, it didn't really offend him, otherwise none of us can survive." On the raised little hand, a ring was added to the baby's ring finger, which was shimmering.

Su Tangfei swept through the air, he was thinking about whether he should find a small sect door, give some spiritual treasures, in exchange for a promise, just then, a scream came from a corner in front: "I am a rural doctor. The Emperor's List came to cure the Lord, do you dare to hurt me? Oops ... "

Su Tang stopped his figure and hurried away with footsteps. He fell down and found a man fell in the pool of blood, his body twitched slightly, and he was clutching a list in his hand.

Su Tang took a few steps and picked up the list. The above should be regarded as a revelation of seeking medical attention. It is a simple summary, that is, the sovereign was injured by a phosphorus snake and was poisoned into the bone.

Su Tang had an idea, flew into the air and glanced around in four circles, and then swept straight to the front of the palace.

It should be due to the fact that the sovereign's order is on the day and night, Gong Que's defense is extremely strict, three steps, one post, five steps and one whistle. However, this kind of defense is nothing to Su Tang.

Suddenly, silhouettes flew out of a brightly lit palace on the side. They did not launch an attack, nor did they intend to stop Su Tang. They just hovered there and looked here with horrified eyes.

Only by owning spiritual power can they sense the shock of spiritual power. They can feel that Su Tang is approaching. Obviously, they are all practitioners, but Su Tang's spiritual power fluctuations are too terrifying. They don't even have a little willingness to resist. Like a group of prisoners waiting for the verdict.

After meeting someone who could communicate, Su Tang sighed in his heart. He glanced straight at him, his eyes turned, and landed on a practitioner in the middle. He said softly, "Where is the lord?"

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