The Magic Outfit

Chapter 964: Unknown Star

Nirvana Xingjun took over the Xuanjizi with great joy. Su Tang felt that the time agreed with the young man had almost arrived. After explaining to Fang Yizhe, he swept away in the direction of the teleportation array.

At the entrance, Su Tang stood aside and waited silently. The business of Yuku was very good. Every once in a while, a speeding car stopped in front of the entrance, or a few monks came together in the air, and walked in with a smile.

Within half a day, seven or eight people came. Of course, some monks left.

After waiting for another two hours, the young man's speed car appeared, and he also saw Su Tang. His figure floated out of the carriage and was falling right in front of Su Tang.

"Have you received it?" Su Tang asked.

"It's not as good as the dark market here." The young man looked regretful: "There are too few types, and everything I can find has been swept away by me."

"Probably how much Xuanjizi was used? I will supply you." Su Tang said.

"Forget it, this time I can make a lot of money from you, even if it's my treat." The young man smiled and said: "I have a habit of always giving something whenever luck is too good. , Full is surplus and virtual losses, so maybe my luck can continue for a while. "

"It's a good habit." Su Tang also smiled.

At this moment, the figures of Fang Yizhe and Ding Haixingjun appeared at the entrance. They walked slowly to this side, followed by a strong man, it was that Moyingxingjun.

"Why are you here?" Su Tang said.

"It's okay to stay here, it's better to rush over as soon as possible." Fang Yizhe said: "I have already asked Fang Daguan for leave."

"This ..." Su Tang pondered for a while and nodded, "It's fine."

"Where are you going?" The young man asked curiously.

"This brother, please send us to Jiutian Xingyu, don't worry, we won't use your car in vain." Fang Yizhe said.

"You are all friends of no evil star king?" The young man asked.

He suddenly took out the monk that Su Tang told him, which should mean some temptation, but he found the wrong person, Fang Yizhe was deeply restrained, with anxiety, and Dinghai Xingjun also had quite a palace. As for the Mo Yingxing, he originally It is to hide the shadow by borrowing, all the emotional changes of the middle-aged man are deliberately controlled by him, and the young man can't see any emotional fluctuations from the puppet of the Mo Yingxingjun.

"Good." Fang Yizhe nodded.

The young man pondered for a moment and shook his hand: "Get in the car."

"After you get in the car, it's better to be more disciplined." Su Tang said slowly. Others would say it better, that Mo Yingxing Jun has a very eccentric temperament. He worried that Moying Xingjun might suddenly breed evil things, so he said the words in front. It is also used as a hint to show that he attaches great importance to the young man and forms a binding force.

"Brother, what do you think of us?" Fang Yizhe sighed.

The young man was stunned for a moment. He knew that Su Tang would not be aimless. He unavoidably murmured in his heart, but the words were already spoken, and it was not easy to regret it.

Several people got into the car one after another, and the speeding car drove away from the desire cave and drove towards the star field.

Su Tang's speech was still very useful. After entering the car, Mo Yingxing Jun always sat on the chair motionless, and seemed to have fallen asleep, while Ding Haixing Jun seemed to be practicing to an important stage, and he didn't want to waste time for a moment, hiding directly in the corner, Start interest rate adjustment.

Fang Yizhe had nothing to do, and had a little chat with Su Tang and the young man.

Time passed quickly, and two days later, Fang Yizhe talked about some interesting things that happened in the Desire Cave, and his eyes fell on Mo Yingxingjun, then he smiled and said to Su Tang: "It still works for you, I know him. It has been a long time since I have seen him honestly. "

"You say so ... Is it hope that he is not honest?" Su Tang looked a little helpless, Mo Yingxing Jun's performance was quite to give him Su Tang face, and Mo Yingxing Jun did not really fall asleep, after listening to this sentence, If he had a rebellious mind, he would have a headache.

"I just want to say, brine tofu, drop one thing," Fang Yizhe said.

At this moment, the young man suddenly sensed something, took out a charm from the Nahua, looked at it for a moment, and suddenly said, "You really want to go to the Nine Heavens.

"Well, what's wrong?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"Nothing, I heard that the Nine Heavens Star Zone is very lively now," the young man said: "True Dragon's Second Prince Kiss, Third Prince's Jade, Five Prince's Gourmet, Sixth Prince's Goblin, Seventh Prince's Jade, Eighty Prince All of them are in Jiutianxingyu, and my friends told me that Jiutianxingyu must have something big to happen. "

Su Tang froze, and Fang Yizhe also changed his face.

"Do you still want to go to Jiu Tian Xingyu?" The young man said, "If I still insist on going ... Then I can only send you to the edge of Jiutian Xingyu. The disciples of Dazongmen can do everything. In particular, there is now a teacher who supports them. I have a friend who has been scouted by them. I dare not go there. "

"They don't speak at all?" Ding Hai Xingjun interjected suddenly.

"Rule? What a joke?" The young man sighed: "If you see me in this speeding car, or the spirit of whom I'm interested in, just find a reason to win you, don't you dare to resist? The monks of the real dragon are now concentrating on the Nine Heavens Star Field. The number of people is probably calculated by 10,000. If you are clearly pitting you, what can you do? "

"Do not go to Jiu Tian Xingyu." Su Tang said, as the saying goes, thieves are guilty of conscience, other real dragon princes are okay to say, six crown princes and seven crown princes, he will never see him anyway.

"Where are you going?" The young man asked. "Now it's close to the Jiutian star field, so I can't go any further."

Then, the young man released the magic formula, the car wall gradually became transparent, and the surrounding starry sky really appeared in front of everyone.

"Who points the way?" Said the young man again.

"Go here." Ding Haixingjun extended his hand and pointed to the left.

The young man glanced at Su Tang and saw that Su Tang had no objection, so he manipulated the speeding car and changed direction.

After a few hours of speeding forward, the young man understood: "You are going to that unknown star field? Going to Jiutian star field is just a guise? Why should I ... I haven't taken care of your business."

"Brother, as the saying goes, be careful to drive a ship for thousands of years, don't be surprised." Fang Yizhe said lightly.

"I can't go there anymore." The young man frowned: "I heard that there is a weird monk in that unnamed star field, and his strength is extremely powerful. But any monk who strays into his territory will be tragically killed. I haven't yet Enough to live ... "

"He is not killing innocents indiscriminately." Ding Haixing said: "It is okay to enter that unknown star field, as long as you don't cross the boundary mark."

"Don't worry, there is him." Fang Yizhe pointed to Su Tang: "You are his friend, don't you know his skill?"

"I know he is very powerful." The young man glanced at Su Tang: "But to see who compares to it, the weird monk occupying that unknown star field is simply a lunatic, and I even doubt ..." The young man paused.

"Do you suspect?" Su Tang asked.

"I suspect that the monks of the real dragon are gathered in the Nine Heavens, just to deal with him ... Haha, it seems that there are a lot of people ..." The young man gave a haha

"Bullshit." Ding Haixing said: "A real dragon is sending out a digital god-level existence just to deal with a monk? You really drink too much"

"My suspicion has its own reasons," said the young man. "The murderous name of the eccentric monk in the Unknown Star Realm was killed from the practitioner of the true dragon.

"Oh? What's going on?" Su Tang asked.

"In the beginning, several true practitioners went to the Unknown Star Field to experience conflict. The two sides had a conflict. As a result, two practitioners escaped, and the others were killed on the spot." The young man said: "The people of the real dragon will never lose money. After the two practitioners fled back, they immediately called friends and friends, gathered more than a hundred practitioners, and pierced into the unknown star field again."

"Later?" Fang Yizhe asked curiously.

"It seems that they have been fighting with the eccentric monk for two or three years in the unknown star field, and finally fled back." The young man said: "This time there are more people who escaped, there are three people, hehehehe "" After that, the young man laughed with gloating.

"And then?" Ding Haixing Jun asked hurriedly.

"Then the monks of the real dragon burst into anger and gathered a large number of monks again to conquer." The young man said: "This time they sent out a dozen monarchs, hundreds of monks, and, there is another sect. The star master level exists, inadvertently traversing the star field, and clashed with the strange monk. "

"I know this thing," Fang Yizhe said slowly. "The star-level great existence finally withdrew from the unknown star field. It also warned the monks in the door that they should never enter the unknown star field to experience."

"You just know." The young man said, "Will we go?"

"Go." Mo Ying Xingjun suddenly said: "I've been there a few times, as long as you don't cross the boundary monument, to keep you all right."

"Okay ..." The young man grinned: "Who made me promise you? No way ..."

Finally, the car broke into the unnamed star field and flew forward for more than ten hours.Suddenly, a white light was seen in front of him.The white light was condensed by countless small ice chips and scattered in the vast expanse. Starry sky.

"Don't break in, fly close to here." Mo Ying Xingjun said again.

The young man changed direction according to the words and flew forward against the ice debris. After a few more hours, a male mountain appeared in front. The whole mountain was snow-white and covered with ice and snow.

"In the past, if I remember correctly, the boundary marker was on the top of the mountain." Mo Ying Xingjun said.

For a moment, the car hovered over the top of the mountain, and Fang Yizhe whispered: "Me and the shadow go out, you stay here first, if you change, come out to meet us."

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