The Magic Outfit

Chapter 965: Nemesis

Su Tanglue groaned and understood the meaning of Fang Yizhe.If this side approached the boundary stele, the weird monk would feel, and turned to attack them, leaving a speeding car, at least leaving a retreat for himself. All of them left the speeding car, and the young man found danger and might leave them alone.

Su Tang's eyes passed by the young man. Sure enough, the young man's eyebrows were slightly impatient. He was unwilling to take a big risk. Su Tang did not say that he would count him. There is no need to skip this muddy water.

Fang Yizhe's mentality is becoming more and more meticulous, Su Tang himself is not afraid, he has the wings of the devil, but the safety of Fang Yizhe and others can be considered.

"You be more careful." Su Tang said.

Fang Yizhe nodded and made a wink at the Mo Yingxing Jun. The two of them drifted away from the carriage and fell towards the top of Daxue Mountain.

"What are you doing here?" Fang Yizhe asked in a low voice.

"It's the closest way to this place from here." Mo Yingxingjun replied: "I don't want to deal with that weirdo, so we must go back quickly. Before the weirdo reacts, we have managed to escape. "

During the speech, Fang Yizhe had landed on the top of the mountain first. He looked around. The entire snowy mountain seemed extremely quiet. There was no breath of life here.

Mo Ying Xingjun also fell in the snow, he walked a few steps, then leaned down, a little bit of snow and ice.

"What are you looking for?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"The plan of the guys also broke in from here." The devil star said: "I'm looking for the traces left by them."

Fang Yizhe lowered his head and scanned the snow carefully, then walked slowly forward.

"You be careful, don't cross the boundary monument." Magic Shadow Star said.

"Where is the boundary stele?" Fang Yizhe froze.

"It's the snow block in front of you." Magic Shadow star said.

Fang Yizhe walked carefully in front of the snow block and slowly observed that the snow block was more than two meters high and had a pink color, which was different from the ordinary white snow.

"That's a statue." The Shadow Star said: "It should be covered by snow now."

"Oh?" Fang Yizhe stretched out his hand and pulled off the snow a little bit, and there was a statue inside. It was a woman, only one head was exposed, and the carving was lifelike, even the skin texture and full head Qing Si, all carved clearly, is the same as the real one.

Mo Yingxing Jun brushed away the snow, he found something, then raised his head to talk to Fang Yizhe, and then saw Fang Yizhe staring at the statue without blinking.

"What are you looking at?" Said Mo Yingxingjun.

"I'm thinking ... what kind of person can draw his hair so fine, even his eyelashes are so clear." Fang Yizhe straightened up: "This is a real person and a dead person."

"Isn't it?" The Shadow Star said with surprise.

"Did you not see it last time?" Fang Yizhe said.

"I didn't get close last time, just watched for a while from a distance." Mo Yingxingjun got up and walked towards the statue.

Fang Yizhe held out his hand and pulled the snow under the statue. When the statue's body was also exposed, he paused and then glanced at Mo Yingxingjun.

The woman's chest was deeply recessed, and the ribs did not know how many pieces were broken. Just by puncturing the stubble exposed by the body, there were more than a dozen places, the wound was as clear as yesterday, and the pieces were bright red under the snow. It looks unusually eye-catching.

"A lot of strength." Fang Yizhe said that the woman was a monk. She was hit by some kind of tremendous force, which almost crushed her body and was absolutely killed.

"It really is a person ..." Mo Yingxingjun reached out and touched the woman's forehead.

Click ... The woman suddenly had a crack in her neck, and then her head broke away from the neck cavity and rolled backwards and fell.

"What's the matter with you?" Fang Yizhe was shocked and angry.

"This fleshy arm is a little longer, I haven't controlled it well ... And her neck was broken, and it was put on by someone." Mo Yingxing Jun murmured.

It was at this moment that there was an overcast laughter under the ridge.

"Hehehehe ... you guys just ca n’t kill them ... someone just takes a nap, and someone comes to you for trouble ..."

Fang Yizhe took a breath and was ready to adapt, but the body borrowed by Mo Yingxingjun fell down, and the body was only his cover and could not improve his combat power.

"We did not cross the boundary monument" Fang Yizhe said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter if you cross the boundary monument." The surly voice raised again: "What matters is, I don't think you are pleasing to the eye, which is enough."

"Your Excellency, are you okay?" Fang Yizhe's tone also turned cold. Although the weird monk was spread to the gods, Fang Yizhe was not afraid. He was not only confident in himself, but also more confident in Su Tang. He didn't want to provoke the other party actively, but troubled to find the door, he did not hesitate to fight.

"I'm just fine to find something, how about it?" Said a tentative voice.

At the next moment, a sharp spiritual wave suddenly erupted under the ridge, and a huge ice dragon drilled out of the ice and snow, roaring and rolling to Fang Yizhe and Demon Star Master

It's just this level of spiritual fluctuation ... It seems that it is not as powerful as the legend, Fang Yizhe feels a little surprised, then he sneered and said:

As soon as the words fell, Fang Yizhe lifted his fist and slammed into the ice dragon. A fascinating blood of tens of meters in diameter came out and was hitting the ice dragon. The ice dragon turned into countless blasting debris.

"If you only stop here, let's go quickly, I won't kill you" Fang Yizhe said in a deep voice.

"Give you a face, you dare to open the dye workshop, hehe hehe ..." The voice of the Yin test approached a lot, and then, a white shadow came out of the snow and fell on the top of the mountain.

Fang Yizhe's double pupils suddenly turned blood red, bang ... Then there were countless cracks on Bai Ying's body, and then thin pieces of ice fell out.

"The Soul Lost Technique? Ha ... Some Dao heart has been like a glacier for ten thousand years, how can you be shaken by the Soul Lost Technique in your area?" The white shadow laughed wildly.

Fang Yizhe snorted coldly, raised his hands together, the blood rose into the sky, turned into a tumbling tsunami, and rolled towards the white shadow.

The blood surging caused the whole snowy mountain to vibrate. However, after approaching the white shadow, the blood looming like a broken bamboo became inexplicably slow. After half a breath, the blood froze in the air.

Fang Yizhe was dumbfounded, and there was a ray of horror in his eyes.His fierce blood tactics were strange and changeable.Victory after victory made him full of confidence.After the monk of Xiao Luo Xingjun level, besides Su Tang, he It should be invincible, and the scene in front of him made him suddenly realize that the opponent's freezing power seemed to be the nemesis of his fierce blood tactics.

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