The Magic Outfit

Chapter 966: Meet

"It's not a small tone, but your strength is too bad ..." The white shadow laughed again, and the figure swept forward, approaching Fang Yizhe.

Fang Yizhe took a deep breath, and his spiritual power reached its ultimate instantaneously, and then his hands shot down.

Booming ... A bright red shock wave spread at the foot of Fang Yizhe and rolled in all directions. The exposed rock formations are bare, as if one is fading away.

The white shadow's face suddenly became dignified, his palms pushed forward, the air quickly solidified in his palm wind, and in an instant became a giant ice wall of more than ten meters thick.

"Blood ripples ..." The shadow at the foot of the strong man suddenly detached from the body, and escaped to the distance. At the next moment, the strong man was swept by the **** shock wave, and his body suddenly appeared a crack, and then exploded with a blast Innumerable fragments burst into the air.

Boom ... The **** shock wave destroyed the ice wall released by the white shadow like a desolation. He saw that the situation was not good, and his body quickly drifted back. Immediately, his chest emitted a blue light, halo Condensed into a circular aperture, spread to the surrounding.

Around the white shadow, everything became stagnant, and even time seemed to stop running, only the blue halo was constantly rushing, the **** shock wave also condensed in midair, and then in the blue halo Under the erosion of the erosion, a little melting, turning into nothingness.

Fang Yizhe took a long breath again, his hands went forward, and a bright red beam of light burst out, then blasted away, turned into thousands of arrows, and shot toward the white shadow like a storm.

At the same time, a huge phantom rose from the flanks and rushed towards the white shadow with the pressure of mountains.

The white shadow's hands pinched the soul tactic again. Thousands of blood arrows had just approached more than thirty meters away, and they were frozen in the air, and even the phantom shadow that was thrown was frozen.

Bang Bang Bang ... The blood arrow released by Fang Yizhe broke apart inch by inch, and the frozen phantom also turned into something like glass fragments, which were scattered and scattered, but the size of the phantom was very huge, only frozen for a small In part, the phantom outside the frozen air suddenly made a beast-like howl, and then separated from the frozen part and swept away into the distance, obviously not badly hurt.

"Ha ha ha ha ... this is my field, come here, I let you live, you can't die, I let you die, you can't live" The white shadow laughed wildly.

"Maybe" Fang Yizhe's face turned blood red after releasing Ling Qiao, but now suddenly turned white, then he slowly reached out his hand.

At this moment, a melodious voice came from above: "What if I don't want to die?"

A cyan light and shadow flew from the air, his speed was faster than the sound. When Fang Yizhe and others heard the sound, he had fallen on the top of the mountain, just separating Fang Yizhe from the white shadow.

"Be careful" Fang Yizhe shouted, although the strange man's spiritual power fluctuations are not strong, but the strangeness of the spirit tactics is not inferior to him, and it just restrained his blood tactics. Su Tang's speed is fast. Erosion of frozen gas.

Su Tang didn't move. His eyes fell on the woman's head. After a moment of scrutiny, he sighed, "You can't fix this stinky bug."

"You ... you youyou ..." The white shadow has become incoherent.

Fang Yizhe discovered the anomaly at that moment, the white shadow had stopped running the spiritual veins, he paused, and also stopped his spiritual tactics, walked forward slowly, then lowered his voice and asked Su Tang: "You know him ? "

"Uh." Su Tang nodded.

The figure of Ding Haixingjun fell from the sky, and the demon star Xingjun re-condensed into a virtual shadow and rose in the rear.In fact, like Fang Yizhe, since he walked out of the starry sky, relying on his own unique method, he rarely suffered a loss, and almost planted it today. After a big deal, the opponent's cold air was too domineering. All their attacks were meaningless, but they would be injured by the cold air.

"What about her?" Su Tang asked.

"Inside." The white shadow was Bai Ze. He grinned and looked across Fang Yizhe and others, then said: "I will take you to see her."

When other monks came to visit, Bai Ze must first report it, but Su Tang is definitely a special case. As the only close friend of He Lan Feiqiong, he knows very well the relationship between Su Tang and He Lanfei Qiong in life and death, not to mention He Lan Feiqiong in these years. The two people who often talk about it are He Lan Yuanzheng and Su Tang. He even suspects that there are other feelings between the two of them, but he dare not say it. Su Tang wants to see He Lan Feiqiong and lend him eight guts. He also Dare not stop.

In the clouds, the young man was circling the speeding car. He suddenly realized that he wasn't hitting underneath. He turned his eyes, and suddenly he steered the speeding car and swooped down.

As a traveling merchant, the best quality is speculation. Just like when Su Tang was selected, he obtained a lot of benefits as he wished. Now there is an opportunity to put it there, and he cannot ignore it.

"Where are you going? I'll take you away." The young man smiled and poked his head out of the carriage.

"Get in the car." Su Tang said.

Bai Ze hesitated, and Su Tang made a speech. He was not easy to raise an objection and had to follow Su Tang to get into the carriage.

Everyone got in the car, and the young man looked at Bai Ze: "This brother, where are we going?"

"Just go forward." Bai Ze said slowly.

Fang Yizhe and Mo Yingxingjun and Dinghai Xingjun are far away on the other side.Although Fang Yizhe, like Bai Ze, came out of the human world of Jiutian Xingyu, the two sides have never met each other or even heard of each other. He didn't understand anything, and he always lamented Su Tang's extensive friendship.

The speeding car drove forward, and a few minutes later, a giant iceberg appeared in front of him. Bai Ze suddenly began to pinch the spirit formula, and a snow wave rolled up in the ice and snow, and the speeding car was rolling in it.

The young man's face changed slightly, and then returned to normal. The speeding car wobbled a few times. His eyes suddenly dimmed into another world.

From the air, you can clearly see the neat fields below, like a linear road, and countless vehicles driving on the road.

He flew forward for nearly half an hour, and a giant statue nearly 100 meters high appeared in front of him. A woman was carved with picturesque eyes and a relaxed expression. There was a bit of dust in Qingli. He Lan Feiqiong.

Fang Yizhe showed suspicious looks, staring at the statue in awe.

Below the statue, there are dense crowds, like ants, and the number is probably calculated by 10,000.

"What are they doing?" Ding Haixingjun asked curiously.

"The holy festival is here, they come to worship the lady." Bai Ze said lightly: "Continue on."

After bypassing the statue, it flew again tens of meters away. There was a gate hovering in the air in front of it. It seemed to sense the breath, and the gate opened slowly.

The speeding car plunged into the gate, and there was another world inside. The world was filled with thick fire and smoke, and nothing could be seen from a few tens of meters away.

Bai Ze pinched the spirit again, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him. The young man had no time to change direction, and the speeding car crashed into the light curtain.

The world has changed again. Several people looked around. There are mountains and rivers all over the place. The mountains are connected to the mountains and the water is connected to the water. There is no end to the horizon. There are no cottages, no roads, and no people.

The speed of the speeding car suddenly slowed down, and there were countless golden ripples around the speeding car. The young man was stunned and was struggling to control the speeding car again. Bai Ze suddenly said: "Go on."

The young man replied that the speeding car turned down. After a while, the speeding car had landed beside a stream. Several people walked out of the car one by one, and only then discovered the anomaly of the world.

They seem to be struggling to walk, but their bodies appear light and seem to be soaked in the invisible water flow.

Every time they take a step, their bodies rub against the air, and there will be countless weak golden ripples.

"Good rich aura ..." Fang Yizhe showed horror in his eyes. The aura contained in this world was so rich that it condensed into a liquid and filled every corner.

Su Tang also seemed surprised.He entered the Shengyun Mansion, which was originally a place where the nine princes were closed. After countless years of operation, the aura was extremely rich, and the golden light of the aura was often seen, but Shengyun The house is far from comparable to here. The condensed liquid aura in Shengyun House is scattered in the air, but the aura here has converged like a sea, spreading in every corner.

"Come with me." Bai Ze said, and then he walked up the stream.

A group of people followed him, and the young man looked left and right, and suddenly groaned, "I see ..."

"What do you understand?" Fang Yizhe asked in a low voice.

The young man just laughed a few times and did not answer. When he looked up the Lingbao of Qingsheng Gulian, he knew where the inheritance of Su Tang came from, and he also understood that another Lingbao of Su Tang must kill the king. Burning arrows, now breaking into the spirit domains one after another, naturally reminded of the thousands of spirit species, no wonder Su Tang can meet each other because they are all monks from the same sect.

After walking for almost an hour, the crowd finally reached the source of the stream. There was a pavilion, and a woman in a white dress was looking out from the fence. She sensed something. She looked sideways and smiled. Intention, beckoned.

The woman didn't release her own breath. The pure and flawless expression alone made Fang Yizhe and others feel ashamed. Without Bai Ze's obstruction, they automatically stopped at the same place and dared not get close.

Su Tangchang took a breath, accelerated his pace, and ran up. The closer Su Tang walked, the woman's smile became heavier. When Su Tang walked into the pavilion, she sighed slightly: "How come you come?" "

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