The Magic Outfit

Chapter 967: There is also a power

"I thought you left here long ago." Su Tang exhaled gently.

"I'm worried that I'm gone. You can't find me anymore, and you're just here to learn about Lingbao, and you stay." He Lanfeiqiong said.

Su Tang's eyes flashed a trace of guilt. He really didn't expect that he would be so heavy in He Lan Feiqiong's mind.

"Those people are your new friends?" He Lanfeiqiong asked again.

"One of them is an old friend." Su Tang said: "He also came out of the human world, yes ... when he just walked into the starry sky, he met a person."

"Who? Listen to you saying ... as if I should know?" He Lanfeiqiong said.

"It's your father, He Lan is empty." Su Tang said.

He Lanfeiqiong suddenly stopped talking, his eyes turned to the distance, and a slight sigh came out of his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Su Tang said.

"Don't mention him." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Tell you about it, you should have been to a lot of places over the years? Or how could you get to know them?"

"It's a long story ..." Su Tang showed a sigh of sigh.

There are not many people who can let him put down all vigilance in the long star field.He Lanfeiqiong is one of them.The two of them rely on each other in the human world.He Lanfeiqiong helped Su Tang, and Su Tang also made a return and entered. After Xingyu, he walked side by side again. Su Tang knew that he could completely trust He Lanfeiqiong, and He Lanfeiqiong could also trust him completely.

The path of spiritual practice is a path of weak meat and strong food. It is full of conspiracy. From a certain angle, it is a great blessing to meet someone who can fully trust oneself.

Su Tang talked about his accidental discovery of a spiritual realm in this unknown star field. When he mentioned that harvest, he became energetic and flying.He also said that Xuanyue Xingjun, Tongbao Xingjun and others laid a trap and prepared Insinuating him, he showed sarcasm again.

Thorough relaxation allowed Su Tang to become a young man full of clarity. His expression was changing with the context. Speaking of meeting the real star king and the fall of the real star king, Su Tang looked a little sad. And He Lanfeiqiong sighed again, she also recognized the true star king.

Speaking of asking Xing Xingjun, Su Tang's expression has become a little more complicated.From a standpoint, asking Xing Xingjun is his enemy.Emotionally, asking Xing Xingjun is his friend, and has done his best. Duty, and He Lanfeiqiong smiled and listened carefully.

Speaking of entering the Tianle Mountain, he also talked about going to the desire cave. When he met Fang Yizhe, Su Tang also pointed to Fang Yizhe, and he sold Fang Yizhe without hesitation.

In the eyes of Fang Yizhe and others, Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong are equally young, and their appearance is also outstanding.The two people laughed at the conversation scenes, which gave them a feeling of perfect harmony. After passing by, all the smiles of Su Tang added together, not as much and as gorgeous as today.

"People refer to the fairy family as theirs." Ding Haixing Jun sighed and turned his eyes to Bai Ze after he said.

Ding Haixingjun wanted to make a judgment based on Bai Ze's emotional fluctuations to judge the relationship between Su Tang and the woman.

It's just that Bai Ze's face is very calm, but Ding Haixing Jun has already got the information he wants. Sometimes, silence is also an admission.

"How about you? How have these years been?" Su Tang asked.

"I've had a much simpler life." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Fight, recuperate, recuperate, fight."

"However, your reputation is greater than mine." Su Tang said: "Some Zongmen have already banned Zongnei disciples from running here to practice."

"Actually, I don't want this either." He Lanfeiqiong said with helpless tone: "I just want a quiet, but human nature is really ... makes me cry and laugh, at the beginning, I just drove them away, but the more I They stopped, but they had to come in to check what happened. After a few fights, they naturally forged a **** enmity. They called more and more monks, and I had to continue to fight. "

"Yeah, nature ..." Su Tang sighed, especially the monks of the true dragon veins, who wished to walk sideways in the star field. He Lanfeiqiong stopped them and asked them to turn back. They were definitely unwilling and thought He Lanfeiqiong was here. Youling Lingbao is about to come out, you must check it clearly anyway, and finally the conflict is getting worse

"Your Aura is much richer than Tianle Mountain, where the three princes of the real dragon are sturdy," Su Tang said: "The great thousand spirits of the ancient real gods are indeed wonderful."

"Because I discovered a little secret." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"What secret?" Su Tang asked.

"Come with me." He Lanfeiqiong leaned over and grabbed Su Tang's hand, a golden light flashed over, and the two suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Where did they go?" Fang Yizhe was taken aback. He just sensed that the fluctuation of spiritual force slightly oscillated, and Su Tang and the woman disappeared.

When Su Tang's eyes could see things again, he found a statue of He Lan Feiqiong underneath, which was different from the statue he saw when he came. Less.

Before waiting for Su Tang to speak, a golden light wrapped him in it again. Then, scenes of scenes were constantly changing in front of his eyes.It was only a dozen breaths.He had seen countless statues, each statue He Lan Feiqiong.

When He Lanfeiqiong let go of his hand, Su Tang found that he had come to a side of Qingtan, and the aura here became rich again.

"Do you remember? Daqianling gave birth to his own spiritual consciousness." He Lanfeiqiong said softly.

"Remember." Su Tang said.

"I was here to destroy the spiritual consciousness of the Thousand Spirits, and the disintegrated aura merged into this pool of water." He Lanfeiqiong said with a smile: "Have you seen it?" Point to Tanshui.

Su Tang suddenly found that there were countless light spots flashing in the pool water. Looking closely, each light spot contained a tiny figure, which seemed to be He Lan Feiqiong.

"That's ..." Su Tang murmured.

"In addition to Reiki and Divine Mind, there is also a power that can enhance our cultivation." He Lanfeiqiong laughed, and then grabbed his hand, a light spot flew away from the pool water, turning into a splendid light curtain in the air.

A statue of He Lan Feiqiong appeared in the light curtain. There are countless figures under the statue, kneeling at the statue, some closed their eyes, they seemed to be praying, some were commemorating, and some faces were full of eagerness and expectation .

He Lanfeiqiong reached out and took a picture. The statue of Helan Feiqiong suddenly burst into golden light in the light curtain. The golden light rushed into the sky, and then turned into a rain of light, falling down.

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