The Magic Outfit

Chapter 968: The Road to True God

Light rain has a tens of thousands of meters, and the crowd below is enveloped in it. The crowd's emotions broke out instantly. They jumped up and raised their arms and greeted the light rain's baptism.

At this moment, there was an aberration. Several people were wrapped in an inexplicable force and floated in the air. They were even more excited. Some were screaming wildly, and some were waving their hands downward. Who waved goodbye.

Immediately after, three or five groups of monks swept in from all directions. They hovered in the air, and each sent a representative. Their blushing necks were arguing about something.

"What's going on?" Su Tang said.

"Their spiritual veins are activated and they can start to practice, and the monks of the sect are coming to choose disciples." He Lanfeiqiong replied, and then she raised her hand, and the light curtain suddenly turned into a beam of light, thrown into the sky, and then It burst into countless light spots and melted into the air.

Su Tang understood that those statues can condense a kind of power. He Lan Feiqiong only returned part of the power, and more power entered here, so he created a spiritual holy place like a sea.

"Who taught you this method?" Su Tang asked.

"After I really took control of the Great Thousand Spirits, Master Zun once woke up once." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"No wonder you can fight against the real existence of the real dragon, even Bai Ze's strength has become so arrogant ..." Su Tang sighed.

"Do you understand what this is?" He Lanfeiqiong smiled.

"Some understand, some do not understand." Su Tang said.

"It's very simple to say." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Aura is born from the creation of heaven and earth. It is our spiritual practice to draw as much as possible. Is that what you know?"

"Understood." Su Tang said.

"Rice can grow rice and wheat. Ordinary people can survive by eating rice and wheat, but one day, he thinks that is not enough, and his body is not strong enough and fast enough, so he decided to use rice Go and feed the chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs with wheat, and then eat their meat. ”He Lanfeiqiong said lightly:“ It seems cruel to say this, but the truth is the same, and I do n’t want to eat anyone, I only need them to pay 100% piety. So it's good for me and them. "

"I understand." Su Tang said slowly, he really understood.

"This is the way of the true god, and it is not the same as the way of spiritual practice." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Practitioners want to be alone, and what the true **** wants is Ze Zetian, although I haven't reached the kind of entry yet, but I have seen In the future. "

"What future?" Su Tang asked again.

"We are in the main realm of the Great Thousand Spirits. Outside the main realm are the seven realms, divided into light, darkness, earth, water, fire, wind and air. Outside the seven realms, there is the small world, each There are hundreds of millions of souls and countless gates in the small world. "He Lanfeiqiong said:" I haven't been in control of the great thousands of spirits for a long time. The monks of each sect still stop at the Holy Land. When one day, those monks can finally break through When the barrier of the domain has the power to step into the starry sky, I can gather thousands of star kings with my wave, and they will go all out to fight for me. "

Su Tang was silent in the first place, then He Lan Feiqiong was tenacious, and his qualifications were unrivaled, and his luck was better than the sky. It seemed to exceed his Su Tang. The three burning arrows he got were only left by the ancient gods. A piece of Lingbao, but He Lan Feiqiong got the complete inheritance of the ancient gods.

"Are you in Tianle Mountain? If you are not comfortable in that place, then come to me." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"Okay ..." Su Tang grinned: "Anyway, it was you who gave me a chance before I could embark on a path of cultivation, and I would not be ashamed to come to you again.

"Shameful? I really don't understand you." He Lanfeiqiong laughed: "If you get such a great fortune, I will go to you without hesitation, anyway, I don't think there is anything shameful."

"Okay, my Su Tang just asked for support." Su Tang laughed.

"Did you come here?" He Lanfeiqiong changed the subject.

"Well." Su Tang nodded: "There is a deserted spirit domain, the seal is about to expire. It is said that it is the territory of the Eight Wind Lords, and the Eight Wind Lords are the big existence of the star master level. They died many years ago. There are a few rare treasures hidden inside. "

"Where is the spirit domain?" He Lanfeiqiong asked.

"Don't you know?" Su Tang said: "That place was already surrounded by Bai Ze, did you not even know it?"

"I don't know." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Go, go and ask them."

After finishing speaking, He Lanfeiqiong waved his hand, and the scene in front of Su Tang suddenly became distorted. Immediately afterwards, he found himself back in the pavilion. Fang Yizhe and others were still standing by the stream and looking towards this side.

Subsequently, Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong walked down side by side, Fang Yizhe and others did not dare to neglect, and bent slightly to He Lanfeiqiong, putting their posture very low

"Mo Ying Xingjun, do you know the location of the spirit domain?" Su Tang asked.

Mo Yingxing hesitated a moment, and slowly replied: "I know."

"Xiaobai, you go with them." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"Yes, Lord." Bai Ze whispered.

"The rules are well learned. I actually knew it was called" Master ". It seems that these years have not been in vain." Su Tang said with a smile.

Bai Ze laughed again and again, but he sighed in his heart.When he first met Su Tang, his strength prevailed, but after a few years, he was pulled far behind and waited out of the starry sky. He worked hard to practice, and with the help of He Lanfeiqiong, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, but his status has been fixed. Not to mention that his current strength may not exceed Su Tang. Even if he is stronger than Su Tang, he will not dare to make it.

"Come on, I will take you out," Bai Ze said.

Su Tang originally wanted to keep up, but found that He Lan Feiqiong didn't mean to leave, so he stayed in place. Fang Yizhe and others looked at Su Tang and turned to catch up with Bai Ze.

Almost tens of meters away, Fang Yizhe smiled and said: "Xiao Bai Xingjun, we can be considered to be unfamiliar ..."

"You are Xiaobai, your whole family is Xiaobai" Bai Ze was furious: "Laozi's nickname is Fengshen"

Fang Yizhe and others looked at each other, and then, Fang Yizhe Yu coughed: "It turned out to be Feng Shenxing Jun, long admiring ..."

"Hum" Bai Ze hummed coldly, then thought of something, glanced back, then turned his head and hurried forward.

"He is also a confidant." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Every time I hear his **** prince, I want to beat him."

"So, he can only stay here." Su Tang laughed: "If you go out and walk around, every monk who has heard of his monarch, probably wants to beat him."

"Come with me." He Lanfeiqiong said.

At the next moment, Su Tang found himself back to the side of the pool, the water was shaking, and then reflected the figure of Fang Yizhe and others.

This should be the eye of the main realm of the Thousand Spirits, and it is also the center of all spiritual realms.

Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong chatted while observing the movements of Fang Yizhe and others.

"You should go back to the Nine Heavens Star Territory, and your Evil King Platform will take it back." He Lanfeiqiong said: "I didn't understand before, but later I realized what benefits the domain-level spirit species have for the monks."

"Actually I have understood." Su Tang said with a bitter smile: "Your Daqianling has already matured, and my evil monarch is still far away. Do you want to fly out of the Nine Heavens a little bit? In case of being hit by someone? Go, I ca n’t walk without thinking. "

"In this case ... I can help you set up a spiritual formation." He Lanfeiqiong said: "You can directly recruit your evil monarch, but it will cost a lot of crystallization."

"Have you learned the magic charm?" Su Tang was surprised.

"It will not be much. Master taught me." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Master is just in case, the big thousand spirits have taken root in this star field, and there is no way to move. For the enemy's opponents, I can only choose far away, and then set up a spirit array to send the thousand spirits over. "

"It's a good way." Su Tang moved his heart: "I have a lot of thoughts and crystals here."

"Do you have? How many?" He Lanfeiqiong asked in surprise.

When Su Tang raised his hand, a handful of golden stars were scattered and fell in the pool water, forming a half-meter high sand tower.

"Send you." Su Tang said generously: "If it is not enough, I still have it here."

If there is an accident in the future, he can only come to He Lan Feiqiong to ask for support, of course, it is almost necessary to set up first.

"The crystal of Shennian is extremely precious and much more difficult to find than Xuanjizi. Where did you get it from?" He Lanfeiqiong said.

Su Lan Feiqiong's surprised expression made Su Tang very satisfied, he said with a smile: "You have your character, I also have my chance."

This sentence was said by Fang Yizhe and him at the moment, he is now learning and selling.

"It is easy to crystallize these thoughts." He Lanfeiqiong said: "When you find the spirit domain and find the spirit treasure, I will find a better place for you, and then lay down the spirit array and put your evil monarch Call it over. "

"Not here?" Su Tang said.

"You ..." He Lanfeiqiong looked helpless: "Sometimes, the city is deeper than anyone else, but sometimes, you are not willing to use your brain. The monks who practice here must uphold piety, your evil monarch. There are so many friends and relatives in the family who let them listen to them? It ’s easy to get into disputes by then. "

"I see." Su Tang said.

He Lanfeiqiong will never allow a large number of practitioners to enter the main realm. He did think it was too simple just now.

Fang Yizhe and others have left the spirit realm and walked through the starry sky. After almost an hour, their speed suddenly slowed down, as if they realized

He Lanfeiqiong pointed his finger, and the conversation of Fang Yizhe and others came from the pool.

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