The Magic Outfit

Chapter 969: doubt

"Why don't you go?" Bai Ze said.

"There are traces here." Mo Yingxing Jun said slowly.

"What trace?" Bai Ze felt puzzled.

"At least seven or eight monks passed by within a few hours." Mo Yingxing said: "The breath they left has not completely dissipated.

"Just kidding me, why can't I feel anything?" Bai Ze didn't believe: "What's more, as long as they crossed the boundary stele, there's nothing to hide from me

"There are so many talents and talents in the star field." Fang Yizhe interjected: "I believe the magic star Xingjun's reaction, he never missed it."

"What about then?"

"You wait here first, I'll go ahead and turn around." Magic Shadow star said, and then his body suddenly expanded, turning into a huge phantom covering thousands of square meters, and swept forward.

He Lan Feiqiong also saw this scene by the side of the lake, and she whispered: "Your friend has some meaning."

"It has something to do with you and me." Su Tang said: "Do you still remember Qiancheng Junfa?"

"That sovereign in the devil world?" He Lanfeiqiong froze.

"Well." Su Tang nodded: "Soon after we left Demon Realm, a large number of monks from Jiutian Xingshu broke into the Demon Realm, and almost all of them were killed. Yes, I found a spiritual treasure from the ruins of Qiancheng Palace. After enlightenment, I laid off my flesh and incorporated my own soul into the spiritual treasure.

"Did we tell Qiancheng Junfa when we left?" He Lanfeiqiong sighed: "Why ... he doesn't listen to us?"

"The whole country moved into the underground, the matter is too tedious, Qian Chengjunfa has some carelessness, and when he sees the overhaul of the Jiutian Xingshu, it is too late to think about leaving."

"It seems that we owe him." He Lanfeiqiong said: "If he is willing to stay, I will try to send him a few trips."

"You can't do this, Xiao Fang will hate you." Su Tang laughed: "He finally found a few reliable helpers, you are equivalent to digging his corner."

"It was the monk who came out of the Mo Gu Sect?" He Lanfeiqiong said: "I don't force it. If he encounters any difficulties in the future, just help him by the way."

The magic shadow star Jun, who was quietly moving forward, naturally couldn't think of.The things he experienced were not all suffering, but also left a rare opportunity. He Lan Feiqiong took note of him, not to mention Su Tang, although he has always been against the devil. The movie star Jun does not fake the color, but in the dark it is very accommodating to the movie star Jun. Looking for someone to ask for 20 mysterious machines, Su Tang didn't even bargain at all.

Hundreds of miles away in front of Mo Ying Xingjun, there is a big rift, which is gently blown through. Then, a head is very abruptly revealed in the air.It is an old man with wide forehead and long eyebrows, and his eyes are bright Then, another arm protruded, and then the arm flicked, and dozens of people showed their traces.

The old man's hand shook, and a **** clot appeared in his hand. He put the big cloak behind his shoulder and said with a smile: "Why don't you come in?"

"We not only need to come in safely, but also leave safely." Said a middle-aged man with short beards, and then looked around: "Spirit domain is below this, we must seize the time to start."

"The seal is about to disappear in a few months, why should we do it ourselves?" Said another young man shaking the fan.

"You still have a face to say?" The middle-aged man with short whiskers frowned. "If it weren't for your care, let the hunting warrior star escape, and we don't need to take this risk.

"Adventure is inevitable." The old man in black cloak said: "Even if we remove the Hunting Star King with our own hands, the news must not be leaked, and we must open the seal ourselves."

"This would alarm the weirdo." The young man shaking the fan responded.

"The seal disappears and the treasure leaks out. Do you think the weirdo can't sense it?" Said the old man in black cloak: "We can still take advantage of our own hands, but we can also arrange some means to prepare for dealing with the weirdo. Do you have to wait for nothing? "

"Master Xizhu, what do you say?" The middle-aged man with short whiskers turned his head and his eyes fell on an old woman in a purple robe.

"I don't care what you do," the old woman said coldly. "I promised you that after the weirdo came over, I blocked him for you."

The rest of the monks looked at each other and stopped talking. They were full of fear for the weirdo who was running across the star field. Finally, they discussed it and decided to pay a large price. They invited a lord to sit in the town.

The Western Candle Lord's spirit is unmatched and has a good background. He is a true monk. Of course, there are more powerful monks, but they can't pay that high compensation. They have come together and brought them together. They are very satisfied to be able to invite a monk like Xizhu Maharaja.

"Sir Western Candle, I heard that the weirdo's tricks are extremely vicious, and it has harmed a lot of monks." The young man shaking the fan said timidly.

"Those are waste." The old woman's expression was still indifferent: "Do you think everyone can wear purple robes in the vein of a real dragon?"

"Then there is Lord Lausey Candle." The middle-aged man with short whiskers said with a smile: "According to what I said earlier, you stay here, let's go down."

In fact, they are not only afraid of the weirdo, but also this Western Candle Lord, in case Lord Western Candle sees those Lingbao, and suddenly turns over to shoot them, then they just lost their wives and collapsed their soldiers, so they have agreed in advance, Lord Xizhu will not enter the spirit realm, and they are well prepared.

"You go." The old woman waved her hand.

The monks stood up and skimmed towards the bottom of the Great Rift Valley. The old woman turned to sit on the edge of the cliff and began to close her eyes and raise her spirits.

In the vision of Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong, the ghost star Jun who disappeared for a moment appeared again, and he whispered: "The guys actually invited a monarch

"Is it just a majesty?" Bai Ze sneered. The days of fox and humiliation are used to him. His self-confidence is highly inflated. Even in the face of a majesty, he dares to learn from each other. Anyway, there is no one to fight. Come save him.

"She ..." Mo Ying Xingjun's body is a phantom, he can't see his emotional changes, but he can be heard from the voice very hesitant.

"What's wrong with her?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"She's a little weird, not like looking for Lingbao, but ... like a trap." Mo Yingxing Jun murmured.

"Trap? No one knows where we come, what trap will there be?" Fang Yizhe said.

"No, her breath is too calm and calm," said Mo Yingxing.

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