The Magic Outfit

Chapter 970: Serious trouble

"Do you mean ... let's go back?" Fang Yizhe frowned.

"I don't mean that." The shadow star Jun paused: "Even the main existence of the main level of the starry sky, also touched a nail here, and finally returned without success, a monarch in every area seems to be too calm. . "

"You can't make a trip in vain, and you should go to see it anyway." Ding Haixing said, if it was just because Mo Yingxing Jun felt wrong, he would go back, he was too unwilling.

"Feng Shen Xingjun, what do you think?" Fang Yizhe's eyes fell on Bai Ze.

"I dare to come here to spread the wilderness, I can't bear it." Bai Ze said with great care.

"Go, let's go" Fang Yizhe made up his mind.

Several people just stood up, and Bai Ze suddenly said: "Wait a moment" Then Bai Ze looked up and looked into the air.

"What's wrong?" Fang Yizhe asked strangely.

"The lord is coming, let's wait." Bai Ze said.

In Su Tang's vision, Bai Ze was looking in his direction. He Lanfeiqiong smiled: "Come on, let's go over and see. Your friend is a bit interesting, it seems that the person who came is not good ..."

Immediately afterwards, He Lan Feiqiong grabbed Su Tang's shoulder, and the air was twisted. At the next moment, He Lan Feiqiong took Su Tang out of the ice and snow.

In the moment when he wore it out, Su Tang tranced and saw that there was a faint blue round mirror in the ice layer below which was emitting light. He was stunned and looked at He Lanfeiqiong.

"Discovered?" He Lan Feiqiong said softly: "I spread the big thousand spirits in every corner of this star field, and covered them with a spirit array, others can't find it, and I can always be in any spirit. The place disappeared, and it appeared in another place where there were spirits. "

"No wonder ..." Su Tang sighed: "Even the Lord of the Stars can't help you."

"They are over there, let's go." He Lanfeiqiong said.

The two walked side by side. Compared to the speed, of course, Su Tang prevailed. This is also the only skill he can get in front of He Lanfeiqiong.

In a moment, He Lanfeiqiong and Su Tang had approached Fang Yizhe and others, He Lanfeiqiong said with a wide voice: "You stay here, let's take a look."

Fang Yizhe paused and didn't speak. Although he was a little nervous, he was worried that the woman also took a fancy to those Lingbao and made them difficult. Hard to say anything.

Su Tang is somewhat suspicious of friends, and He Lanfeiqiong knows Fang Yizhe's identity, but Fang Yizhe knows nothing about He Lanfeiqiong.Although He Lanfeiqiong's appearance is similar to that of his father, He Lankong, but Fang Yizhe never went to that. Think somewhere.

Soon, Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong had seen the old woman from afar, and there were waves of spiritual power from the bottom of the Great Rift Valley. Apparently the monks were cracking the seal

He Lan Feiqiong's speed slowed down, but Su Tang's figure was suddenly accelerating, turning into a blue light, and drawing an arc in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he had gone behind the old woman.

The hostile energy that was reluctantly suppressed when the Lingbao was smelted, once again diffused from the spiritual veins, so that the fierce light of Su Tang's double pupils flashed.

"Don't you have long eyes?" He Lanfeiqiong said lightly: "Do you know that you are out of bounds?"

"Hey, hey ... I've been waiting for you" The old woman smiled: "Since it's here, don't leave"

As soon as the words fell, she raised her hand and took out a long streamer from her ring, and inserted it into the snow. The vast stream of glory bloomed on the long stream, and the ice and snow was dyed to a rich golden color.

Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong were alert, and the other party was indeed prepared, but it was not enough ⊥ they retreated.

"Little girl, how many years have you been playing hide-and-seek with us? This time you ran so far before you ran here. I think how can you escape?" The old woman shouted.

At the next moment, countless light and shadows burst out on the Nagata, and there was a sudden violent spiritual fluctuation between heaven and earth, and then a light curtain covering more than 1,000 meters appeared, and Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong were both caught in the light curtain. .

Su Tang only felt a flower in front of him, and then found that a middle-aged man in a purple dragon robe was violently rushing at him. The middle-aged man held a long-handled tomahawk in his hands and rolled toward him with a world-shaking momentum.

The big existence of the main level of the starry sky? Su Tang was stunned, even though his anger was surging again, and his murderous intention was too strong, he suddenly found that he was an invincible opponent in front of him, and everything melted like ice and snow.

The axe was down, Su Tang only woke up at this moment, and immediately released the devil's wings. The figure turned into a blue light again, and swept to the distance quickly and incomparably.

Bang ... Su Tang flew seven or eight hundred meters away in an instant and was hitting the light curtain. The light curtain released 10 million electric lights. Although Su Tang had already released the body protection mind, he still felt surrounded. There was severe pain, the eyes were black, the stiffness of the veins stopped, and the figure fell to the ground involuntarily.

Not counting the lower part of the Great Rift Valley, there were originally only three people in the light curtain, Su Tang, He Lan Feiqiong and the old woman, but in a flash, there were already silhouettes swept out of the long stream, divided by hundreds of monks Two roads, one all the way to Su Tang and the other all the way to He Lan Feiqiong.

Moreover, there are actually two big masters of the starry sky. They are all wearing purple dragon robes. They are obviously close disciples in the vein of the true dragon. One is chasing Su Tang, and the other is wielding a spirit sword to pounce on He Lanfeiqiong.

He Lanfeiqiong sneered, raised his hands away, and waved to the old man wearing a purple dragon robe.

Boom ... He Lan Feiqiong released a screaming shock wave visible to the naked eye. The shape of the shock wave is like a comet, which contains a variety of colors, including dark, golden, silver, grayish brown, and The colors are clearly layered.

"Seven Realm Fists?" The old man wearing a purple dragon robe gave a slight pause, and then made a long scream, the sword light suddenly expanded dozens of times, and he rolled to He Lanfeiqiong like a ruin.

The name of Qijiequan was not given by He Lanfeiqiong. During the long-term confrontation with Helan Feiqiong, the monks of the real dragon gradually understood Helan Feiqiong's power and used Qijiequan to describe He Lanfeiqiong's power.

Outside the main realm of the Great Thousand Spirits, there are the seven realms, namely light, dark, earth, water, fire, wind, and air. He Lanfeiqiong has been able to skillfully operate the power of the seven realms, and her boxing wind is sometimes rushing. Jiang Jianghai sometimes gathers tremendous flames, and every time she adds a realm, her boxing power will be doubled, and the seven realms will be unified, and He Lanfeiqiong's combat power will be maximized.

The old man in the purple dragon robe was famous for Qijie boxing for a long time, so he didn't dare to carelessly and attacked with all his might.

Boom ... Jianguang and Qijie Quan's punches collided together and blasted away. Surprisingly, the shock wave of Qijie Quan was instantly destroyed. The sword light was like a broken bamboo, and the shock wave was smashed and shattered again. He Lanfeiqiong.

It seemed that the old man wearing a purple dragon robe was stunned, and made the monks of the real dragon feel terrified. Is such a woman?

He Lanfeiqiong swept up, let off the sword light, and then waved his fist again.The spiritual force fluctuations that were more intense than before suddenly burst into bloom, and it was another Seven Realm punches, but this punch did not attack the opponent, but thundered. To the rear.

Boom ... Jianguang struck the light curtain, making a tremendous roar, Jianguang collapsed, and the light curtain was also violently twisted, and then He Lan Feiqiong's Qijie fist also blasted over.

Boom ... This is He Lanfeiqiong's real full blow, the light curtain twisted violently stiffened, and then burst open.

He Lanfeiqiong did not hesitate to put out the light curtain that was shattering and swept far away. She knew that it was impossible to take care of Su Tang at this time.

"This ... this ..." The old man in the purple dragon robe stiffly stood in the air, and then eased up, chasing his teeth to He Lanfeiqiong.

In terms of qualifications, He Lanfeiqiong and Su Tang should be between Bo Zhong, and it is difficult to say who is stronger and weaker. On the way of luck, the two of them are also equal, but compared to the fighting instinct, Su Tang is hard to compare with He Lanfeiqiong.

The so-called combat instinct is to make a correct judgment between the flashlight and the fire and immediately put it into action.

He Lanfeiqiong relied on his fighting instincts, repeatedly rushing out of the siege of the True Dragon, and looking for opportunities to retaliate, and the monks of the True Dragon thought that his layout was seamless every time, until the battle ended, To understand where the flaws are.

Just like just now, He Lanfeiqiong judged that the light curtain was a spiritual array for the first time. The purpose was to trap her and Su Tang. She did not take the initiative to act because she needed a single blow to face the main level of a starry sky. There is only one chance for her to exist.

Use the strength of the main level of the starry sky to make a full blow, plus her Seven Realm Boxing. If this does not break the light curtain, then you do n’t have to find a way to escape, just fight dead.

If you have been fighting in the light curtain for a long time, you only think of this method. It is not a big deal. The difficulty is to make judgments in an instant, and there is no time to think and think.

The old man wearing a purple dragon robe was full of anger and a trace of panic. Such a woman must not allow her to continue to practice, otherwise she will be in a serious trouble.

On Su Tang's side, he had just regained his consciousness. Immediately afterwards, he found that there were countless monks around him. It was okay to say that the main existence of the main level of the starry sky in the back had waved his tomahawk and fell down again.

He has initially possessed supernatural powers, no need to turn his head, nor need to release the magic eyes, he can see everything clearly around him.

Su Tang activated the primal soul of the Qinglian stick and swayed to the surroundings with all his strength, while the left arm raised a magic shield to block the rear.

Tens of thousands of green lotuses rolled in all directions like tide water, covering the tracks of Su Tang, and the strong wind brought by that giant axe broke through the sea of ​​lotus like a desolation, hitting Su Tang's magic shield.

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