On the way home, Song Qingge sat in the car and enjoyed the thrill of speeding again. When he got home, the handle of the co-pilot had been completely shattered by his grasp. Because Cleveland will go to Chenglin High School every day in the future, he must choose a car as a car. Looking at St. Louis who helped Cleveland choose a car, Song Qingge said to Helena who was supporting her, "My Helena is better."

"Hehe, Commander, Sister St. Louis didn't do it on purpose." Helena covered her mouth with her other hand and smiled, "Why don't I teach Commander how to drive?"

Song Qingge looked at Helena in surprise, "You can also drive?"

Helena smiled and said, "Of course, I also learned from Sister St. Louis, but the driving is slower, as she always said."

Song Qingge said indifferently, "It's okay, I don't want to break another handle."

"Hehe." Helena laughed from ear to ear, but the two of them agreed. Song Qingge went to Helena to learn how to drive when he was free.

In less than a while, St. Louis helped Cleveland choose a sporty Bugatti sports car. Seeing that Cleveland and St. Louis had chosen a car for a test drive, Song Qingge greeted them and left with Helena . The two walked on the road by the lake. Although the sun was relatively high, the feeling of the breeze was not bad.

"Does Helena like fishing?" Song Qingge asked suddenly while walking.

Helena was slightly taken aback, "It's okay, what's the matter? Commander, do you want to go fishing?"

Song Qingge looked at the sparkling lake and nodded, "How about sitting here for a while in such a fine weather and fishing?"

"Okay, as long as the commander likes it." Helena stroked her bangs that were blown by the wind with one hand, and smiled at Song Qingge.

Seeing that Helena agreed, Song Qingge chuckled and led her to a small room not far from the lake, and took two fishing rods and some bait. Then I picked a shaded place, propped the fishing rod on the shore, and lay down on the grass on the shore.

Helena on the side also set up a fishing rod, then sat beside Song Qingge and looked at him, "Is the commander tired?"

"No." Song Qingge closed his eyes and said, "It's just that the weather is good today, and it's a good day to rest. I remember when I was in Blue Star Bilan College, I liked to go to the beach every day to lie on the cool chair for a while. Once, I almost missed the graduation construction, haha"

"I haven't heard the commander say this before." Helena smiled.

"Really?" Song Qingge opened his eyes and thought for a while, "Maybe, it feels like it's been a long time." After all, he has lived in other worlds for almost ten years, and for those graduates , after almost half a year.

Song Qingge patted the turf next to him lightly, "If you don't mind, lie here and I'll tell you."

"Yeah." Helena smiled and lay beside Song Qingge, looking sideways at his handsome profile, "How did the commander get to Blue Star?"

"It's a long story." Song Qingge couldn't help but smile with nostalgia, "Let me tell you slowly. At that time, I had just graduated from a university in our world, and because I didn't know what to do for a while, I was stuck in a period of time. The period of confusion. Every day, I was alone in the rented house and played games, and my life was very decadent. On that day, I just got out of that stage, found a job, and bought a self-heating hot pot when I came back, ready to reward Myself. Unexpectedly, that accident happened during the meal, and I came to Blue Star."

Song Qingge looked sideways at Helena, who was listening carefully, and said with a smile, "I was depressed for a while after I came to Blue Star. After all, I was just a college student who didn't understand anything at the time."

When Helena heard this, she said to Song Qingge, "It must have been difficult when you first came here, right?"

Song Qingge poked her pink cheek, "It's nothing, it's all over after all."

Although Song Qingge was perfunctory with these few words, Helena could think of the hardships at that time. It is definitely not as simple as Song Qingge said for a college student in his early twenties to fall into a war-torn world. Helena couldn't help hugging Song Qingge's head into her arms, "Commander, Helena will be with you from now on."

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile yet." Song Qingge smelled the faint fragrance of Helena's body and said, "After that, I awakened the system, entered Bilan Academy, and met Crazy Yang and my good brother. It's slow Slowly accepted this world, and also saw a completely different ship girl from what I imagined. Later, after graduation, I began to call you, and slowly developed into what I am now."

Listening to Song Qingge's narration with a smile, Helena asked, "Commander, have you ever thought about what will happen when the war is over?"

Song Qingge rubbed upwards from Helena's arms until he could look directly at her, "After the war is over, it will be just like this. I can eat and play with you every day, so I don't have to worry about these anymore Those, to be a salted fish. Hehe, how about it, isn’t it a big dream.”

Helena smiled and nodded, "Then I will become Helena, a salted fish."

"Hey, salted fish is good. Because you can only be a salted fish in peaceful and comfortable days. If you fight every day, you can't even be a salted fish." Song Qingge laughed, "But Helena is not a salted fish, she should be a mermaid."

"The mermaid should be Sister St. Louis. Helena will make a salted fish with the commander." Helena looked into Song Qingge's eyes and said, that touch of tenderness made Song Qingge's heart skip a beat.

He put his head against Helena's forehead, and his lips slowly approached Helena's lips. The breaths of the two were intertwined at this moment. When their lips touched, a throbbing feeling rose from each other's hearts, and the two At this time, the individual heartbeats also synthesize a beat and move together.

"Clang! The big mackerel saw it!"

When the two were intimate, a voice abruptly interrupted the progress of their relationship. Song Qingge looked towards the direction of the lake with a dark face at this time, and saw the big mackerel, Yi 19 and U81 staring at him and Helena closely. He glanced at the shy Helena. He turned his head and said to the fishes, "Why did you come here?"

Yi 19 jumped up from the water at this time, and jumped into Song Qingge's arms so wet, "Commander, we are playing hide-and-seek underwater."

Song Qingge touched Yi 19's red hair with a smile, "Then how did you find it?"

"Hey, of course it's me." The big mackerel and U81 also came ashore at this time, and they came to Song Qingge's side, "I asked the taste of the bait all the way, so I swam here."

Song Qingge smiled at Helena, "It seems that today is still rewarding, at least I caught a big mackerel."


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