For a while after that, Song Qingge completely relaxed, playing in the manor with different ship girls every day, and his life was relaxed and comfortable.

"It's really comfortable recently." Song Qingge said with a smile, leaning on the stool and drinking the black tea prepared by Belfast, while looking at the scenery by the lake.

"As the king's husband-in-law, you should also pay attention to your demeanor, otherwise the king will be laughed at!" Elizabeth looked at Song Qingge, who was sitting on a chair, and said loudly. Face.

Song Qingge turned his head to look at Elizabeth, "Don't worry about it so much, we are all on our own, it doesn't matter if you relax, don't you think so, Hood."

Hood, who was eating scones, raised his head slightly, with some crumbs remaining at the corner of his mouth, "Huh?"

Song Qingge couldn't help smiling, and stretched out his hand to wipe off the crumbs from the corner of her mouth, "Well, this looks good."

"Hehe, thank you Commander." Hood smiled slightly, "Today's scones were unexpectedly delicious, so I ate more."

"That's right." Elizabeth's gaze was smoothly diverted at this time, "Bell, why are the scones you made so delicious today?"

Belfast bowed slightly and said, "Return to Your Majesty, because Miss Dunkirk, who has a free iris, helped."

"Oh, so it's Dunkirk." Song Qingge smiled, "The candies and desserts she made are very popular in the destroyer now."

"Well, the macaron cake that Richelieu brought to the tea party last time should be Miss Dunkirk's masterpiece." Hood said with a smile.

"Well, it tastes as good as that." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Well, Her Majesty is right." Zhan Zhan bit a piece of scone and said to Elizabeth with a smile.

At this time, Hood finished eating the scones in his hand, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then turned his head and said to Song Qingge, "Commander, how is the mission completed recently?"

Song Qingge put down the scones he had just picked up, and looked at Hood with a smile, "It's not bad, Cleveland has entered the state, in Chenglin High School Vocational Education, Nagashima and Ayanami also successfully joined the array cat guild, Hirasawa Yui Their task completion rate has reached 43%."

"Well, what about the others? Didn't I remember there was a high school student?" Hood said with a smile.

"Oh, Kudo Shinichi?" Song Qingge threw a piece of scone into his mouth, "He has become a child, and he is in primary school recently, and Wu An reported that he just rescued a moving train .”

"Isn't he a high school student? I remember Belfast said he was a sophomore in high school." Hood said and glanced at Belfast.

"Well, I encountered some accidents and became a primary school student. I am planning to meet him these two days to see if I can get a task from him." Song Qingge smiled.

"Alright." Hood smiled, "Then who is the commander going to go with then?"

Song Qingge thought for a while, "I'm going to take the Vesta and Richelieu there. The Vesta can help check his body, and Richelieu can use magic spells. There are two of them, no problem."

"Well, it's a pity that the world royal family has not been able to help the commander yet." Hood expressed a little regret.

Song Qingge smiled and said after hearing it, "Where, isn't Belfast helping me every day? And the last time Hirasawa Yui and the others sang together with Guanghui and Lexington? How can you say they didn't help me?" busy?"

"But..." Hood pondered slightly.

"It's nothing. This world is here to relax. Don't think too much. Maybe we will encounter a place that needs your royal help later. Don't you think that Bismarck and Soviet Rosia didn't care at all? So, don't worry about it." Song Qingge smiled.

"En." After being comforted by Song Qingge, Hood's slightly lost mood turned around, and he continued to enjoy the afternoon tea accompanied by Song Qingge.

At night, not long after Song Qingge lay down, he was answering the message from Bumblebee with his mobile phone, when a figure rushed in from the door and closed the door behind him. Song Qingge smiled when he saw the person coming, "I said, come if you want in the future, why are you always so sneaky?"

"After all, she is a lady." The visitor smiled and walked slowly to Song Qingge's bed and sat down, looked at the mobile phone Song Qingge was holding and asked, "Who is the commander chatting with?"

"Bumblebee." After Song Qingge sent a message while speaking, he put the phone aside, "I just chatted with your sister Shengli and Kewei for a while, but it seems that they are asleep now. I said, you Do you sneak over every time your sisters fall asleep?"

"Ah, the commander is so smart." The person who came was Guanghui, and she was smiling at Song Qingge at this time, like a kitten who stole a fish to eat.

Song Qingge couldn't help giving her an annoyed look, "You can come here if you are generous, but it's not like the whole port area doesn't know about your relationship with me, so you have to wait for everyone to fall asleep and sneak over here?"

Guanghui took off his clothes one by one, and got into Song Qingge's quilt, "Of course it's because I'm best at night raids."

"You." Song Qingge couldn't help pinching Guanghui's nose lightly, "It just so happens that you came here today, and I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Guanghui looked at Song Qingge strangely.

"It's about your sister." Song Qingge smiled.

"Victory?" Guanghui asked, did Shengli reveal the night attack while chatting with Song Qingge?

Song Qingge shook his head, "It's not victory, it's awesome."

Guanghui suddenly became more curious, "What's wrong with Kewei? Hasn't she been fine these two days? She's here every afternoon tea, and she usually exercises her abilities when she has nothing to do. It's not a big deal, it should be..."

Song Qingge laughed, "Do you know that she likes music?"

"Music? It's good, I like music too." Guanghui asked strangely, "Is there something wrong?"

Song Qingge scratched her head slightly, "She likes rock music."

"Ah?" Guanghui immediately covered his mouth, "Isn't possible? Kewei is quite well-behaved, she has good manners, she is a very quiet lady."

"That's a kind of cover for her. In fact, she likes rock music the most. She likes to jump around and be unrestrained. But because you are her sister and a famous lady in the royal family, he and she are afraid that you will blame her. I dare not express my true preferences." Song Qingge explained.

"Ah, is that so?" Guanghui looked at Song Qingge in surprise, "Then how does the commander think I should treat Kewei?"

"You three sisters, although they are all ladies on the surface, actually have a rebellious personality. You like night raids, Victory likes to find the iron-blooded Tirpitz, Kewei likes freedom, and rock music." Song Qingge is funny. Looking at Guanghui, he said, "Then why don't you put down the burden of being a lady and let yourself go."

Guanghui smiled and squeezed Song Qingge, "You're just saying good things to Kewei, aren't you, Commander?"

"Hey, did you see it?" Song Qingge smiled, "How is it?"

"It's fine, as long as she doesn't go crazy in front of others." Guanghui smiled.


"Then we now?"

"You know……"

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