The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 405 Clearing and Spells

Song Qingge asked Dr. Ali to vacate a clean bedroom. He asked Dr. Ali and Wu An to wait outside the door, and asked Dr. Ali to go to Kudo Shinichi's house to get a suit of clothes he wore in high school. I entered the room with Richelieu, Vesta, Belfast and Kudo Shinichi.

Song Qingge looked at Kudo Shinichi, who was still a little dazed until now, and said, "You will see some more fantastic scenes next, don't be nervous, and don't be surprised."

"Huh?" Kudo Shinichi was even more confused by Song Qingge's words. What is a fantasy scene?

Song Qingge looked at the Kitchen Goddess with a smile, and nodded at the Kitchen Goddess, "It's up to you, the Kitchen Goddess."

"Yes." The Vesta said softly, then turned around and said to Kudo Shinichi, "Now lie on the bed, cover yourself and take off your clothes."

"Ah?" Kudo Shinichi was taken aback by the Kitchen God's request.

"Do as she said, the Vesta will clean up the toxins in your body. After cleaning, your body will definitely return to the appearance of a high school student. If you are still wearing such a small dress, then you will wear this dress to pieces .” Song Qingge explained helplessly.

"Oh! Got it!" Hearing Song Qingge say that the Goddess of Vesta wanted to cleanse her body of toxins, Kudo Shinichi finally came to his senses, quickly took off his shoes and jumped onto the bed, hid under the quilt, and took off all the clothes on his body Stripped and thrown aside.

Seeing that Kudo Shinichi had completely taken off his clothes and threw them out, the Kitchen God walked over to his bedside, a green light glowed on her hands.

"Ah! What is this?!" Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when he saw the green light on the female Vesta's hand. Then he thought of what Song Qingge said to himself just now, "You will see a fantastic scene later, don't be surprised, don't worry." So he was talking about this situation, right? Kudo Shinichi, who calmed down instantly, looked at the green light on the hand of the Vesta God full of expectations.

The light on the Vesta's hand became brighter and brighter until the whole hand turned emerald green. She put her hand on Kudo Shinichi's head, and the green light in her hand continuously penetrated into Kudo Shinichi's body.

At this time, Kudo Shinichi also felt a little bit of comfort, as if he had returned to his mother's arms when he was young, and that kind of warm feeling made people a little obsessed.

As the female kitchen god's hand stretched down along Kudo Shinichi's head, countless green lights penetrated the quilt and penetrated into Kudo Shinichi's body, decomposing all the toxins in his body, and performed the massage repeatedly from head to toe. twice.

As the green light on the Vesta's hand gradually faded, the Vesta smiled and said to Kudo Shinichi, "I have cleaned out the toxins in your body, so you will restore your original body immediately, be prepared, there may be A little pain."

"Yeah." Kudo Shinichi nodded quickly, at this moment, a tearing pain came from his elbow joint and knee joint. "Where is this point? It's obviously painful!"

"Hehe, this is a necessary process, so I can't do anything about it." The Kitchen Goddess smiled at Kudo Shinichi, and then walked back to Song Qingge's side.

"Can I choose to faint?" Kudo Shinichi, enduring the pain, said to Song Qingge and others.

Song Qingge smiled and shook his head, "No need, because you have already changed back."

"Ah? I don't feel any pain anymore?" Kudo Shinichi quickly spread his arms and looked away. Sure enough, his body has returned to his high school appearance. He was about to throw off the quilt and jump up to celebrate, but he saw Song Qingge's sharp eyes, and quickly shrank back in fright. "Mr. Song, excited, just a little excited."

Song Qingge smiled helplessly, and said to Belfast behind him, "Belfast, go and bring in the clothes that Dr. A Li brought over just now."

"Yes, master." Belfast saluted slightly, then turned and walked out the door, and came in again after a while, holding a set of clean clothes in his hand.

Song Qingge took the clothes from Belfast, and threw them beside Kudo Shinichi's bed, "You change your clothes first."

"Yes, Mr. Song." Kudo Shinichi quickly put his clothes on under the quilt, then jumped off the bed, stood barefoot on the floor, and asked impatiently, "Mr. A healing technique in a fantasy game, right?"

Song Qingge nodded with a smile, "You can also say that, but you can't tell others about this."

Kudo Shinichi shook his head crazily, "No, absolutely not. Besides, no one will believe me if I say it, but think I'm a fool..."

Song Qingge was amused by Kudo Shinichi, "Hehe, don't play tricks. Next, it's the most important thing." He turned to Richelieu, "Richelieu, it's your turn."

"Yes." Richelieu nodded with a smile, and walked up to Kudo Shinichi, "Next, I will cast a magical spell on you to make you smaller, and I will bury a mark in your body. As long as you Concentrate on reciting the corresponding mantra, and you can become bigger or smaller."

"So powerful?" Kudo Shinichi immediately became excited, "Then come on."

Richelieu nodded, and suddenly a thick red leather Bible appeared in his hand. Afterwards, the Bible flipped automatically in Richelieu's hands with no wind, until it stopped after reaching a page.

"The only God, the Almighty Father, please listen to my prayer, and bestow blessings on the people in front of you, so that they can be as young as a child, and recover with a thought, the Lord loves the world, Amen!"

Accompanied by Richelieu's voice of prayer, a white ray of light descended from the sky and shone directly on Kudo Shinichi. Visible to the naked eye, his body changed into Conan's appearance, but this time there was no pain, as if it was natural, and his clothes also shrank accordingly.

With the end of the holy light, Richelieu said to the shrunken Kudo Shinichi, "I have planted the seed of the word spirit in your body, you can feel it as long as you concentrate on it. Then you need to become an adult When the time comes, you only need to concentrate and recite "My Lord is above" three times. And your body's agility, physical strength, and strength will not be lost because you become smaller."

Kudo Shinichi immediately stopped being curious, and according to the method Richelieu said, he calmed down and felt inside his body. Sure enough, he found something like a glowing seed on his chest, so he concentrated his energy and said in his mouth, "My Lord is above, my Lord is above, my Lord is above!" The elementary school student turned into a high school student, and the clothes also changed at the same time.

Song Qingge looked at this scene with a smile and nodded, "Very well, you can keep this appearance now, today is Sunday, and tomorrow I will arrange for Wu An to take you to the school to go through the formalities, and at the same time announce that you have officially joined our Bilan Group , so you have enough excuses to appease your little girlfriend."

Kudo Shinichi, who became a high school student, couldn't help but blushed, scratched the back of his head, "Hey, thank you Mr. Song."

"It's okay, some suspenseful incidents in the group will be handed over to you in the future. But don't worry, you can still accept other private detective business, and I won't stop you." Song Qingge laughed.


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