When Kudo Shinichi, Song Qingge and others walked out of the room, Dr. Ali who was waiting outside looked shocked at Kudo Shinichi, who had become a high school student again, while Wu An was calm. After all, in his understanding, his master is omnipotent, and nothing in the world can't help him.

"Shinichi, you really recovered. It's incredible." Dr. Ali ran to Kudo Shinichi's side, grabbed his body, and looked back and forth carefully.

Kudo Shinichi was not surprised by Dr. Ali's behavior. After all, Dr. Ali is a scientist in essence, and he is also the person he trusts most. "Yes, Mr. Song helped me recover, and now I can change into Conan's appearance at any time, but you must not tell anyone about this."

Dr. A Li shook his head like a rattle, "Don't worry, I will never do such a thing."

After hearing this, Song Qingge smiled and said to Dr. A Li, "Dr. A Li, how about you join our Bilan Group?"

"Can I do it too?" Dr. A Li said excitedly. After all, the Beilan Group has gathered the top scientists in the world, no matter which field they are, they are absolutely top-notch existences. Can I also enter it myself?

Song Qingge smiled and said, "How about you being Kudo Shinichi's deputy? I will provide you with the world's top scientific research equipment and top-notch experimental materials, and Bilan Group, you can use all the scientific research databases except top-secret ones. Browse. In the past, Sherlock Holmes was supported by John Watson, and today Shinichi Kudo is supported by Dr. Ari, can this not be a new story?"

"Yes, Dr. Ali, anyway, you invented my sneakers, glasses and watches, and you will be my partner from now on!" Shinichi Kudo happily patted Dr. Ali on the shoulder.

"Hey, I will give you a lot of advice after the new year." Dr. A Li also said very excitedly. It is the dream of many scientists to be able to access the scientific research database of the Blue Group at any time! It's exciting to think about it, and Song Qingge will equip him with top-notch scientific research equipment, so there will be more researches in the future.

Song Qingge looked at the excited two people in front of him, smiled and said to Kudo Shinichi, "And you can grow up as a girl by Mao Lilan's side. With her black belt in karate, it's not impossible to be your partner in the future." Well."

"Hey..." Kudo Shinichi blushed immediately after being ridiculed by Song Qingge, "Mr. Song, don't talk nonsense, what kind of young girl..."

"There is nothing in this world that I don't know." Song Qingge said with a smile, "Do you need to meet your Xiaolan now?"

"Hey, can you?" Kudo Shinichi asked in surprise.

Song Qingge nodded, "If you want to meet now, then you don't have to go to school tomorrow. If you don't want to, then see you at school tomorrow."

Kudo Shinichi thought for a while, "Otherwise I will meet you now, you are here now, you can easily prove my future whereabouts, so that she can rest assured. I will not go to school tomorrow. If there is a big commotion, the organization in black will not dare to continue to do anything because of you."

Song Qingge nodded, "It was my negligence. In this case, I will go to your house with you now. You can call her directly. Then I will explain the situation to her. After that, you can be Conan next to her with peace of mind. .”

"Thank you Mr. Song." Kudo Shinichi was very grateful and bowed deeply to Song Qingge.

Song Qingge waved his hand lightly, and said to Wu An, "Wu An, now take Dr. Ali to our company to pick some scientific research equipment that he can use, set up a detective department, and go through all the entry procedures by the way. .Then contact Teidan High School and directly bring up Kudo Shinichi’s student status file and add it to our company file.”

"Yes, master." Wu An said respectfully.

Song Qingge nodded, and said to Kudo Shinichi beside him, "In this case, let's go to your house. If Mao Lilan asks about Conan later, you know how to answer it?"

"Don't worry." Kudo Shinichi smiled confidently. After taking the key from Dr. Ali, he walked ahead to lead Song Qingge.

As soon as Kudo Shinichi returned to his home, he couldn't wait to call the Mori Detective Agency. Unlike Dr. Ali, it was Mao Lilan who connected to Kudo Shinichi's call.

"Hello, Xiaolan? I'm Shinichi. I'm at home now. Do you have time? Well, because I came back recently, I want to talk to you about something, so can I ask you to come to my house? Okay, Then I will wait for you at home."

After the phone call, Kudo Shin pair rubbed his hands at Song Qingge, "Xiao Lan, she'll be here in a while."

Song Qingge smiled, and looked at the room that hadn't been cleaned up, "Then take advantage of this time, you should clean up the house as soon as possible, at least to make a good impression on others. Beifa, you go to make a few cups of coffee by the way come on."

"Okay." After guiding the direction for Belfast, Kudo Shinichi also started to tidy up the hall. After a simple scrub, the doorbell of Kudo Shinichi's gate rang.

"Yeah, Xiaolan should be here, but he didn't come so fast?" Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but wondered.

Song Qingge held the coffee made for him by Belfast, raised his head and glanced at Kudo Shinichi who was puzzled, "Maybe he came running over, hurry up and open the door."

"Yes." After a hasty reply, Kudo Shinichi ran towards the door. After a while, Kudo Shinichi walked in with a girl who looked familiar to Song Qingge.

"This is Mr. Song who I told you before and asked me to go out to handle the case. He is the helm of the Bilan Group, and he is the one in our textbook." Kudo Shinichi introduced to Mao Lilan.

"Ah! Xinyi, why didn't you say it earlier? If I had known earlier, I would have dressed myself up." Mao Lilan gave Kudo Shinichi a light hammer, then walked up to Song Qingge and said respectfully, "Mr. Song, hello, My name is Mori Ran, and I'm Kudo Shinichi's classmate."

Song Qingge said with a smile, "I know, you are the girlfriend Kudo has been talking about these days, so he asked me to let him see you as soon as the case was over."

"Hey..." Mao Lilan's face turned red instantly, "That... I'm not his girlfriend..."

Song Qingge looked at Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan amusedly, "Whether you two are boyfriend or girlfriend, you should leave it to yourselves. It's also my intention that Kudo called you here today."

"Eh? Did Mr. Song ask me for something?" Mao Lilan was infected by Song Qingge's aura, and gradually let go of her restraint.

Song Qingge nodded, "Because Kudo's detective quality is very strong, so I want him to join our Bilan Group. This time I brought him here, one is to say goodbye to you, and the other is to go to school to go through the withdrawal procedures."

Mao Lilan panicked when she heard this...

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