The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 407 Frederick the Great

"Mr. Song, what's going on?" Mao Lilan asked anxiously.

Song Qingge glanced at Kudo Shinichi who was scratching his head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not trying to beat mandarin ducks. Because although Kudo Shinichi has the talent of a detective, he is still relatively young and not mature enough. So I am going to let him go for further studies. A few years, but he is worried about you, so he has to explain it to you."

"Huh..." Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Song, where do you want to take him to further his studies? Do you even have to withdraw his student status?"

Song Qingge smiled and said, "It's in Japan, but not necessarily in Tokyo. After he completes his studies, he will be the head of the detective department of our Bilan Group."

"Oh, that's it." Mao Lilan finally felt relieved. "Then Mr. Song should have other things besides telling me this matter?"

"That's right." Song Qingge snapped his fingers lightly, "I heard from Kudo Shinichi that you have a black belt in karate?"

Molly nodded blushing.

"Yes, continue to practice in the future. If Kudo Shinichi finishes his training, I can invite you to join the Bilan Group. Then you can partner with each other and be together for a long time." Song Qingge smiled.



When Kudo Shin's family left, the sky had already darkened. Song Qingge sat in the car and looked at his task interface, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that this task cannot be completed in a short time."

"Anyway, if we leave this world, it won't affect the completion of the mission, so don't worry about it, Commander." The Vesta said with a smile.

"Yeah." Song Qingge nodded with a smile, "But thinking about those two people makes me want to laugh. It seems that Kudo Shinichi will also suffer from "bronchitis" in the future."

"Trachitis?" The Vesta said in confusion, "Commander, I treated his body just now, but he should have no problem with his trachea?"

"Um...I mean my wife is strict..." Song Qingge quickly explained.

"Oh, because you are afraid of your wife?" The Kitchen God said with a smile.

"Well, look at how he was when he got along with Mao Lilan. I think he will be ruled by Mao Lilan to death in his life in the future." Song Qingge smiled.

"Then who is the commander most afraid of in the port area?" The Vesta could not help but ask with a smile.

"Ah? Why did you suddenly ask me?" Song Qingge looked at the Kitchen God speechlessly.

"Tell me, Commander, we will never say anything." The Vesta said curiously. At this time, Richelieu, who was sitting beside him with his eyes closed, also opened them curiously, including sitting next to Song Qingge. of Belfast.

"You guys..." Song Qingge looked at the people speechlessly, "I feel like you guys are as good as Qingye."

"Hehe, we are not reporters." The Vesta smiled happily, "Tell me!"

Song Qingge pondered for a while, "Great Emperor."

"Huh? Why? I thought the commander would say Akagi Ron and the others." The Kitchen Goddess said suspiciously.

"Chicheng, she has changed a lot now, and I can see clearly that she is actually a very family-loving person at heart. As long as I treat her well, love her, and care about her, she will be like a normal wife." Song Qingge When he said this, he smiled slightly, "As for Ron, she has a very strong and exclusive personality, but there are always other people around me, so at least she can't do anything to hurt me. As for the Great Emperor..."

What kind of person saw Song Qingge start to ponder, so he asked anxiously, "What's wrong with the emperor?"

Song Qingge breathed a sigh of relief, "Actually, I may not be afraid of the Great Emperor, but more afraid of not being able to hold my head up in front of her. After all, you know the character of the Great Emperor, and you often call me me Matriarchy is full of matrilineal attributes. What's more, she is still my marriage ship, so when I summoned her or my wife last time, I chose my wife. How to say, I am a little worried about how to deal with him relationship between us."

"So that's how it is." The Kitchen God smiled and said, "The commander is confused by these things."

"En." Song Qingge sat upright and said to several people, "In your opinion, what kind of person is Frederick the Great?"

"Devil." Richelieu, who usually doesn't like to talk too much, spoke first at this time, "If you only talk about Frederick the Great, then the closest expression is a devil. I feel that the siren information she understands, It is even possible that she knows more than Bismarck, because she is the only one among all the ship girls who has seen the Laplace demon. What does the Laplace demon represent? Now it is estimated that she is the only one in the entire port area. I know, even Bismarck doesn't know. And she is cold, cruel, and ruthless when facing the enemy, as if the devil is alive."

When he said this, Richelieu took a sigh of relief and looked at Song Qingge and said, "But when it comes to his feelings for you, it's just like what the commander said just now, as if the Virgin Mother prefers the Son, that kind of love Inexhaustible, she will tolerate you and understand you no matter what. Combined with her other side, she is like a dark mother."

Song Qingge nodded involuntarily. It seemed that it was not easy for Emperor Frederick the Great to make Cardinal Richelieu say such a thing.

"Because I don't go to the battlefield very much, so I don't know much about it, but I think Frederick the Great is a very gentle person, whether he is dealing with the destroyers of Shige Sakura or other people in the port area, he is as gentle as his mother. Yes." The Kitchen Goddess said with a smile.

At this time, Belfast said, "Her Majesty once commented on Frederick the Great, saying that she is a person worthy of respect. Use your own strength to prop up the fragmented iron and blood after leaving Bismarck, and then make it able to deal with several In the big camp, so as to occupy the dominant position, no matter what, he is a powerful person."

"Well." Song Qingge nodded, "I understand what you said, that is to say, the emperor is cruel to the enemy, but very gentle to his own people. Like the kitchen goddess, he loves to take care of others and is also a very tolerant mother. image of."

"En." Richelieu nodded, "It is recommended that the commander summon Frederick the Great as soon as possible, so that the strength of our port area will be much stronger. Especially the siren knowledge she has mastered is of great importance to us now. Minato City is more aware of the unknown enemy we have to face and can provide more help."

Song Qingge nodded, "Because of emotion and reason, I have to summon her next time, but I won't talk about it now. It's hard to bring you out once, let's enjoy the night view of Tokyo Bay together, last time I remember I When enjoying the night view of Tokyo Bay with Richelieu, you should still be in the world of pitch-black bullets."

"Yes." Richelieu smiled.

"It's been a long time." Song Qingge smiled lightly.

"Well, it's been a long time."

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