The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 408 Change the character design?

Accompanying Richelieu and the Vesta to see the night view in Tokyo Bay, it was already early morning when they came back. After Song Qingge washed up casually, he stopped Belfast who was about to go back, and the two embraced each other and fell asleep.

In the following period of time, Song Qingge was in a state of salty fish. Every day, he either walked and chatted with different ship girls in the manor to enhance their relationship, or brought a group of destroyers to fill the playground like crazy.

Every Saturday and Sunday, Hirasawa Yui and the others will come to learn music. Although slowly, the professional knowledge they have mastered has reached the requirements of the system to complete the task, but they seem to have gotten used to getting along with the ship girls in the port area. I still come to live for a day as soon as I have a holiday, and then go home the next day.

Nakiri Erina would also come to the manor from time to time to learn cooking skills with Yixian. But from what she said, even after the God's Tongue was cured, her mother would still hang the nutrition bottle from time to time.

Song Qingge asked her why strangely, but Nakiri Erina could only falter and say that it was a psychological problem. After hearing this, Song Qingge immediately understood that it was because she was used to it. But Song Qingge didn't want to get involved in her mother's affairs anymore, after all, Nagato had already cured her of God's Tongue, and as for whether to eat or not, that was her own business.

So Nakiri Erina wanted to learn more cooking skills from Yixian, so that she could provide some top-notch food to her mother when she returned home.

As for Cleveland, I recently heard that her coaching ability has been recognized by the entire basketball team. Under her leadership, the entire basketball team has undergone qualitative changes. The team receives the harshest training every day, but they can also receive the most comprehensive care, but this also has something to do with her being Song Qingge's person.

And Aida Reiko also offered to ask her to conduct comprehensive coaching, including the arrangement of the field, etc., and became the team's manager herself. The entire Chenglin High School is no longer just relying on momentum as in the plot, but has become a strong team relying on strength. For the winter trophy, they are now bound to win.

As for Nagashima and Ayanami, they also successfully joined the array cat union and participated in offline groups. Hideki Nishimura and the others were also shocked when they saw that the two local tyrant characters covering the sky with one hand in the game turned out to be girls. And when they learned that their family member turned out to be Song Qingge of Bilan Group, several of them were instantly petrified.

But in the end, it was the task they got from Nishimura Hideki, which was to help Nishimura Hideki's game club, capture a city, and fulfill their wish. This task is a piece of cake for Limbo and Long Island who are proficient in games, not to mention that they still have a backpack of scrolls of forbidden spells that they have not used...

Today, Song Qingge was preparing to go to the playground to find destroyers as usual, but when he was about to walk to the door, he suddenly found that the bushes outside the fence were shaking irregularly. He grinned suddenly, and slowly approached there.

After walking to that position, I saw a figure lying there holding a telescope, the grass in front of him was red, and an indescribable laugh was coming out of his mouth, it was the Royal Ark.

Song Qingge kicked Royal Ark's leg speechlessly, "Royal Ark!"

"Ah, Head Maid! I'm not peeping, I'm just..." Ark Royal turned around and knelt on the ground in an instant, shouting non-stop until she saw the costume of the person in front of her. up. "Ah... so it was Your Excellency, I was scared to death, I thought it was the head maid who came to arrest me again..."

Song Qingge looked at her amusedly, "I said, is Befa so scary? Can you scare a dignified royal veteran into such a state?"

Royal Ark sat on the ground like a deflated ball, "Your Excellency, you don't know something. Because the head maid usually comes with orders from Her Majesty the Queen, so I have to be afraid."

Seeing this, Song Qingge said amusedly, "Walk with me?"

"Eh?" Royal Ark looked hesitantly at Mu Yue and the others who were playing behind him, then at Song Qingge in front of him, and finally could only grit his teeth, "Okay..."

The two were walking on the road, seeing the Royal Ark turning back three times at a step, Song Qingge said speechlessly, "People always come to me and ask me to take them for a walk, but you are fine, I am not happy to take you for a walk... "

Ark Royal hurriedly waved her hands, "Your Excellency, I don't mean that, I'm just a little worried about the destroyer sister."

Song Qingge laughed when he heard this, "There is no battle here, what are you worried about the destroyers? Are you afraid that they will bump into each other?"

"Yes!" Royal Ark Ling Ran said, "It is my duty to protect and expel my sister, even if I bump into it. Don't you think that? If a destroyer sister falls to the ground in front of you, Doesn't Your Excellency feel heartbroken for showing pain?"

Song Qingge nodded, "That would be true."

"Really? Your Excellency also agrees with my point of view?" Royal Ark said more and more excitedly, "So in order to prevent this from happening, we should get closer to expel our sisters, watch them by their side, protect them, in order not to suffer any harm."

"Theoretically speaking, what you said is not wrong, but why are all the destroyers in the port area afraid of seeing you?" Song Qingge asked with a smile.

"Ah..." The Royal Ark instantly misfired. There was nothing wrong with it. Since she was caught several times by the head maid, the destroyers in the port area now look at her strangely, especially the royal destroyers, and even The day after seeing her, she couldn't help crying.

Song Qingge looked at the Ark Royal, which was suddenly wilted like an eggplant, and said with a smile, "Actually, you like the behavior of the destroyer sister, which in my opinion is the same as Richelieu's liking for cats. The original intention is good. , but Naihe doesn’t know how to get along, and finally it becomes a situation that makes others afraid and dare not approach.”

"Your Excellency, what should I do?" Royal Ark asked anxiously, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

Song Qingge thought that in the previous life, a melon game player commented on the Royal Ark. She was obviously a perfect and unrestrained royal sister character, but unfortunately she was a pervert in nature. If she was more serious, she could be a reliable big sister and get rid of her younger sisters. dependent, but ended up with a collapsed image.

"Let's re-establish the character design." Song Qingge said, staring at the Royal Ark.

"Re-establish the character design?" Royal Ark looked at Song Qingge with some doubts.

"Yes, your current pervert is well-known in the port area, and your reputation has reached the extreme." Song Qingge said mercilessly, looking at the Royal Ark with its head lowered a little bit, Song Qingge laughed, "So why don't you just stay here?" Don't pay attention to these for a while, bravely appear in front of the destroyers, but ignore them."

"Ignore them?" Ark Royal murmured.

"Yes, as the saying goes, extremes lead to opposites. If you ignore them after you appear in front of them, it will arouse their curiosity. Why did the pervert come out today and ignore them? Most destroyers are children, and children's curiosity is the most important thing. Yes, so they will find out, and naturally you don't need to approach them, they will approach you instead." Song Qingge smiled.

"And then?" Ark Royal asked eagerly.

"And then? Then act like a big sister, look at how Guanghui does it, and just do that."

"Uh... let me try..."

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