The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 409 Bumblebee and Enterprise

"Commander, do you have time tomorrow?"

After working out her plan for changing her personality with Royal Ark, it was already sunset, and Song Qingge wandered back to her residence. As soon as he walked into his room, he received a message from the bumblebee.

Song Qingge replied with a smile, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Essex is going out for a motorcycle ride with me tomorrow, will you come?"

"But I won't..."

"It's very simple. Besides, at worst, I'll give you a ride!"

"Okay then, call me tomorrow."

"Yeah, that's it, bye!"

Song Qingge put the phone in his pocket amusedly, Bumblebee was still like this, finishing things in a few words, and was in a hurry every day. But, can he really not ride a motorcycle? God knows.

He was turning around to close the door, but he saw the company appearing in the corridor, with a smile on his face and a large cardboard box in his hand, obviously looking for him.

When the enterprise came to the front, Song Qingge asked suspiciously, "Enterprise, what is in the box? Why do I smell a fragrance?"

"Pizza!" The enterprise smiled and walked into the room through the door that Song Qingge let go, and then carefully placed the pizza in his hand on the table in the room.

Seeing the cautious look of the company, Song Qingge closed the door casually, "Did you do it yourself?"

Enterprise nodded, "Well, I went out to eat this pizza with Bumblebee and Vesta a few days ago, and I thought it tasted good, so I tried to make some myself. Commander, don't stand there, come over and taste it Taste it, is it delicious?" Then he opened the box, took out a knife from the ship's installation space, cut the pizza into several pieces, took out one of them, and handed it to Song Qingge.

Song Qingge took the pizza handed over by the company, took a bite of it lightly, and nodded suddenly, "Yeah, not bad, your craftsmanship is getting better and better at the company."

"Hehe, is it?" Enterprise looked very happy, and also took a piece out of the pizza box, took a bite, "Well, it's still a bit worse than the outside."

Song Qingge laughed and said, "He has been making pizza for many years. You just made it on a whim after eating it once. Of course there will be a difference. But, I can eat it from the pizza you gave me. Strong feelings, you can’t get this kind of feeling from the pizza outside.”

Enterprise smiled and said, "Just praise me. But it's okay, at least it can be eaten."

Song Qingge smiled, "If this taste is only edible, then the pizza I ate before would be considered junk food."

"Hehe, if you like it, I'll make it for you later." Enterprise smiled and cut another piece of pizza, and handed it to Song Qing.

"Oh, I feel that if the two of us finish this pizza, then we don't have to eat tonight." Song Qingge said with a smile, "Why don't I send a message to Yixian, saying that I won't eat today."

With that said, Song Qingge took out his phone, unlocked it, and sent a message to Yixian. Because his actions were always in the eyes of the company, the chat panel between Bumblebee and Song Qingge was also seen by the company at the moment it was unlocked. But she didn't see the information, only saw the iconic head portrait of the bumblebee.

Enterprise looked at Song Qingge who was sending a message to Yixian and asked, "Commander, did Bumblebee send you a message just now?"

Song Qingge raised her head, "That's right, she said that she and Jiaozi would go out riding a motorcycle together tomorrow, and asked me if I would go."

"Riding a motorcycle?" Enterprise nodded slightly, "Then how did you reply to her?"

Song Qingge put the phone back into his pocket after sending the message, and said to the questioning company, "Of course I will reply to her. Anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow." Then he looked at the company with a little suspicion, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Is it the wrong place?"

Enterprise shook his head, "No, I just saw it suddenly, so I just asked."

"Oh." Song Qingge nodded, "Then will you go tomorrow? I remember you can also ride a motorcycle?"

"When I came, she called me from Essex. I said I was going, but if the Hornet also called the commander, then I would not go." Enterprise said with a smile.

"Why?" Song Qingge questioned.

"Because Essex is the commander's wedding ship, but the two of you usually don't spend much time together, so take this opportunity to stay together for a while tomorrow." Enterprise said with a smile.

"Eh..." Song Qingge scratched his head, "I will naturally find time to find her over there, but I can't miss the great opportunity tomorrow, so let's go together then. And if Jiaozi knows it's because I caused her dearest If Senior didn't go, then I don't think she will be happy either."

"Hey!" The company thought for a while, "Okay then, let's go together tomorrow."

"Yeah." Song Qingge nodded with a smile, "Then don't leave tonight, and I haven't been with you for a long time."

As soon as Song Qingge's words came out, the company's face turned red immediately. Although they were old couples, every time they slept alone, the company was still a little shy, not like a royal aircraft carrier at all.

Early the next morning, a ringing bell woke up the two sleeping people. Song Qingge fumbled sleepily to get the phone, and then picked up the phone.


"Commander, get up! Essex and I have already arrived at the gate of your place."


"Stop it, get up quickly! Otherwise, I'll go in and lift the quilt. By the way, was Miss Enterprise at your place last night?"

Song Qingge turned his head to look at the wide-eyed enterprise, and couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch her face, "Yeah."

"I heard from Essex last night that she was going too, so hurry up, both of you."

"it is good…"

"That's it, hang up!"

When Bumblebee finished speaking the last two words, a busy tone came from the phone instantly. Song Qingge said to the company who was laughing, "Well, I can't sleep late, so get up quickly."

"It's obviously the commander, you drag me to sleep late, okay?" Enterprise said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, it's all my fault." Song Qingge smiled and kissed Enterprise on the lips, "Get up, or the bumblebee will really dare to come in and lift the quilt later."


While talking and laughing, the two got up and washed up together and went out. When they walked to the door, they saw two people riding on motorcycles waiting for them. Bumblebee wore denim and hot pants, while Essex sported a blue tracksuit.

"You guys are so slow! I'm about to go in and lift the quilt!" Looking at Song Qingge and Enterprise walking out of the door, Bumblebee said with a smile.

"Commander, senior enterprise, good morning." Essex smiled at the side.

"Good morning, both of you." Song Qingge greeted, "And Bumblebee, it's only half past seven, not even eight."

"Hey, Commander, it's called going to bed early and getting up early to be healthy." Bumblebee said with a smile.

"you win……"

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