The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 323 Partners of Justice

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are dark. Without Bell's knowledge, Hermione, who had spent a long time with the Bell brothers and sisters, had unknowingly awakened part of the violent factor in her body.

"Uh, w-what's the matter?"

Bell, who was finally brought back to his senses, looked at his girlfriend sheepishly. He hadn't heard what Hermione said before.

...Well, he confessed, he didn't listen at all.

"I say Buckbeak did not harm Malfoy at all, as we all witnessed."

Hermione, who had nothing to do with her boyfriend, could only repeat what she said before.

"Having said that, Buckbeak did push Malfoy to the ground and rub him. We all witnessed this with our own eyes. So, how should we say this?"

Bell didn't know what to say.

Strictly speaking, from an objective point of view, Buckbeak is indeed not wrong. After all, it was Malfoy who started the trouble.

However, if you look at it from the perspective of a wizard, the nature of the problem is completely different.

'A Hippogriff attacked a young wizard in public at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! ’

To be honest, just this headline would qualify it to be on the front page of the Daily Prophet.

This is the equivalent of a dog attacking a student in a Muggle primary school. So, would anyone care if the student provoked the dog first?

Dog owners may care, but others won’t. Especially the parents of other students in this school only want to kill the dog.

"Bae! Er! Which side are you on?"

Hermione glared at her boyfriend dissatisfied.

Listen, what are these words? Didn't Professor Hagrid cry even harder?



"Uh, no, I mean, I'm on your side."

Seeing what his girlfriend's expression revealed, "I'll give you one last chance to reorganize your language," Bell was very decisive.

"Bell, can you think of a way to save Buckbeak?"

In fact, strictly speaking, Hermione was not familiar with Buckbeak at all, and had not even had any contact with them.

At the same time, her contact with Professor Hagrid only limited to brief exchanges during class.

So, why do I want to help Professor Hagrid and Buckbeak so much?

Hermione herself didn't know.

Maybe it's compassion?

And if Hermione herself didn't know something, it was even less likely that Bell would know it.

But he didn't care.

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do."

That's right, there's nothing Bell can do about it. But what he didn't say was that his father William had a way.

However, just as Bell did not intend to trouble his father with this matter before, he is even less likely to trouble his father now.

Hagrid is already several decades old, and he should and must be responsible for his own choices.

Since Hagrid rejected Bell's help before, he must bear the consequences now.

And, again, even Lao Deng doesn't care about it, and it's even more impossible for Bell to care about it.

Hermione lowered her head in defeat.

As for little girls, most of them are sentimental. Maybe they will be fine in a few days?

But no matter what happens in the next few days, Hermione's current mood is undoubtedly very bad.

If you are in a bad mood, you naturally need to vent. Hermione would not take her temper out on Bell, she was reluctant to do so.

Fortunately, there were several ready-made punching bags not far away, so she didn't need to hold it in.

"You guys! Just stop it!"

Hermione roared with the addition of the 'Brilliant Curse', suppressing the cheers of the other young wizards who were watching the fun.

Because the only professor present, Hagrid, was focusing all his energy on crying, he didn't even notice that someone was starting a fight in his class.

As for the others?

The little wizards of Slytherin and Gryffindor were cheering loudly. Seeing what they meant, they were already very restrained if they didn't take the initiative to join in.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw acted as if the matter had nothing to do with them, neither adding fuel to jealousy nor intending to stop it.

However, there were several young Hufflepuff wizards who planned to stop a few people at the beginning. However, facing the threatening gazes of the little snakes and little lions, they shamefully gave up.

This also led to the fact that after such a long time, Harry and Malfoy were still rolling on the ground, hugging each other.

Rather, after such a long period of fighting, the panting and disheveled people made the atmosphere in the field even more lively?

The picture was so beautiful that Bell was afraid to look at it.

What should I do if I get a needle eye?

"I told you to stop! Did you hear that? The flames are blazing!"

Finding that the six people on the ground had no intention of paying any attention to her, Hermione was completely furious.

Hot flames spurted out from the tip of Hermione's wand, streaking through the passage that a group of young wizards were crying for, shrouding Harry and Malfoy in it.

The few people who were in the 'fierce' fight had no idea what was going on. Of course, they can't care about that now.

Orange flames instantly filled several people's vision. With their robes set on fire, they immediately left each other, wailing and... continuing to roll around.

So are these guys' wands really just for eating?

"Hermione, why did you use the fire spell!?"

Bell looked at his girlfriend in shock.

If he hadn't been able to clearly sense the familiar magic fluctuations on Hermione's body, he might have thought that the Hermione in front of him was someone else's fake.

'My girlfriend can't be so violent... right? ’

"Because there are six of them. If a single spell is cast, they might resist. That would be too troublesome."

Speaking of which, Bell taught her the fire spell. She still clearly remembered that Bell said at that time that this was the most cost-effective group attack spell.

I tried it today and it really works.

'Oops! This feeling is a bit refreshing! ’

Hermione found that she liked the feeling of being on top.

Sure enough, as Zannah often said, compared with those magic stone statues, beating people is more interesting.

"Don't worry, I have controlled the temperature and target of the flame. I just lit their robes a little."

After more than a year of training, Hermione is now able to control her magic to a limited extent. Otherwise, she wouldn't have chosen to use the fire spell.

Of course, Bell knew that Hermione had controlled the temperature of the flames. Otherwise, the people who were currently using local methods to put out the fire, commonly known as "donkey rolling", would have been severely burned all over their bodies. How could they be so angry and miserable? Call?

But is this the problem? The issue is……

Uh...well, it seems like there's no problem?

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