The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Little Shanna’s strange behavior

Although he thought there was no problem, Bell still took out his wand and prepared to help several people on the ground put out the fire.

The main reason was that Harry and the others finally caught Hagrid's attention with their earth-shattering, heart-wrenching wails.

Of course, it was impossible for Hagrid to use his wand in front of so many people, so he had no choice but to stride towards Harry and the others, intending to use local methods to help them put out the fire.

Just kidding, with Hagrid's weird strength, if he slaps him down a few times, he might not even be able to button it up. Whose fate will be decided by that time?

‘The water is as clear as a spring! ’

Bell controlled the water column to be divided into six parts and poured it on the six people. While extinguishing the flames, he also successfully turned several people into drowned rats.

But Bell doesn't provide drying services here, so I hope they don't catch a cold.

The Care of Magical Creatures class ended in a commotion.

Before night, Hermione's feats during the day had spread throughout the school.

Surprisingly, the news caused little stir.

When many people learned that Hermione used a fire spell to roast Harry and the other six people and eat them, they all said matter-of-factly:

‘She is indeed the girlfriend of that big devil, just as cruel and terrifying. ’

Although he always felt that the rumors were a bit subtle, Bell was relieved to see that Hermione was not treated badly because of it.

Unlike Hermione's situation, which had not changed, Bell was even more feared.

'So it was Hermione who set the fire, why do you all look at me like this? ’

Bell looked confused.

But even if he doesn't want to take the blame for his girlfriend, he has to.

"Brother! Is the Care of Magical Creatures class so interesting? I want to take it too!"

Zannah herself loves magical creatures. She has played with all the flowers, grass, and animals at home... ahem, she has played with them all.

Now, after learning that it was possible to set people on fire in the Care of Magical Creatures class, Zannah couldn't wait to take the class.

“But you can’t take this course until you are in third grade.

And let me tell you, Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class is really boring.

I spent all day playing with those disgusting Flobber caterpillars. If Fina didn't eat caterpillars, I would have fed them all to Fina! "

Bell, who had no idea that his sister actually wanted to burn someone for fun, explained with a serious face.


When Xiao Fina heard this, she looked at her master in shock.

It didn't even know that its master had such evil thoughts! ?

Bell inserted a sausage, stuffed it into little Fina's mouth, and blocked the little guy's mouth.

He wasn't fed, so he was just here to join in the fun.

"Huh? What can you protect from those bugs?"

Shanna was puzzled.

Aren't those slimy bugs everywhere? After she occasionally sees them, she feeds them directly to the pets at home. Why should she protect them?

"Who knows what Hagrid thinks? Anyway, I can't understand his thoughts."

Bell could understand that Hagrid would become cautious after the accident in the first period.

But no matter what, taking care of a few caterpillars for an entire school year is too much! It can even be called dereliction of duty.

There are so many harmless magical creatures, even if you get a few cattails, they will crush those disgusting bugs in terms of appearance!

"By the way, brother, why don't you see Hermione?"

Shanna glanced around and asked curiously.

Under normal circumstances, doesn't the other party always follow his brother wherever he goes? Although Shanna was very dissatisfied with this, she had gotten used to it after such a long time. Now that Hermione was suddenly absent, she still felt like something was missing.

"She's off to take a divination class. The get out of class won't be over until a while."

Bell felt helpless when he mentioned this.

After several trials, Hermione finally realized that compared to ancient runes and arithmetic divination, the content of the Divination class and the Muggle Studies class was indeed a little less interesting.

Especially in the divination class, Hermione always felt that Professor Trelawney was deceiving them.

Because when Professor Trelawney interpreted those messy prophecies for them, she always had the illusion that Bell was talking to her.

Therefore, Hermione ultimately did not take these two courses.

But that doesn't mean she gave up on these two courses completely.

Not only did she memorize the textbooks for these two courses from beginning to end, but she also went to audit these two courses whenever she had free time.

Of course, Hermione also invited Bell to go with her, but Bell refused without hesitation.

"Hermione, hasn't she given up yet!?"

Zannah asked in surprise.

She knew that Hermione had always wanted to learn divination, but she couldn't understand Hermione's thoughts.

Under the influence of her brother, Shanna has no interest in divination or anything like that. If she had that time, she might as well practice some magic spells to make herself stronger.

My brother once said that as long as you become strong enough, you can remain unchanged and adapt to changes. No matter what happens in the future, kill all those who are dissatisfied!

As the time gets closer and closer to the end of the semester, there are fewer and fewer figures laughing and playing on the grass outside the castle, while the number of figures immersed in studying in the library gradually increases.

The poor students are working hard to recite the contents of the textbook, hoping that they can barely pass. Otherwise, their parents will not let them have an easy time when they return home during the summer vacation.

The top students are also reviewing the knowledge they have learned this year, trying to learn new things from the past, obtain ‘O’ grades in all subjects, and occupy the first place on the score list.

And just when Hogwarts was filled with a rare learning atmosphere, three suspicious figures avoided the pedestrians and wandered in the corridors of the castle.

"Sanna, what are you planning to do? The exam is coming soon. Does it really matter if we don't review?"

Lena looked at her best friend uneasily.

It had been several days, and Zannah had been taking the two of them back and forth in the castle, turning around countless times.

And whenever she asked Shanna what she planned to do, she would be dismissed by the other party, and they would know by then.

What makes Lena most desperate is that her other good friend, Phyllis, not only did not help her to dissuade Shanna at all, but also looked enthusiastic and actively urged Shanna to do it every day. Adventure.

"Oh! You'll know when the time comes."

Shanna said perfunctorily without looking back.

At this time, she was observing the layout of the castle while writing and drawing on paper. From time to time, stop and think for a while.

"And it's just a final exam, what's there to be nervous about? Look at Liz, she's not nervous at all."

"That's right, there's nothing to be nervous about. Reina, your usual grades are better than mine. You see, I don't even care. Why do you care?"

Phyllis agreed with Zannah carelessly.

Compared to sitting in the library and facing the boring knowledge in books, Felice still prefers this exciting adventure.

Although she doesn't know what Shanna plans to do...

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