"Little Rin, what are you looking at and still not sleeping?"

Tohsaka Rin returned home, and at this moment, on the sofa, Xiao Rin was shaking her two little feet and playing with the moon machine in her hand, and seeing Tohsaka Rin appearing, Xiao Rin happily picked up the moon machine .

"Look, the villain Ling Ye has updated the comics.

Or oh, let's watch together."

"Okay, but we have to take a shower first."

Afterwards, Tohsaka Rin directly picked up Xiao Rin in front of him and walked towards the bathroom for four.

Chapter 203━━Do I only have b in the future?

In the bathroom, two figures, one big and one small, are taking a bath there, especially Rin Tosaka, she has been tired all day, and taking a bath is very comfortable now.

"It's so comfortable."

Rin Tohsaka stretched her waist, and then she saw Xiao Rin in front of her from the corner of her eye, and at the moment Xiao Rin was staring at her curiously.

"Xiao Lin, what are you doing?"

Listening to Tohsaka Rin's words, Xiao Rin curiously pointed at Rin's place.

"That...,... I will be the only one in the future?"

"What! Xiao Lin, you!"

"Five two two seven"

Tohsaka Rin suddenly reacted, and she was like a balloon that was punctured in an instant.

"Xiao Lin, I'm only sixteen, and I can still develop in the future!"

"It's a lie, it's just a matter of developing again, it's over.

I will definitely not be liked by the big villain in the future."

Suddenly, Xiao Lin lowered her head, she thought of several women in Ling Ye's house, Da Vinci kissed her.

Hei Zhen, it should be the same, and Xiao Mo, at least, and then,,,,, myself,,,,,, "Wow! Why am I so small!"

Rin Tohsaka...... What kind of brat is this, even if you are one of your own, you can't say that, aren't you just pouring salt on someone's wound? "Wait..., you say, that …do big bad guys really like big ones?”

"It must be, among her women, you are the youngest now!"

Xiao Lin said seriously, "No, I must go home and buy some papaya, drink more milk, and I will not be like you in the future."

"I don't want to either! But, this is natural!"

Rin Tohsaka said aggrievedly.

"Or, you can try to get someone to give you a massage.

I heard it was very effective."

"I know there is such a saying, but who can I find?"

"Ling Ye, who else do you want to find?"

Xiao Lin said it as a matter of course, and listening to Xiao Lin's words, Tohsaka Rin also had black lines.

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about! What relationship do we have, how can I!"

Listening to Tohsaka Rin's words, Xiao Rin's eyes became:, very contemptuous.

"I said, if you can fool others, can you also fool me?"

"This,,,, but,,,,"

"Don't you want that big cow to win? No, you can't lose to her if you lose to anyone!"

Listening to Xiao Rin's words, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but react, yes, I can deceive others, but I can't deceive myself, even if I lose to anyone, I can't lose to Luvia.

Thinking of this, Rin couldn't help but nodded to Xiao Rin.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, well, it's time for us to sleep."

Tohsaka Rin hugged Xiao Rin and left the bathroom. Maybe she didn't even think that she would be talked about by a six-year-old little lolita.

Little Lori Rin sat on the big bed at home with Tohsaka Rin in a short while.

"What's the matter, Xiao Lin, why aren't you sleeping?"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Xiao Rin beside him, and at this moment, Xiao Rin was holding the moon machine and looking at it, but when she looked at the moon machine, her face became more and more serious.

"How did this happen! I knew Kotomine Kirei was not a good person!"

Xiao Lin yelled, and then she threw the moon machine in her hand onto the bed, and then, Xiao Lin puffed up her little face angrily and sulked... "What's wrong?"

Tohsaka Rin silently took the moon machine in Xiao Rin's hand, and then she began to look at it slowly.

"Look for yourself, start from the beginning, and when you finish reading, you will know what our world looks like."

Listening to Xiao Rin's words, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but look at it. When she saw it, she was completely attracted. Everything in this Holy Grail War is so handsome, heroic spirits, treasures, looking at these... ......The battle of the heroic spirits, she couldn't help but feel that her act of subduing those...cards was simply...children's play.

See how people play this.

Tohsaka Rin has no doubts, if he puts on a ruby ​​and rushes in, maybe,,,,.

Even a Heroic Spirit can't beat it.

Hmm,,,, Maybe Hassan the Hundred Faces can fight, this one is still possible to win, as for the other ones... Fighting with gods, what big sea monsters, what king's army power:, what is the sword of vowed victory , Tohsaka Rin said, "Fortunately, my Heroic Spirit cards don't have 0.

4 so difficult.

But, it's so interesting, this Weber, it seems, should be the mentor."

Rin Tohsaka took Weber's page and couldn't help but write it down.

"The next time I have a chance, I must ask my mentor if he really participated in the Holy Grail War."

While I saw the last chapter while I saw the last chapter, when I saw that Tosaka was stabbed by Yan Feng Qili, Tosaka also became angry! " This guy Mine Kirei is really not a good person! No, he must be killed!!!”

Chapter 204━━Make something happen

Do something to come out of the world, in a dark space, Gilles is counting the figures in front of each other, and in front of Gilles, every life is looking at Gilles in horror.

"One, two, three 3,,,,, with so many lives, I can definitely summon a complete sea monster this time."

"Summon the sea monster, Giles, are you really reliable?"

Beside Gilles, Matou Shinji couldn't help reminding Gilles, he didn't forget that Gilles summoned the sea monster in Ling Ye's comics, and he was released directly before going ashore after summoning The treasure is destroyed.

"Hmph, this time we won't be like this. At that time, after I have summoned the sea monster, you can directly use Command Spells to strengthen it. Use all three 3 Command Spells! As long as we can go ashore, we will win this time!"

Gilles was happily thinking about the scene on 11, and she thought of that...he has been chasing but never found the figure, "This time, we must call Lingye Bookstore, I will completely destroy that place, and will That...hateful Ling Ye was completely torn to shreds!"

"You are crazy! Go to Lingye Bookstore to make trouble, how many heroic spirits there are there! Moreover, if people discover my existence, then my future will be completely ruined!"

"Che, a person of your level is just an ordinary person, and you still expect to become a magician.

Don't worry, after I summoned the sea demon, you can leave here as long as you run out of command spells, anyway... I didn't catch a few unlucky ghosts for you and implanted a few magic circuits in your body In the future, you can also become a magician, isn't this your dream?"

Gilles gave Matou Shinji a sneering look. These days, Gilles and Matou Shinji have had enough time. This Matou Shinji is... a big idiot, far worse than Yusheng Ryunosuke, He doesn't want to have one like this now.

Gilles turned his head, and then, he also started his own summoning magic! A blue-purple magic circle appeared in front of Gilles, and the terrifying light swallowed all the lives of Ji. Under this light, Gilles Feeling the continuous spewing power in the magic circle! Seeing the sea monster, Jill couldn't help but get excited, and he imitated the scene where he stepped on Ling Ye under his feet and kept ravaging him! "Come out! Sea monster, this time, We will surely win!"

With the appearance of a dense fog on the sea, a figure appeared in the water as if covering the sky and the sun, and the sea monster appeared.

This sea monster kept waving its tentacles, approaching the shore side by side.

And at the moment when the sea monster appeared, everyone felt the terrifying magic power. At this moment, at Tohsaka's house, Tohsaka Tokiomi was watching Jin Shining who was sitting on his seat and drinking red wine.

"My lord, I have finally summoned the Sea Demon. May I ask, are you willing to take action to destroy this guy who violated your territory?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi said respectfully, he is the person in charge of Fuyuki City, once the sea monsters start to stir up trouble, the people of Fuyuki City would be nothing if they saw it, the worst would be to wash away their memories with magic by themselves, but, If the big sea monster is allowed to come ashore, and the lives will be ruined, this matter will become a big mess! Tohsaka Tokiomi is very anxious, but after hearing Tohsaka Tokiomi's words, Gilgamesh on the side shook his head indifferently.

"Don't be so nervous, Tokiomi, don't you want to take this opportunity to see what kind of power that painter really has?"

Hearing Jin Shining's words, Tokiomi Tosaka also became excited. Ling Ye's strength is too deep and unfathomable. Moreover, the point is that Ling Ye knows all of them's information, but he doesn't know Ling Ye's information. Except for the little bit of strength Ling Ye used, they didn't even know what Ling Ye's trump card was. Comparing the two, Tosaka Tokiomi felt uncertain.

"But, what about the sea monster?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi was still a little worried, but after hearing Tohsaka Tokiomi's words, Jin Shining smiled happily.

Recently, Gilgamesh has been very boring, because the current three-legged situation has caused the Holy Grail War to enter a stalemate for a while, and Fuyuki City has been too peaceful for the past two days. things come out.

"The relationship between Gilles and Ling Ye is so bad that it's just... a situation of endless death. You said that when the big sea monster comes ashore, who will be the first to look for it? Don't worry, Ling Ye will make a move."

Chapter 205━━Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays!

Eight formations of stone soldiers! "Cruel 'God'! We will pull you down from the throne of God! Lambs favored by God! People who have a body similar to God! We will be abused and torn to pieces by us to our heart's content! Wait for the ridicule of the rebels to knock on the door of heaven with the mournful cry of the Son of God!"

In the big sea monster, Gilles' crazy voice sounded, and this voice kept echoing throughout Fuyuki City, and at this moment, several figures appeared here at some unknown time.

"Is that the sea monster? It's really scary."

Wei Bo looked at the big sea monster in the water and couldn't help taking a breath, "Ling Ye's comics are absolutely correct, but what should we do now?"

Weber looked at Iskandar beside him, and after hearing what Weber said, Iskandar looked at El-Meloy II at the side.

"What to do, little military division, think of a way, we can't let this thing go ashore."

"That's right, Elmeloy II, you should quickly think of a way."

Weber on one side kept urging him. In their eyes, Elmeloy II, who inherited Kong Ming's ability, was...invincible.

However... "uh,,,,,,,"

Elmeloy II shook his head helplessly. Why are these people looking at me like this? Didn’t you say that as long as you come over, this sea monster will be dealt with, or, wait until Ling Ye comes over, just let us see what Ling Ye’s strength is like.”

"Yeah, but neither of them seems to have come over."

Beside Elmeloy II, a petite figure couldn't help but look around.

This figure is none other than Lyonis.

Hearing what Reinis said, Kenneth couldn't help but look around, but he didn't see Ling Yehe either.

"Strange, logically speaking, whether it's Ling Ye, who is at odds with Gilles, or the one with a strong sense of justice, they shouldn't be later than us."

"Okay, don't think about it, I'll ask Ling Ye."

As Reinis said, she directly took out her... pink moon phone, and then directly dialed Ling Ye's number.

Hey, there was a Holy Grail War, but now everyone has a moon machine, and I don’t know why the style of this Holy Grail War has become like this.

"Ling Ye, where have you been?"

"I am in another world."

"Are you kidding me when are you in heaven or hell now"

Reinis couldn't help laughing, Ling Ye is really relaxed, no matter when she jokes.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you anymore, Giles has summoned the sea monster, when will you come over?"

"I can't go for now."

"If you can't come, I can only wait."

Reinis thought for a while, and was still ready to wait, but what Ling Ye said next left Reinis completely speechless.

"Oh, ah, it's by my side now, we'll go back after 0 o'clock."

Reinis.......Damn! I said why haven't I seen it at this time! It turns out that these two guys eloped! After thinking about this, Reinis shook her head helplessly, Then.

She looked at the group of people who were staring at her and said shyly, "..well..., Ling Ye and He eloped, and they said they wouldn't be back until 0:00, so,,,, he asked us to hold on for a while. ..."

Hold on! How can you hold on! Wei Bo widened his eyes, the sea monster is too much, even if the emperor unleashes the king's army, it can only pull the sea monster for two minutes, and there is still half an hour before dawn. How can I last the rest of the time! "Let me do it."

At this moment, Elmeloy II stood up, a feather fan appeared in his hand at some point, and a surge of magical power erupted from his body.

"Noble Phantasm Liberation! Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays!"

As Elmeloy II's voice fell, Li Liao shook the feather fan in his hand. The next second, a gust of wind suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and the gust of wind became stronger and stronger. These... ....The strong wind directly enveloped the sea monster in front of him. At this moment, the sea monster couldn't move forward at all. However, this is not over yet. At this moment, Elmeloy II lifted the feather fan in the hand, and in the sky, a whirlpool Appeared suddenly, and in this vortex, eight huge stone pillars descended from the sky! Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan.

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