The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

Comics of Ten Thousand Worlds Chapter 78

away, Gen.

Dui, the eight stone pillars landed directly in eight directions, and the body of the sea monster was surrounded by the eight stone pillars in the center without bias! Noble Phantasm! Eight formations of stone soldiers! Activate!

Chapter 206━━Barbecue before the war

Barbecue before the big battle! The Eight Stone Soldiers [Level]: [Type]: The Eight Stone Soldiers of the Anti-Army is a well-known strategist who sets up an formation when the army's defeat is inevitable.

Those who trespass into this great circle of boulders will be bewitched by it and forced to die.

As a Noble Phantasm, it is a great magic that forcibly changes the place where the opponent is located into the Eight Formation of Stone Soldiers.

As long as you don't break away from the Eight Stone Soldiers Formation, the additional damage received by everyone who is the target will continue to accumulate every round.

The damage of the eight formations of stone soldiers is not high, but at this moment, it is extremely suitable to use. In the eight formations of stone soldiers of Elmeloy II, the sea monster is constantly struggling, but its body is always Did not get rid of the shackles of the eight formations of stone soldiers! Looking at the sea monster in front of the eight formations of stone soldiers, Elmeloy II looked at the people behind him.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry, this sea monster is trapped by me. With its IQ, it won't come out 527 within an hour after my magic power is exhausted."

Listening to Elmeloy II's words, everyone on the side gave Kong Ming a thumbs up.

"So, what are we doing now?"

Weber looked at everyone.

"Let's wait here for Ling Ye and the others to come over."

Iskandar said lightly.

"Then there must be something to do, otherwise, it will be very boring."

On the other side, Reinis also said.

"Or, let's barbecue."

Elmeloy II couldn't help but propose, and after hearing what Elmeloy II said, everyone's eyes couldn't help but glow with excitement.

"I'm going to prepare some wine!"

This is Excited Iskandar.

"I'm going to prepare steak and lamb."

This is the aristocratic Kenneth.

"I'm going to prepare vegetables!"

This is Weber with no money.


I'm going to prepare the fish legs."

This,,, is naturally a black-bellied lolita.

"Ouch!!!! Go away, Reynice, don't be disgusting! Kenneth on the other side almost vomited out. At this moment, everyone looked at the sea monster in front of them. The appearance of the tentacle monster made them all slapped a chill.

"Yes, yes, seeing this sea monster, I won't eat squid and octopus ━━━━━━━━━fish for a year."

Wei Bo couldn't help but said, after hearing what Wei Bo said, everyone couldn't help but nodded, "Then,,, okay.

I'll go get ready."

Reinis shook her head helplessly, and then left here with her moon spirit marrow liquid maid. After a while, everyone got up, and only one Weber stayed in place.



I'll be in charge of baking."

........ The world of the magical girl Illya, at this moment, in front of the world-transmitting gate, Ling Ye is holding Xiao Lin in one hand, and the king in the other hand, followed by Irisviel's opening Through the boundary gate.

"Ling Ye, why are you in such a hurry! I haven't said goodbye to everyone yet."

Xiao Lin looked at Ling Ye unhappy, children are like this, it is easy to have good friends.

"Okay, I'll come back when I have a chance. Now that the sea monster has come out, I have to go back and deal with it."

"The sea monster is out! I want to see, I want to see!"

Rin excitedly looked at Ling Ye in front of him, however, looking at Rin in front of him, Ling Ye immediately pushed her little head down.

"What are you looking at, children go home and sleep."

As Ling Ye said, he directly opened the world-transmitting door in front of him, and afterward, Ling Ye brought Irisviel, my king, and Xiao Lin back to the world.

"Da Vinci, help me take Xiao Lin home, I have something to do here.


As soon as Ling Ye returned to the world, he handed Xiao Lin over to Da Vinci who was beside him, and then, Ling Ye directly took out any door.

"My king, Irisviel, will you go with me?"


Seeing my king nodding, Ling Ye directly opened any door.

"My king, for a while... There may be a tough battle, we must,,,,,"

Ling Ye opened any door in front of him while speaking, however, the picture he saw blocked all the words he was going to say next.

In front of Ling Ye, at this moment, a group of people are happily gathering together, and in front of them is a blazing fire. Of course, this is not the point, the point is that the fire is covered with There was an assortment of beef, vegetables and even crayfish. At this moment, Elmeloy II was splashing there with a bottle of seasoning. Looking at the group of Almeloy II and the others in front of him, Ling Ye didn't even think about it at all. I didn't realize how dangerous the environment was.

"I, did I come to the wrong place?"

And hearing Ling Ye's voice, Reinis on the side happily looked at Ling Ye who was walking over.

"Ling Ye, you're here, hurry up, you're here at the right time, these... barbecues are just right, I've never had a picnic before!"

Looking at the happy Reinis in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but get black lines.

"Sure enough, I came to the wrong place!"

Chapter 207 - Gilles of Sage Time

Gilles of Sage Time "I said, is it really okay for you to be so relaxed?"

Ling Ye shook his head and smiled wryly. He originally thought that this would be a particularly tense battle, but now it seems that these people don't take the sea monster seriously at all! "'s boring to be idle, just waiting for you here gone."

Iskandar on the side looked at Ling Ye in front of him, but he was... not surprised.

And at this moment, my king also came out with Irisvier, my king looked at the...spicy barbecue in front of her, and she couldn't help being speechless.

At this moment, Ling Ye also saw the sea monster in front of him. At this moment, the sea monster was still there: the stone soldier eight formations were constantly attacking. Looking at such a sea monster, Ling Ye also understood.

"Hey, Second King, how long can this treasure of yours last?"

"For another half an hour, there should be no problem."


Hearing the Second King's words, Ling Ye couldn't help but look at my king beside him, smelling the aroma of these delicacies, Ling Ye suddenly felt a little hungry.

"I didn't eat supper, are you interested in eating some before the war?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, his eyes lit up.

"Of course I'm interested, hunger is the enemy!"

Hearing the words, Ling Ye smiled slightly, and then he directly pulled and sat aside.

"Excuse me, Director Ken, this position belongs to us."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Director Ken hurriedly avoided, he didn't want to have sex with Ling Ye, if Ling Ye remembered it, his future might be very miserable.

Seeing Director Ken leaving with interest, Ling Ye directly pulled the person beside him and started eating happily.

This bank is a peaceful scene, but the other side is not good at all, what are you doing! He finally summoned the sea monster, and before he started killing, he was locked in a small dark room. After a long time, these guys on the opposite side actually said: Over there! It’s too bullying! Gilles had an urge to cry. He was finally summoned, and then found out that he was abused, and Ling Ye took a brick. Dayton: Knock, this is not the end, and then his own was taken away by Ling Ye. Now, Gilles finally went crazy, he decided to fight, even if he died, he had to fight with Ling Ye before he died. It's the end of the night, however,,,,,, you guys are fucking eating here! It's so disgusting.

Suddenly, Gilles had a strange feeling, who am I, where did I come from, what am I going to do? Thinking of this, Gilles couldn't help entering the sage time.

And at this moment, another...

Ling Ye and the others finally stood up after eating and drinking, beside Ling Ye, Elmeloy II couldn't help but look at Ling Ye.

"Mr. Ling Ye, are you ready?"


Seeing Ling Ye nodding, Elmeloy II silently waved his hand. In the next second, the eight stone pillars beside the sea monster disappeared.

The moment these lights disappeared, Giles finally reacted. At this moment, Giles couldn't help but burst into tears. After waiting for so long, is he finally ready to make a move? "Ling Ye! I'm going to kill you!"

Giles's magic power exploded again, and then, the tentacles of the sea monster began to shake, and this time, after going crazy, Giles became more and more violent, and all the magic power came out without money.

And in a dark space on the other side, a figure looked at Gilles like this, he couldn't help raising his hand, on his hand, the three 3 Command Spells were exceptionally clear.

"Has this time finally come! I, in the name of the Command Seal, Giles! You must kill Ling Ye! Giles! You must win! Giles! You must obtain the Holy Grail!"

The three three command spells were directly released, and under the strengthening of these three three command spells, the body of Gilles' sea monster was visible to the naked eye by three full circles! … Seeing the big sea monster in front of him grow bigger, Ling Ye couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Ling Ye, this sea monster isn't that big."

One side couldn't help but look at Ling Ye beside her, she was very relaxed at first, she was even ready to release the treasure, but now the sea monster has become like this, even if it is, she is a little nervous at this moment!" Ling Ye, otherwise, let's release the treasure together."


Ling Ye nodded, and then he was about to take out the Heroic Spirit card of the class he had just obtained, but in the next second, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have something useless.

"Wait...,, maybe this time, I don't need your help."

"What Ling Ye, don't be joking."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, his eyes widened.

My king is confident that as long as the two of them work together, this sea monster will definitely not be able to withstand the double oath sword of victory! However, at this moment, Ling Ye told her that she doesn't need her help, Ling Ye, what exactly does he want to do?

Chapter 208━━The Red Dragon Emperor Draig!

Chilongdi Draig! Ling Ye actually didn't have much confidence in his heart, but Ling Ye remembered the attributes he had just improved, the strength, durability, agility, magic power, luck, and his luck had increased by a level. Then, this time, he used the Golden Fleece , will it work better?

My luck has something to do with things like the Golden Fleece and the Angel of Death. The higher my luck, the better I can summon. Now that my luck has increased to another level, what will I summon this time? Thinking of this, Ling Ye decided to take a gamble.

"Golden sheep" five two two seven"

Mao, let me see how my luck is today!"

With a wave of Ling Ye's hand, a golden light flew into the sky, and then, in the sky, a golden light began to appear.

For the dragon summoned by the Golden Fleece, Ling Ye can usually judge it by the size of the golden light when it is summoned. Generally, if it is a prop that is summoned, the general light is the size of a person.

The dinosaur summoned when fighting the Great Emperor was the size of a second floor building, but this time, Ling Ye had already opened his mouth wide.

Boom! The sky is filled with golden light, and at this moment, the night in Fuyuki City will be illuminated by this golden light into day! In the sky, a huge golden vortex has appeared, and then, a huge black shadow appeared from the golden vortex Yes! Then, a strange voice rang out from the vortex, and the two heavenly dragons who seized the principle of hegemony from the gods—sneered at infinity, worried about dreams—I, as the overlord of the red dragon—sink you into the red lotus purgatory !I, awakened as the Red Dragon Emperor who raised the truth of the king to the sky—with infinite hope and immortal dreams, go to the kingly way—I, to become the emperor of the red dragon—to guide you to the future of true red glory! Hearing these words, Ling Ye already knew who he summoned this time.

Wrong, aren't these words exactly what that figure possessed? Hearing these words, Ling Ye looked at my king beside him.

He said calmly, "My king, your luck is really good."

"What's wrong"

My king doesn't understand why they are said to be lucky.

"Because, if we were enemies, you might not be able to leave here alive today."

That's right, Ling Ye has such self-confidence, because at this moment, he already knows who the figure in the sky is! One of the second sky in the demon high school, the Red Dragon Emperor Draig! That's right, pay attention, it's the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig, not the Milk Dragon Emperor.

How powerful was the Red Dragon Emperor in his heyday? The soul of the Red Dragon Emperor Draig that is sealed in the artifact that resides in the body of the protagonist Houto Issei.

The relationship with Albion, the White Dragon Emperor, is very different. In the past, when the forces of gods, demons, and fallen angels were at war, the two of them fought on the battlefield and messed up the battlefield. As a result, they joined forces with Albion. The three major forces of the world can defeat two dragons, and they can wrestle with the three major forces. Faced with such an existence, the sea monster may really only be regarded as shredded squid.

And at this moment, this red figure completely emerged from the golden vortex, with that bright red body, that terrifying aura, and that perverted magic power.

Everything tells how powerful this figure is.

"Is this actually a real dragon?"

Kenneth and Weber glanced at each other. They could both see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Long is interesting, he is really an unfathomable guy."

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