Once the two had a bad quarrel, Wei Shao always had a tradition of running away in anger.

Xiao Qiao has long been used to it.

He dropped the last sentence and ran away. Xiao Qiao's legs were so soft that she lost half of her strength. With his back against the wall, he slowly slid to the ground.

The palm of the hand that hit him in the face was still numb, as if countless needles were piercing densely, with a residual dull pain.

Just like the feeling in this part of her chest and heart at the moment.

She felt blocked and panicked, and she was almost out of breath.

A moment ago, she really couldn't control her emotions for a while, and slapped him in the ear.

But Wei Shao also slapped her savagely, completely waking her up.

He used to be deeply in love, and it's not that he didn't have optimistic fantasies. Even if Wei Shao couldn't get rid of his hatred for the Qiao family, because of his existence, more or less, he might not really hurt him.

Or, at least not now.

Now their relationship is so close! Not to mention being in love.

But he didn't expect that now he would be able to kill his brother-in-law, who was no real threat to him, behind her back.

In the future, if he is indifferent to himself, what else will he be unable to do?

In Xiao Qiao's mind, the scene of Emperor Su E being tortured again appeared.

Although she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she could have imagined it.

Xiao Qiao shuddered, and hurriedly expelled the terrible scene she had imagined in her mind.

Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it. She told herself over and over again in her heart. What she should think about now is how to think of a way to see if she can solve the predicament of the spiritual wall first.

From now on, what to do and what to do, don't have any illusions about Wei Shao again.

She finally calmed down, slowly supported the wall, stood up straight, glanced slowly around the study, and finally walked towards the large table in the center.

Da Qiaoxin said that Marquis Yan should have misunderstood Contrast, and this was the situation that Yang Xin attacked.

Bi She has sent a letter to Marquis Yan, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding and resolve the dispute.

Da Qiao said that she did not want Amei to know about it. But if Amei saw her letter, it means that Marquis Yan could not accept Bi She's reconciliation.

I hope my sister can help one or two from the side.

This is also the hope for final reconciliation.

Wei Qiao and his family are married, and in the past, he showed his love to Wei Shao in front of Da Qiao. In Da Qiao's opinion, it should be as if Wei Shao had eliminated the hatred between the two families. That's why she thought it was because of some misunderstanding that Yang Xin would attack.

No wonder Da Qiao thought so.

Even Xiao Qiao himself, when he first heard the news, was once in disbelief.

After Xiao Qiao came to Wei Shao's big case, he flipped through the pile of slips and slips on the ground, and looked for the remaining slips and silk scrolls on the case.

They were all briefings and military information from all over the place, not what she was looking for.

She rummaged through the places where letters could be stored in the study, and found the letter she wrote to Da Qiao first.

He was pressed in the middle of a stack of battle reports.

Alone she wants to find something.

She looked around the study room again, and her eyes fell on the wastepaper basket placed on the ground beside the big case. He went over quickly, flipped through it, and finally took out an untouched letterbox from inside.

Xiao Qiao opened the letterbox, took out the inner flesh, and glanced at it.

Finally found the letter from Bi She.

Gongsun Yang was in the public house of the government office, drafting documents, writing like a fly, and the valet ran in quickly, saying that the queen was here.

Gongsun Yang was startled, put down the pen in a hurry, got up and was about to go out to greet him, when he looked up, he saw a sakura-violet figure flickering at the door, and the lady had already entered. welcome."

He still didn't say the second half of the sentence, that is, "what's the matter with you".

The lady suddenly came here from the Xin Palace, naturally, it would not make you think of visiting her for no reason, there must be something wrong.

Xiao Qiao smiled and said, "Sir, you don't need to be more polite. I'm here for one thing."

Gongsun Yang gave up his seat and said, "What is the order of the lady, please send someone to call me, I can go, how dare I work for the lady to drive here?"

Xiao Qiao sat down and said, "To be honest, I'm here to seek advice from Mr. Yu for the sake of the spirit wall."

Gongsun Yang was startled.

Xiao Qiao took out the letter he brought.

"This is a letter from Bi She to Junhou."

Gongsun Yang was startled again. Busy take over, start browsing, and ponder after reading.

Xiao Qiao said: "The meaning of Bi She is very clear in the letter. I have no intention to be an enemy of the princes, nor to compete for Xuzhou. Now I am sticking to the spiritual wall, just to have a foothold in this chaotic world. Sincerity, he is willing to let him go back to the land. Then Yang Xin obeyed the orders of the lord and launched an attack again. It is not that my brother-in-law is afraid of him, but that this battle is really inexplicable, and he does not want to put me in a dilemma. I know that Mr. is far-sighted, looking at the fire, and there is a spiritual wall. At this moment, whether it is worth the monarch to make such a big effort to seize it, Mr. should know better than me. I urge Mr. to put the overall situation first, and then persuade the lord to speak out. , I advise him not to go his own way again, because the small loses the big. It’s not my bluff, it’s obvious to all, if he is really forced to have no way out, I swear to deal with it to the end, and what will happen in Xuzhou in the future, no one can predict.”

After Xiao Qiao finished speaking, he looked at Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang got up from the couch, with one hand behind his back and the other with his beard, he slowly paced back and forth several times, and suddenly looked at Xiao Qiao: "Since the lady doesn't want the prince and Bi She to be enemies, why don't you personally persuade the prince? The words of the monarch should reach the ears of the lord more than I do."

"Since I have asked Mr. Gongsun, I have nothing to say. Why did I marry a monarch, Mr. should know a lot. I came here with a good heart. Although I always tried my best, I finally did something. It's not enough. To be honest, because of the Lingbi incident this morning, I angered the prince, and he walked away. Yang Xin listened to the order of the prince and attacked Bishe. But it's not just out of personal resentment, but also related to the monarch's grand plans. Now Bi She wrote to take the initiative to ask for peace, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding, but the lord ignored it and didn't even look at it. Such behavior is beyond reason. He went a long way. He couldn't let go of the hatred between the two families, and he was angered by me. No matter how much I said about this matter, he would not listen to it. So I turned to ask Mr., please explain the interests and analysis for the monarch. A thread. Whether it can be turned into a fight or not, I am grateful."

Xiao Qiao got up from his seat, walked across from Gongsun Yang, stopped, and gave him a deep bow. The panicked Gongsun Yang hurriedly supported him with both hands, and said politely, "The majesty is serious!"

After pondering for a while, he said: "To be honest, what the lady and I thought coincided. It is indeed unreasonable for the prince to drive Yang Xin to attack Bishe at this time. I have persuaded him before about this matter. The lord doesn’t listen. Now, since Bi She’s handwriting, and thanks to the lady who looks up to me, come here in person, I should do my best, and try again. If it can be done, it will not only relieve the lady’s worries, but also avoid extra troubles.”

Xiao Qiao thanked him deeply again, saying, "If you see Junhou, sir, you can bluntly say that I have been here before, and it was I who passed on Bi She's letter to you."

Gongsun Yang.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming hurriedly on the ground. A tall figure in black clothes came straight in. When the visitor saw Xiao Qiao, he was stunned for a moment, then his face became cold, and his two sword eyebrows were deeply furrowed. He got up, but didn't make a sound, just stood by the door, turned his face proudly, and only turned half of his face towards her.

It wasn't anyone else, it was the monarch Wei Shao who had just slapped Xiao Qiao twice a while ago.

Looking at the half handsome face on his right, probably because of his thick skin, the finger marks that had been dropped earlier had faded away, and there was no clue.

Xiao Qiao finally thanked Gongsun Yang and said, "This is how I greet you sir." After saying that, he passed by Wei Shao and went out.

Gongsun Yang sent her out.

Xiao Qiao asked him to stay.

Wei Shao turned his head and stared at Xiao Qiao's retreating back. When Gongsun Yang came back and bowed to him, Fang asked coldly, "What is she doing here?" with a look of disgust on his face.

Gongsun Yang only invited Wei Shao to take a seat. Ask him why he is here.

"It's been nearly a month since Yang Xin attacked the Spirit Wall, is there any new news?" Wei Shao frowned and looked impatient.

"There is no meteor fast horse. Presumably the confrontation situation is still maintained."

With Yang Xin's 100,000 horses and Xuzhou troops in Xue'an, they couldn't defeat the Lingbi in such a battle. Although they couldn't be defeated, they were humiliating enough.

Wei Shao's face was gloomy, and he was silent for a moment. He coughed, moved his body, and asked coldly, "Why did she come here just now?"

Gongsun Yangfang said: "It's also a coincidence, the lady is also here for the Lingbi situation. Just now, she forwarded the letter from Feng Bishe to me, saying that it was intended for the lord, but the lord refused to accept it, so she transferred me here. "

Wei Shao's palm slapped heavily on the desk with a "snap": "How unreasonable!"

The pen and inkstone that I photographed jumped slightly.

Gongsun Yang hurriedly stood up and apologized: "It's my arrogance! Lord forgive me!"

"It's not your words!"

Wei Shao said angrily, "She is so daring! Dare to send me a letter privately!"

Xiao Qiao came out of the government office and went straight back to the Xin Palace.

It was planned to leave a month ago, and although the itinerary was temporarily changed, the luggage had been arranged at that time, and most of it had not been dismantled. The daily objects, clothes and sundries used in these days, Chunniang and the servants and maids have just packed up, and they are all installed.

When Xiao Qiao came back, Chunniang greeted her and asked anxiously, "Men, are you really leaving? Why don't you wait for the male to leave?"

Xiao Qiao said lightly, "He wants to stay here and wait for Yang Xin to knock down the spiritual wall. But I can't wait any longer. I'll leave first." After that, he ordered people to carry out the boxes and cages and put them on the carriage. He also went up and sat in.

Jia Xian was apprehensive, wiped the sweat from his forehead, came to the carriage looking out the window, and persuaded bravely, "Wait, ma'am..."

Just opened his mouth, seeing Xiao Qiao showing half of his face in the window, two eyes were cast towards him, and he immediately closed his mouth embarrassingly.

Xiao Qiao said lightly, "If General Jia doesn't want to **** me, I'll call someone else."

Jia Xi hurriedly said: "How did the lady say this? I have all selected it, and everything is at the command of the lady, and I'm on my way."

Xiao Qiao closed the window and sat back.

Jia Xi had no choice but to order and prepare to go on the road.

Before leaving, he quietly dispatched another subordinate, ordering him to quickly go to find Junhou and spread the word, saying that the lady was on her way, and she would go back to Yuyang first.

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