Gongsun Yang said: "My lord, calm down your anger. The female monarch dares to be disrespectful to the lord? She also has her own difficulties. As she said just now, the lord is the husband of the female lord, and Bishe is not an outsider. I would like to see the two fighting each other. There are inappropriate actions, which are excusable, and the lord should be considerate."

Wei Shao's face sank: "Why do you always speak for her, military advisor? What did she say in front of you just now? Did she tell you what I told you?"

Gongsun Yang had already realized that whenever a monarch was dissatisfied with him, the title would be changed from "Mr." to "Military Master", which must have gone against him again.

He hurriedly said, "Don't misunderstand the prince. The talented lady came to look for me, only to say that she had offended the prince, and I was afraid that the prince would no longer allow her to speak. In order to resolve the misunderstanding, she forwarded Bi She's letter to me. Meng The lord never gave up and used me as a military advisor for many years. It is not only a military advisor, a situation of Lingbi, and it is not a matter for the lord’s family, so I took the liberty to receive letters.”

"The military adviser doesn't need to say more! The matter of Lingbi, I have already decided, how could it be changed because of a woman?"

Gongsun Yang watched him.

His two eyes fell in the direction of the door, his eyes were straight, and his expression was strange. Although his tone was still stiff, he didn't seem to have seen much anger.

Gongsun Yang couldn't figure out what the prince was thinking at the moment. Then he presented the letter brought by the female gentleman Fang Cai to him and said, "This is a letter from Bi She. The lord can be seen."

Wei Shao retracted his gaze, glanced lightly, and didn't answer.

Gongsun Yang unfolded and read it from the beginning in cadence. After reading it, he said: "Whether the situation of Lingbi is worth the lord to fight like this, I have listed them all before, and the lord has always been wise and has high priorities. I know better than me what the priorities are. I don't dare to play an axe in front of the lord again. I'm just talking about Bishe's letters."

"Bishu was born as a refugee, killed Xue Tai, and defeated Yang Xin twice. There is no doubt that he has the talent of a general. In his letter, he did not pretend to be his lord and his brother-in-law. There are many contradictions between the lines. Sincerely, I said that if I have misunderstood the lord, I ask the lord to forgive me. He took the initiative to ask for peace with the lord. In this case, why doesn't the lord sell a love? The heart can control justice and say it, and it is bright in the four directions. Taste the nine virtues to Yu, saying: Generous and trembling, strict and gentle, strong and righteous, then it will show that Jue is permanent, auspicious!"

Wei Shao was silent.

Gongsun Yang suddenly coughed a few times, Wei Shao's brows moved slightly, he looked at him and was about to get up, Gongsun Yang waved his hand and stopped coughing: "I still remember that the day before the lord was seventeen years old, the old lady called me. During the dialogue, there were many emotions and joys. The old lady once asked Yu Yang how she looked at her. The sheep replied, the old lady was quick to get angry and exercised her power decisively, so the woman did not let her men. The memory is still fresh."

"The old lady said that the heart of a person is only grasped, but it is too small, but the power is large, but it can swallow hundreds of rivers, and it will benefit the whole life. Looking back half my life, the journey was difficult, and it is not worth saying that it is possible to have today. The only thing I feel is this.”

Wei Shao remained silent.

Gongsun Yang also stopped talking.

After a moment, I heard Wei Shao say coldly, "Sir, you must let me let go of that refugee leader, or else I'll be a narrow-minded person?"

Gongsun Yang smiled and said, "Why did the lord say this? If the lord is narrow-minded and cannot tolerate others, why are there so many good generals under his command who are willing to listen to the lord's advice?"

Wei Shao's eyes fell on the opposite door again, and he was lost. After a long while, he finally said: "Xu Shu Yang Xin, retreat."

Gongsun Yang was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "As ordered."

Wei Shao got up and went out.

Gongsun Yang sent him.

Wei Shao came to the door, remembered, and asked, "When will the envoy of Guo Quan arrive at Xindu?"

Guo Quan, the Marquis of Jibei, is adjacent to Yuan Zhe in Qingzhou. After Wei Shao has leveled the west, his power is even stronger. Guo Quan admires him. Like Yang Xin, he thinks that he is unable to compete for the world. If he is annexed by Yuan Zhe, it is better to rely on Wei Shao. Knowing that he is now stopped in Xindu, he sent an envoy to express his intention to serve.

Gongsun Yang said: "If you count the time on the road, it should be soon." He sent him down the steps under the porch, remembering the lady, and said: "The lady was very worried when she came. The lord went back to see the lady and called her. You will be happy when you hear the news."

Wei Shao stopped in his footsteps: "Counselor, although the leader of the refugees sent a letter today to ask for his favor, how could he know that he would not oppose me in the future? The reason why I didn't put it out, so I let it go, is to accept your advice, absolutely not My original intention has nothing to do with the woman. What if she likes it or not?"

Gongsun Yang was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly: "What the lord said is very true. The reason why the lord accepts my humble opinion is to tolerate the people. The battle of Lingbi was all about a misunderstanding. Once the misunderstanding has been eliminated, the lord will accept Bishe again. Asking for good intentions, this is all right! How can you have anything to do with a woman?"

Wei Shao ordered Gongsun Yang to stay behind, and strode away to the ya office. His mind was a little dazed. Suddenly, a guard on the opposite side greeted him and knelt down and said, "You are the only one who is just now, and General Jia has sent someone to pass the message, saying that the female Jun has already left, and General Jia will **** him and send him to report."

Wei Shao was taken aback: "Where did you go?"

The guard opened his mouth and shook his head blankly.

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly changed, he quickly exited the gate of the government office, stepped down the bluestone steps with one foot in a few steps, and got on his horse beside the tie-up stake. The passers-by saw that the horse was flying like a fly, and galloped away in the direction of the south gate of the city. They recognized that the figure on the horse seemed to be a prince, and they stopped and looked back.

Wei Shao chased to the gate of Nancheng in one breath, stopped his horse and looked at the southward galloping road, but when he saw that the road was extended, there were pedestrians coming and going from north to south, and when he reached the end of his line of sight, there was still yellow dust, but there was no trace of the carriage and horse, so he called the city gate guard. The official went to the front: "Could Jia Xi **** the carriage out of the city just now?"

Junhou came in such a hurry, inexplicable, and his expression was desperate. The guard was quite surprised and hurriedly said, "I'm here today, and I haven't seen General Jia leave the city."

Wei Shao was sure, turned around immediately, hurried back to the Xin Palace, and stepped into the room where the two lived in Sheyang Residence.

The room was empty, not only was there no one, but most of the things were missing. All her everyday objects were gone.

Wei Shao roared when someone came, and a few servants hurried over.

"Where is the lady?" Wei Shao snapped.

The maid was terrified and whispered, "Your Majesty, the maid is on her way, returning to Yuyang."

Wei Shao did not move.

The love between the lord and the marquis is unusual. Compared with the first marriage, the difference between heaven and earth is obvious to all the servants and maids in Sheyang Curie. I don't know what was wrong, but the lady left Junhou and returned to Yuyang first. Several people waited outside the door for a while. One of them was smarter and bolder. He looked up at the sky and said boldly: "When the lady left, the sun was still hanging, and now it was dark, and it seemed that the sky was about to change. It doesn't take much time, if you go after it, it's still too late..."

Before he could finish his words, he bumped into Jun Hou with a gloomy expression, two eyes cast coldly, and he fell silent.

After noon, the sun completely disappeared, and over Xindu, the clouds rolled up, and the darkness seemed like the sky was about to get dark. Before you arrived, the lights were already turned on in the room.

Wei Shao was alone in the study. The door is closed. The candle flames on the candlesticks were blown on and off by the wind that got in through the cracks in the doors and windows.

Wei Shao was a little uneasy. The soldier scroll in his hand has been on the same page for a long time. Finally dropped it. Before coming to the north window, I pushed it open.

The gust of wind rushed in, rolling the corners of his clothes to hunt, and all the candles on the candlestick behind him were extinguished in a row.

Wei Shao looked at the sky at the end of his line of sight to the north. There was a dark cloud over there, lightning tore through the clouds from time to time, and there was a faint rumbling sound of muffled thunder.

He was in a trance for a long time.

A drop of rain the size of a bean suddenly hit his cheek with the wind from the eaves.

Above the tile roof, there was a sound of raindrops falling densely like sifting beans.

Wei Shao felt a little cool.

It's autumn.

Late at night, it rained more and more.

A flash of lightning flashed outside the window. With another "click la la" sound, a Jiao Lei rolled over his head, almost breaking people's hearts.

Wei Shao opened his eyes, turned his face, and looked at the empty pillow.

She is the most timid and can't hear such lightning and thunder. If he was still lying beside him at this moment, he would have already got into his arms and begged him for protection.

Wei Shao's heart was empty, as if something had been dug out.

Another flash of lightning tore apart the lacquered night sky, illuminating half of the city of Xindu, as bright as day.

Amidst the pounding thunder, Wei Shao's heart seemed to be throbbing for a while. Suddenly, he rolled over to the ground and quickly put on his clothes. He went outside and took off the cloak and hat hanging on the wall. He pushed open the door and walked out. He landed on the steps in front of the door, stroking the spray all the way, and walked away quickly.

When Xiao Qiao went out in the afternoon, the sky was still fine. After noon, the sun was gradually obscured by clouds.

Before You Shi, the sky was as dark as night, and it started to rain again.

The heavier the rain, the more it poured. Along the galloping road, after walking for another ten miles in the wind and rain, I finally arrived at the post house and settled in.

The Yicheng prepared the Jingshe, and welcomed Xiaoqiao to live there.

The bedding was brought out by Chunniang herself. Chunniang knew that Xiao Qiao was afraid of lightning and thunder, so she slept with her that night.

Xiao Qiao couldn't sleep. Close your eyes and put your head under the covers.

Until the second half of the night, the thunder gradually faded, and finally I slowly closed my eyes.

Suddenly there was another muffled thunder in the distance.

Xiao Qiao woke up suddenly, her heart was beating wildly, she opened her eyes in the dark, and heard Chunniang's familiar sound of sleeping breathing, her heartbeat slowly calmed down.

She felt dry and a little suffocated. Without disturbing Chunniang, she gently climbed down from the bed, came to the table, poured half a cup of water, took a few sips, put it down, went to the window, and pushed open a small window that was soaked by the rain.

A gust of moist wind, carrying the coolness of the late night, rushed towards her.

Before I knew it, it was autumn again.

There was a rustling sound behind him. It seemed that Chun Niang was about to wake up.

Xiao Qiao closed the window and climbed back to the bed.

While Chunniang was half asleep, she stretched out her arms and touched Xiao Qiao's soft body, feeling a little cold, and hugged the quilt for her.

Xiao Qiao was finally tired. He closed his eyes and fell asleep listening to the rustling sound of falling rain on the tiles above his head.

I don't know how long it took, when I suddenly felt that someone was gently pushing me.

When she opened her eyes in confusion, she saw that a dim light was already on in the room. Chunniang didn't know when to get up, but at this moment she leaned over and was calling her softly.

"Female lord, male lord is here."

Xiao Qiao heard her say. There was a cautious tone in his tone.

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