The cold mansion in the western suburbs of Luoyang, called Wuyan Palace, was once a royal garden, but it has long since fallen. The palace is desolate smoke and grass, spider silk dust web.

Poor Han Emperor Liu Tong, who was raised to the throne of the puppet emperor at the age of seven, has not had a day of peace of mind. In the past, he was forced to be fortunate and arrogant, and he was trembling all day long. Now that I have been forced into the position of Zen and have been transferred to this cold palace, I know that Xingxun still saves his life, but it is just a cover for the world to see. , I fell ill not long after coming here, why did I ask the doctor for medicine? It's just self-inflicted.

In the blink of an eye, the first month of the following year, the weather was freezing cold, and Liu Tong had been imprisoned here for several months. On this day, I was in tears with my valet Song Qing. Suddenly, I heard a messy shout from outside the hall, mixed with the sound of knives and halberds intersecting. I thought that Xing Xun sent someone to kill him, and shivered with fright. They fled in the back garden, not a few steps away, when they heard the sound of chasing behind them, the two fell to the ground, closed their eyes and waited for the sword to slay, but heard a voice shout: "Your Majesty, don't be afraid! I'll wait. I'm here to save His Majesty from the cage!"

Liu Tong opened his eyes and recognized that the people were Wangba, the Duke of Zuodu, and Dong Cheng, the chief minister.

Xing Xun usurped the throne last year and proclaimed himself emperor, and he slaughtered a lot. Later, he learned that the emperor was imprisoned in Wuyan Palace, and there were only three or two valetes left by his side. He has always been on good terms with Chang Cheng Dong Cheng. A few days ago, they received a secret appointment from Dong Cheng, and the two met. Dong Cheng claimed that he had learned that Xing Xun was going to kill the deposed emperor in a few days. Wang Ba then made up his mind and secretly and quietly dismissed his family first. Today, he led dozens of guards who were loyal to him, broke into the cold palace, killed the guards of the cold palace, and came to rescue him.

Wang Ba and Dong Cheng knelt down and worshiped: "Fortunately, the old thief has gone against the sky, and people and gods are indignant! I learned that the old thief is trying to harm Your Majesty, take the opportunity to kill and save His Majesty from the cage, but you can go to Yongdi to join the clan first, and then Send an order to summon the princes of the world, King Qin, to protect my Han Dynasty!"

Liu Tongcai is only a ten-year-old boy. At this moment, his hands and feet are weak, and he has no way to move, and he has no idea of ​​his own. He was carried out of the cold palace by Wang Ba. Bloody, knowing that the king Ba Dong Cheng is a loyal minister of the Han family, he is sure to protect himself, and his heart is a little more settled.

Unexpectedly, without a single arrow, a chasing army came from the direction of Luoyang. The news was leaked, and Xu Jian, the guard of the North Palace, personally led two hundred soldiers and came to chase.

Wang Ba Dong Cheng was protecting Liu Tong and fled westward along the wild trail. He had only escaped for dozens of miles, and the pursuers had already arrived behind him. Although Wang Ba's accompanying guards fought desperately to resist, they were outnumbered and finally blocked in the wilderness. Seeing that there was no way to escape, Xu Jian picked up the knife and charged with murderous aura. Wang Ba was not afraid, and he would cry Liu Tong. Protected behind him, he angrily denounced Xu Jiangan as a lackey, and wept again: "My Han family has been killed for 400 years at the hands of old thieves! Even though I lost my life here today, I still have the heart of a lonely servant!"

When Xu Jian was crying, Dong Cheng looked anxious and looked around, as if waiting for someone.

Xu Jian didn't care so much, he raised his knife and grabbed Wang Ba's collar. When he raised the knife and fell, a yanling feather arrow suddenly shot from behind, hitting Xu Jian's back, and Xu Jian fell to the ground and died on the spot. Death.

Wang Ba originally thought he was killed here today, but suddenly he had a chance to turn around. He saw a group of soldiers and horses that did not fight the flag and rushed out diagonally. The treasure camel dragon armor, with a strong horse under its body, with a face like a crown of jade and a dignified expression, galloped in this direction. Can not help but stunned.

Those Nangong guards who followed Xu Jian, saw Xu Jian being shot to death, and another group of people rushed out from the slanting side, resisted for a while, and then fled.

The man dismounted and strode toward Wang Ba Dong Cheng.

Wang Ba escaped from the dead, still in disbelief, let alone recognizing this person, he was in shock. Seeing the young general approaching, he bowed to Liu Tongxing, who was still sitting on the ground, and said, "Chen Langya and Liu Yan, it's too late for the rescue! To frighten Your Majesty, you deserve to die!"

Wang Ba never imagined that Liu Yan, the king of Langya, would come down from the sky like a god, saving himself and all his people from danger.

Busy to see you.

Liu Yan said: "Marquis Zuodu is the minister of Zhechong of the Han Dynasty. Although I live in Langya, I have heard about it. Don't bother me. I just wanted to live in peace, but luckily I went against the sky and the people were angry. It's really sad and angry to learn that His Majesty was imprisoned in the cold palace. As a child of the Han family, how can you turn a blind eye! Take this opportunity to come and rescue him, God has eyes, and we meet here like this!"

Wang Ba is overjoyed. There, Dong Cheng also got up to meet Liu Yan. Several people hurriedly discussed.

Liu Yan pondered and said, "The old thief has left guards in Luoyang. Knowing that His Majesty has escaped, he will surely come after him. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Why don't you follow me on the road, go to Langya first, and then make a long-term plan."

Wang Ba Dong Cheng did not agree, he took up Liu Tong, and the group hurried to the east. All the way to disguise, avoid the pursuers, eat the wind and dew, and change the route, inevitably a lot of hard work.

Liu Tong had been ill for a long time, and he was frightened again.

This day finally arrived in Yangdu, only a few days away from Langya. Early in the morning, Liu Yan and Wang Ba Dong Cheng waited outside the room, waiting for Liu Tong to get up and go on his way. Breathing cut off, dead.

Everyone was horrified, looked at each other in dismay, and burst into tears.

Liang Ji, the commander of Yangdu, was a loyal minister of the Han family since his grandfather, and when he heard the news, he also came to pay his respects.

After the mourning, everyone discussed and unanimously elected Liu Yan to succeed him.

Liu Yan refused to accept it at first, saying that he could not sit on this throne without virtue. Wang Ba, Dong Cheng, Liang Ji and others knelt down one after another, begging bitterly, but Liu Yan had no choice but to agree.

At the moment, Langya is designated as the capital for the time being, offering sacrifices to the emperor, setting up provincial platforms, issuing edicts, and making announcements to the world.

When the news came out, the governors of nearby Muping, Donglai, Xiami and other places came to vote. In the Luoyang court, while Xing Xun did not return after raising his troops, more than 20 people including Taishi Dou Wu and doctor Deng Xun went to Langya one after another, and supported Liu Yan as emperor.

The small court established by Langya was regarded as the orthodox Han Dynasty by the world for a time, and Luoyang was reduced to the reverse capital.

On this day, the ministers met Liu Yan and discussed the matter of conquest of Xingxun.

Wangba, Dou Wu and others strongly advocated that while Xing Xun was fighting Wei Shao, they should send troops as soon as possible to restore Luoyang.

Speaking of excitement, everyone burst into tears.

Liu Yan verbally promised to appease everyone.

After everyone went, Dong Cheng was left to ask, "What's your opinion?"

Since two years ago, Dong Cheng has secretly become Liu Yan's slain.

Said: "Wang Ba Dou Wu is just showing his power. Although Your Majesty has prefects from all over the world to vote, they are only small forces and should not be of great use. Your Majesty's forces at hand are really limited. Even if To restore Luoyang, if you are fortunate enough to return, how can you resist? Your Majesty must not listen!"

Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How do you see the outcome of the battle between Xing Xun and Wei Shao?"

At the end of last year, after Xing Xun's two defeats, he was helped by Le Zhenggong. At the beginning of the year, when the Yellow River was frozen, the coalition forces crossed the river in large numbers.

At that time, the two sides fought Gaotang. Wei Shao judged the situation, retreated the defense line to Muye, and then counterattacked, using the previously constructed horn defense line to suppress the aggressive attack of the coalition forces.

Afterwards, the weather was bad, and the heavy snowstorms happened once in decades. The soldiers and horses of both sides froze to death. The head-to-head battle was temporarily suspended.

Dong Cheng pondered for a while, and said, "The old thief used 500,000 to 300,000 troops, and the strength is superior, but now he invites Le Zhenggong to join forces to fight, the fangs are prosperous, and the army crosses the Yellow River again, in my opinion. , Wei Shao doesn't have much chance of winning. What I worry about is that if this one wins the class, he will definitely lead a large army to attack your majesty.

Liu Yan was silent. Suddenly asked: "Yuan Zhe, is there any news?"

Soon after Liu Yan became emperor, he sent people to Qingzhou to meet Yuan Zhe.

Yuan Zhe has not responded so far.

Dong Cheng was about to shake his head when Liu Shanji stepped inside, holding a letterbox in his hand, knelt down and said that Yuan Zhe's messenger had arrived and was waiting for His Majesty to receive him outside the hall.

Liu Yan received the letter and hurriedly browsed it.

Yuan Zhe said in the letter that the Yuan family has been deeply favored by the emperor in all dynasties, and has always hated thinking and repaying. Now that the Han Dynasty has re-established the emperor of ZTE, he is so happy that he burst into tears, and is willing to lead the 200,000 troops and horses under his command to serve, and follow the urge to restore the society.

After reading it, Liu Yan moved his eyes slightly and forwarded the letter to Dong Cheng.

After Dong Cheng watched it, he was ecstatic at first, then worried, and said, "Your Majesty, Yuan Zhe has come to serve, I am afraid there are other plans, and Your Majesty has to guard against it."

Liu Yan walked to the window and looked out into the distance, his back seemed indifferent and motionless.

The hands he held on the window lattice, but gradually grasped, the more tightly he grasped. The knuckles are white, and the veins are exposed.

As his heart at the moment, set off a stormy sea.

After Yuan Zhe was defeated by Xing Xun the year before, his reputation was discredited, and he kept a low profile.

But even so, a dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse. His current strength is still incomparable no matter how painstakingly he manages it.

Now that he has accepted his persuasion and is willing to come to seek refuge, he must have other plans, and he is naturally clear in his heart.

But what does it matter?

There are so many people around him who embrace him as emperor, which one doesn't have their own thoughts?

Or in order to gain a name of loyalty through the ages, or for glory and wealth, let alone those who follow the wind and stick to the wood.

He desperately needs Yuan Zhe, just like Yuan Zhe needs to borrow his identity to regain his prestige now.

If so, why didn't he use it?

As for who will kill the deer in the end, it depends on the individual's ability.

He had waited for a long time for this day.

He will never let go of such an opportunity that once missed, it may not be possible for the second time in his life.

The hatred of the family and the country, the humiliation of taking a wife, and the unfeeling face of the beloved woman who would come out from the bottom of her heart every night when she couldn't sleep, and said to her that the past could no longer be pursued. The ground turned into a fiery fire, and it started to burn from the bottom of his heart, burning his veins, and his soul was about to turn to ashes.

"It is proposed that Yuan Zhe be designated as the Great Sima, Great General, with a golden seal and a purple ribbon, and come quickly as King of Qin."

He turned around slowly and said in a calm tone.

On the wasteland of Muye, the north wind whistled and the snow was flying.

In this place, which is only seventy miles away from Chaoge, there was a legend of the white and yellow toadstools and the red bird flowing house.

And it's freezing cold today.

As far as the eye can see, everything is covered with snow.

This is a cold and severe winter that has been hard to come by in decades.

Although the season has already entered into spring and February, the weather shows no sign of warming.

The bad weather has seriously hindered the progress of the war.

Every day news of soldiers and war horses freezing to death is reported.

Frostbite is even more numerous.

Such a situation made it impossible for Wei Shao to successfully organize a frontal battle against the Xing Xun Lezhenggong coalition.

The problems that plagued him also troubled Xing Xun Le Zhenggong.

After the last Gaotang War, Shuangfang did not engage in a large-scale frontal battle.

It's just a few painless encounters one after another.

No one will take the initiative to attack easily, but they are also unwilling to retreat.

Now separated by the old route of the Yellow River, they each set up camps, looking at each other, waiting for the weather to improve, and waiting for the opportunity to give each other a fatal blow.

This confrontation has been going on for more than half a month.

When the day was over, it started to get dark.

Wei Shao's boots stepped on the snow as thick as his calf and made a creaking sound, leaving deep footprints one by one in the snow.

He came back from patrolling the terrain along the old Yellow River. Fast forward to the gate, and with the last bit of light left, from a distance, I saw a soldier standing upright in the corner of the wall of the camp, holding a long spear in his hand, motionless.

A layer of snow fell on his helmet and shoulders.

Wei Shao stopped.

Lei Yan ran over quickly.

After returning, his expression was heavy and he said in a low voice, "Already dead."

Wei Shao watched the dead soldier standing there, silent for a moment, then turned around and entered the gate.

He entered the central army tent, and just took off his snow-covered pockets and cloaks, when he heard footsteps outside the tent, Gongsun Yang and Wei Quan came.

Gongsun Yang has been coughing badly recently.

Wei Shao was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the severe cold, so he specially ordered to double the heating charcoal salary in his tent.

Seeing him come in, before he could speak, he coughed a few times before saying, "The weather is severe, sir, if you have something to do, please send someone a message, and I can go to the camp, sir."

Gongsun Yang waved his hand and said, "In the daytime, there is news that the abolished emperor has passed away, Liu Yan was embraced and proclaimed emperor by Wang Ba Dong Cheng and others, and Yuan Zhe joined the army and was named the Great Sima."

Wei Shao sat behind the case, his figure did not move, only a pair of eyes narrowed slightly.

Wei Quan said: "It is reasonable to say that when Liu Yan became emperor, since he was helped by Yuan Zhe's 200,000 soldiers and horses, it would be reasonable to take advantage of this opportunity to send troops to occupy Luoyang. Only the spies reported him, but he did not move, and it seemed that he had no intention of occupying Luoyang. "

Wei Shao said lightly: "What's so confusing. If Liu Yan sends troops to attack Luoyang at this time, Xing Xun will definitely return to save himself. Wouldn't this give me a chance? All he thought was me and Xing Xun. Zhenggong will suffer both losses first, and then he will seek the benefit of the fisherman."

Wei Quan said: "My lord is right. Although the weather is very cold now, once the blizzard is stopped, we can start a war. It is expected that it will be no later than the end of the month. Liu Yan, Yuan Zhe and others should not be afraid. That's what the Allied Forces are."

Wei Shao got up from the couch, paced for a while in the central army tent, and stopped, "What do you think about the battle now, sir and Chang Shi?"

Gongsun Yang and Wei Quan looked at each other and said, "Fortunately, Xun has received the help of Lezheng Gong. Now the troops are far superior to me, and the soldiers are proud. This battle is not to seize the city, and to attack is by no means the best strategy."

Wei Shao pondered, and said: "Sir, what I think coincides with me. Today I go to the old road of the Yellow River, and I climb up to see the enemy camp. Separated by a fence. Another spy news, a few days ago, there was a fight between the soldiers of the two armies..."

He stopped. He hurried to the front of the case, took chopsticks and dipped the wine in the wine bottle, made a mark on the case, and then cut it in half.

"Xun Xun can join forces with Le Zhenggong, and I want them to be separated!"

Wei Quan smiled and said, "My lord is wise! I came to see my lord with a military advisor, and that's exactly why. I heard that Le Zhenggong had won a counselor named Zhu Zeng, who was highly valued by him, but he used to be Xing Xun's staff. This Zhu Zeng has a lot to write about!"

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